Moneymaker |
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Our New Ideas Correspondent writes:
Chardnet is really a community of people helping themselves and others like them. It is a forum of ideas and plans. Whilst we hope and trust that you are gaining from reading us online just think how much you could profit if you had a regular stream of other people utilising a plan or scheme devised by you. Have you dreamt up a marketable scheme ? If the answer is yes then utilise the wonderful facilities available from Drummond & Co through Chardnet. Thousands of people are utilising our website throughout the world. Not just with profit making ideas but as you can see elsewhere on this page by utilising the net to help them communicate. I am here at Chardnet to assist YOU to get onto the net and promote your website. Within
days from now you can be dealing with a stream of enquiries. The other
schemes here have been devised by people like you. So join in.
So your website is getting visitors, but not enough are buying. A common online problem, unfortunately. Here are twelve common faults found with websites that don't sell. If you answer no to any of them, you need to take action. 1) Does your text focus on emphasizing the benefits and the results the customer will get from purchasing and using it? Sales
copy needs to be focused on the benefits to the end user,not on the
of the product. List the features, and then Brainstorm
to come up with a list of benefits. Rank them in order of importance.
mention them in order throughout the text, 3) Does you text stimulate the emotions? People
buy with the heart not the head - so try and stimulate emotions - use
to paint a picture of life after they've 4)) Does the headline grab and draw you in? You've
got to try to stop them dead in their tracks with the headline. Use the
best benefit of your product, and create interest
5) Do you have a call to action? People
put off decisions, even if they're 90% sold on your product, they may
decide to "sleep on it". Don't let them have time
6) Does your website load and function ok? Slow
load times may cause people to get impatient and go elsewhere, even
it registers a visit. Do all links work, and more
7) Do you have any testimonials from satisfied customers? Testimonials
are everywhere online, and people expect them as a matter of course.
those who have purchased what they thought -email them a simple
satisfaction survey, offer a freebie 8) Do you take a credit cards? I shouldn't really have to ask this now should I? It's a plain fact that you are going to lose a huge amount of customers if you don't accept them. 9) Are you absolutely sure there's a market for it? Does anyone else sell anything similar -if so, there should be a market for it. If it's a highly unique product, did you do a survey or market research to see if anyone wanted to buy it? If not, canvass opinion from forums and newsgroups. 10) Is your website easy on the eye? Strong colors can make text difficult to read -it doesn't matter how good your offer is, if someone gets a headache looking at the screen there going to give up. 11) Do you offer a guarantee? Most people are wary of getting "scammed" online, so remove those doubts - offer a guarantee. Make it as unconditional as you can. 12) Can you compete with your competitors? Do
you have any big competitors who are just cornering the market and
you away"? Are customers just visiting your site to "comparison
and returning to your competitor to buy. If this is a
try to devise a unique selling point (USP) which differentiates your
from others - perhaps you can compete on quality, benefits, or price.
the Once
you can honestly answer "yes" to all the above questions, it's just a
of constant fine-tuning until you get a decent
![]() ![]() The
Informed Investor is now operating a new and lucrative advertising
Approved companies may advertise their wares by utilising a section of
the Informed Investor. The Informed Investor will not charge for the
as such. Instead they will work out with you a % to be paid to The
Investor on business resulting from the advert. Therefore you take no
when you advertise. Ours policy is to make all advertisers happy.
Ok...the full scoop... I discovered it... The ultimate secret to creating a real money-machine on the Internet! A Money-Machine That Can Not Be Stopped! A money
machine that, once you get it started, will continue to advertise
without you doing anything more. After I discovered this strategy
of ideas started pouring into my mind. The possibilities are
unlimited. It still amazes me to this day how many have not caught onto
So what is this secret ? Ok...this is it, in 2 parts... First: Second: Although
the major reason sex sites make a lot of money in the first place is
the word 'sex' is the #1 most searched for word on the Internet.
but true. The This
concept takes advantage of a habit of human nature we
The desire to Have It Now - better known as Immediate Gratification! Think
about it, if you really want something, what would you
simple fact that your customer will get it now can increase your sales
by 100 times - It is absolutely Do
you have a report, book, cd or software product that can be downloaded
online? If so you have the makings of an incredible money-maker. All
need to do is make it available for download - create a super hot page
packed with Now, the second part... There
are literally hundreds of thousands of web sites out there who are
for referral deals so they can make their pages more profitable. What
a referral deal? Very simple, the web site owner places a banner or
of I
have a report that explains how to get your site setup with
of the people on the net that want to make money DO NOT
say you've got it all set up...how does it grow
very simple. As people come to order from other sites
own site has continued to grow exactly like I've told you
you really want to make money on the internet, and don't
Come on you lively readers keep my page going by emailing me your submissions ![]() email me at : info@wessextouristboard.org.uk
Going Platinum offers you a gateway to the Internet along with all of the content, features, tools and resources that you have come to expect from your online experience. The Going Platinum Community is currently in the final stage of development. Fully launched, Going Platinum will provide rich content, a search engine/directory, three shopping malls, an auction, classifieds, a virtual office, a feature-rich instant messenger, games, personal websites, clubs, groups, forums, chats, and the opportunity to make the Internet work for you. From pets to politics, from Wall Street to Hollywood and baseball to cricket, you'll have access to anything and everything the Internet has to offer. You’ll find it all in one easy-to-use website at goingplatinum.com, your new home on the Internet. It's all yours, and we mean that literally. A percentage of the revenue generated from every feature will be paid to you! |
"My first thought was that he had robbed a bank", says the 41-year-old woman, "There was over $71,000 dollars in that bag -- that's more than my husband earns in a year". The woman immediately called her husband at the car-dealership where he worked to tell him what she had discovered.He came home right away and they drove together to the boys school and picked him up.Little did they suspect that where the money came from was more shocking than actually finding it in the closet. As it turns out, the boy had been sending out, via E-mail, a type of "Report" to E-mail addresses that he obtained off the Internet. Everyday after school for the past 2 months, he had been doing this right on his computer in his bedroom. "I just got the E-mail one day and I figured what the heck, I put my name on it like the instructions said and I started sending it out", says the clever 15-year-old. The E-mail letter listed 5 addresses and contained instructions to send one $5 dollar bill to each person on the list, then delete the address at the top and move the others addresses Down , and finally to add your name to the top of the list. The
letter goes on to state that you would receive several thousand dollars
in five-dollar bills within 2 weeks if you sent out the letter with
name at the top of the 5-address list. "I get junk E-mail all the time,
and really did not think it was going to work", the boy
Within the first few days of sending out the E-mail, the Post Office Box that his parents had gotten him for his video-game magazine subscriptions began to fill up with not magazines, but envelopes containing $5 bills. "About
a week later I rode [my bike] down to the post office and my box
had 1 magazine and about 300 envelops stuffed in it. There was also a
slip that said I had to go up to the [post office] counter.
didn't want the banks to get suspicious so I kept riding to different
with like five thousand at a time in my backpack. I would usually tell
the lady at the bank counter that my dad had sent me in to exchange the
money] and he was outside waiting for me.One time the lady gave me a
strange look and told me that she would not be able to do it for me and
my dad would have to come in and do it, but I just rode to the next
down the street (laughs)." Every five-dollar bill that he received contained a little note that read, "Please send me report number XYX".This simple note made the letter legal because he was exchanging a service (A Report on how-to) for a five-dollar fee. [This is the end of the media release. If you would like to understand how the system works and get your $71,000 - please continue reading. What appears below is what the 15 year old was sending out on the net - YOU CAN USE IT TOO - just follow the simple instructions]. BE
DUE TO THE RECENT INCREASE OF POPULARITY & RESPECT THIS PROGRAM HAS ATTAINED, IT IS CURRENTLY WORKING BETTER THAN EVER. Note* follow the directons below, I had best results the second time when i hired a bulk email service in addition to following the reports instructions. In order for all of us to be successful, many, many emails must be sent so that the returns are many. I have been extremely successful using the following company. They send out the offers, and all I do is accept money for reports, then I send back to the people as soon as possible. This is what one had to say: "Thanks to this profitable opportunity. I was approached many times before but each time I passed on it. I am so glad I finally joined just to see what one could expect in return for the minimal effort and money required. To my astonishment, I received total $610,470.00 in 21 weeks, with money still coming in". Pam Hedland, Fort Lee, New Jersey. Here is another testimonial: "This program has been around for a long time but I never believed in it. But one day when I received this again in the mail I decided to gamble my $25 on it. I followed the simple instructions and walaa ..... 3 weeks later the money started to come in. First month I only made $240.00 but the next 2 months after that I made a total of $290,000.00. So far, in the past 8 months by re- entering the program, I have made over $710,000.00 and I am playing it again. The key to success in this program is to follow the simple steps and NOT change anything." More testimonials later but first,
When you place your order, make sure you order each of the 5
You will need all 5 reports so that you can save them on your computer.
Within a few days you will receive, vie e-mail, each of the 5
- DO NOT alter the names of the people who are listed next to each
or their sequence on the list, in any way other than what is instructed
below in step "1 through 6" or you will loose out
After you have ordered all 5 reports, take this advertisement and
the name & address of the person in REPORT # 5. This person has
it through the cycle and is no doubt counting their fortune.
MAKE SURE you copy every name & address ACCURATELY!
#1: BY SENDING BULK E-MAIL LEGALLY With a 0.2% response, that is only 10 orders for report # 1. Those 10 people responded by sending out 5,000 e-mail each for a total of 50,000. Out of those 50,000 e-mails only 0.2% responded with orders. That equals 100 people responded and ordered Report # 2. Those 100 people mail out 5,000 e-mails each for a total of 500,000 e-mails. The 0.2% response to that is 1000 orders for Report #3. Those 1000 people send out 5,000 e-mails each for a total of 5 million e-mails sent out. The 0.2% response to that is 10,000 orders for Report #4. Those
10,000 people send out 5,000 e-mails each for a total of 50,000,000 (50
million) e-mails. The 0.2% response to that is 100,000 orders for
#5. THAT'S 100,000 ORDERS TIMES $5 EACH=$500,000.00 (half
TO. Dare to think for a moment what would happen if everyone or half or
even one 4th of those people mailed 100,000e-mails each or more? There
are over 150 million people on the Internet worldwide and counting.
me, many people will do just that, and more!
strongly suggest you start with Method #1 and add METHOD #2 as you go
For every $5 you receive, all you must AVAILABLE
REPORTS = REPORT #1: The Insider's Guide to Advertising for Free on the Net Order Report #1 from: M. Eiseman P.O.Box 451971 Sunrise, FL 33345-1971 REPORT #2: The Insider's Guide to Sending Bulk e-mail on the Net Order Report #2 from: GM Boland 353 Jonestown Rd Winston-Salem, N. C. 27104 REPORT #3: Secret to Multilevel marketing on the Net Order Report #3 from: Mrs. Caroline Abee 113 Ervin Ave NE Valdese, NC 28690-9601 REPORT #4: How to become a millionaire utilizing MLM & the Net Order Report #4 from: L. Samon P. O. Box 31 Castletown Isle of Man IM99 5XP
Tel: +44(0) 845 868 2810
Fax : +44(0)
845 862 1954
you do not receive at least 10 orders for Report #1 within 2 weeks,
sending e-mails until you do. ===3D
Once you have received 100 or more orders for Report #2,
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