3 December 2010
Blatter 'drunk' secret FIFA voting footage
'Bonded Envelope': "Diamonds are Forever Sepp. From Russia with Love
xxx" FIFA
president Sepp Blatter was 'drunk' and 'arrogantly dictating to FIFA
delegates who to vote for', according to sensational smuggled camera
video footage recorded during the secret World Cup voting in
Zürich on Thursday. In
the video footage*, shot secretly by an investigative Italian website,
Blatter can clearly be seen stumbling amongst the seated delegates,
chatting with them and openly shaking hands with those members who were
apparently going along with his voting wishes.One
expert who watched the footage earlier says "Blatter is clearly drunk -
with power. The delegates patently afraid of him and his bullying
the fact that he gets carried away with his posturing and falls flat on
his face doesn't stop him staggering up to his feet and carrying on
with his swaggering rail-roading of delegates, to get his desired
voting result."Later
footage of the voting process shows Blatter carefully inserting the
result of the winning bid in a gold envelope, whilst appearing to
double-check a large bonded brown envelope containing what looks to be
precious gems and stashing it into his back trouser pocket. (This is a
Spoof ... below we expose the 20 of the delegate turds who voted!)
Jack " I spit on you" Warner
Quatar's 2 Spectators
In selecting Qatar, the tiny emirate in the
heart of the Middle East, FIFA chose to bring the World Cup to a Muslim
nation for the first time. A desire to make history, and the
opportunity to partner with the natural gas fortune of the Qatari royal
family, ultimately proved irresistible to FIFA. Qatar has promised to
spend $4 billion to build nine stadiums, renovate three others and
equip all of them with a high-tech, outdoor air conditioning system to
combat summer temperatures that can reach 120 degrees during the day.
The country has vowed to spend another $50 billion on infrastructure
ahead of the tournament.
The story above is a satire or
parody. It is entirely fictitious. The Turds figurines are
available from:
Phillips in Rio de Janeiroguardian.co.uk,
Brazil World Cup in disarray as construction falls way behind schedule
Fifa anxious
as work has started at only six of the 12 stadiums chosen for 2014,
while locals query choice of venues
And so to 2014. Three years ago, when Brazil was unveiled as the host
of the next World Cup, the country's president, Luiz Inácio Lula
da Silva, promised a tournament so well organised that even his
country's greatest rivals – the Argentinians – would be unable to
criticise it. Now, however, even Brazilians are starting to speak out
against the lack of progress in stadium construction and infrastructure
projects, amid concern over corruption and bad planning and calls for
the number of host cities to be cut from 12 to 10.
Speaking in May to Brazilian journalists in South Africa, Fifa's
secretary general, Jérôme Valcke, was blunt. "It is
incredible how behind Brazil is," he said. "Many deadlines have gone by
and nothing has happened. Brazil is not on the right track."
Government authorities openly admit how behind their plans they are.
"The World Cup is just around the corner," Brazil's sports minister,
Orlando Silva, admitted in a recent interview. "From 12 July onwards we
will become the focus. We have to quicken our pace."
Brazil's ambitious 2014 bid included plans for five new stadiums, in
Salvador, Recife, Cuiabá, Manaus and Natal. Seven other stadiums
are supposed to be given radical makeovers in order to meet Fifa
regulations. But according to reports in the Brazilian media,
construction work has begun only in six of the 12 stadiums, with
serious question marks hanging over the long-term financial viability
of several of the projects in cities where games usually attract only a
few thousand fans.
"None of these projects have taken off because all of
the money is coming from the public sector; a very, very good
indication that they are not financially viable," says Christopher
Gaffney, a geography professor at the Universidade Federal Fluminense
in Rio, who describes the stadiums as a "disaster foretold".
Ricardo Araújo, an economist and expert in stadium management
who runs
a blog dedicated to charting the progress of Brazilian stadium
construction, believes Brazil's World Cup bid was destined to face
problems from the moment the 12 host cities were selected. "The first
mistake was the choice of the host cities – the whole process was
political," says Araújo, who argues that the Brazilian football
association, the CBF, opted for 12 host cities rather than a more
manageable 10 as a result of pressure from its president, Ricardo
Teixeira, who sees himself as a possible successor to the Fifa
president, Sepp Blatter, and was keen to garner support from regional
football federations.
"The first criteria used to select host cities should be about sport.
Does the city have football, does it have strong local teams? There is
no point in taking the World Cup to a great city with roads, a
beautiful airport and hotels if it has no football clubs," said Araujo.
Yet instead of opting for cities such as Belém or Goiânia,
respected local clubs and large numbers of fans, the authorities
decided to use cities such as Manaus in the Amazon, which was chosen
over its regional neighbour Belém, and Brazil's capital,
Brasília. "It
isn't true to say that a country's capital must be a host city. You
need to have games where there are crowds and above all where the are
going to be crowds after the World Cup," Araujo said.
"Belém has a strong footballing tradition, it has
that have played in the first division and in the Libertadores Cup and
has a good crowd average. Manaus on the other hand has virtually no
football at all. It has one club in the Serie D with an average of
around 1,000 fans per game. You cannot think about building a stadium
for half a dozen games that then closes after the World Cup."
Concerns over Brazil's preparations for the 2014 World Cup are not
limited to the stadiums. While Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, the
country's two largest cities, boast large numbers of hotels, other host
cities, particularly Brasília, fall woefully short of the mark.
Transport is also a major problem. Even in the country's affluent
south-east, motorways are often crater-ridden dual carriageways; in the
poorer north-east and mid-west their standard is frequently
life-threateningly bad. Many of Brazil's airports are currently
stretched to breaking point by demand, while multibillion- dollar plans
for a TGV-style "bullet train" between Rio and São Paulo have
to get off the ground.
In January this year the government announced that R$20.1bn
would be spent preparing Brazil for the World Cup, including R$2.5bn on
airport improvements and R$1bn on hotels. But analysts believe that
even with that cash injection Brazil is unlikely to make significant
progress until at least next year.
Araujo dismissed the suggestion that the delays might lead Fifa to host
the 2014 World Cup elsewhere, as some sections of the Brazilian media
have suggested. "The big problem will not be about hosting the event,
the World Cup is not at risk," he said. "The big risk is about us,
about Brazil, about white elephants and about several billions being
poured down the drain on stadiums that will never be used after the
World Cup." |
The Sexy World Cup 2010
Ivory Coast
New Zealand
Serbia |
The Pictorial Beautiful Game

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Football is the most
high profile sport in the world and with the World Cup about to start,
the game is back in the spotlight. Footballers
today are not just sportsmen , they are role models for young people
around the world. The respect campaign is now being rolled out across
the World at grassroots level and that is a something that all coaches
at youth level should be implementing at this time, but will it make a
difference to our young players when every weekend our professional
players show little if any respect for our referees and linesmen, how
can the FA expect use as coaches at grassroots level to implement
these procedures when our youngsters are seeing their role models
constantly surrounding referees and linesmen arguing over every 50-50
decision they make.
I know that football is a passionate game and that some times perhaps
referees make bad decisions, but then there only human all of use make
mistakes, Ill ask you this how often do you see professional rugby
players arguing with the ref during a game, and if you watched the last
rugby world cup then you will know that the during game play you could
hear everything the ref said to the players and the players addressed
the referee as “SIR”.In order to promote this may we suggest that FIFA
add a Green Card to the Referee's kit in order to praise players who
show good sportsmanship and fair play during the World Cup. The Green
Cards should then be added up and a special award given to the player
who has most green cards. We shall be nominating Green Cards throughout
the World Cup.


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Football (8992)
are currently set to local time, please click here to convert to
your time zone. 
may have left these shores but John Terry is a great disciple. As we
can all see he is still the captain on the field. Just as England were
faltering he did a "Jose" by taking the flack himself and being
contraversial. Throughout the qualifying group matches the English
defence has only conceded one freakish goal which could not be blamed
on the five outfield players. In fact it was Stephan Gerrard fritting
back and forth across Dempsey of the USA who allowed the freakish shot
that Rob Green fumbled. Terry, Ashley Cole, Johnson, Carragher, King
and Upson have all played their part. It is our offensive side that has
let us down. Still we are through despite this. Whilst we all recognise
the talent of Wayne Rooney, he is clearly not 100% fit and
sentimentality keeps him in we should remember that in 1966 Sir Alf
Ramsey left out our golden goalscorer, Jimmy Greaves, after injury and
his replacement Geoff Hurst was the goal hero. Even Steve Gerrard has
had a poor season with Liverpool and is clearly not at the top of his
form. Remember England HAVE NOT LOST A MATCH. The French hardly
qualified for the finals, so why is everyone surprised at their
performances. England, on the other hand, qualified with ease under the
captaincy of John Terry. If we lose the people to blame are obvious "
THE NEWS OF THE WORLD". England fans should boycott it- they could have
ruined our summer.
At last Some
sexy gals.It seems that the authorities in South Africa are taking a
leaf out of the book of their old masters the Africaans. Is this new
bright state really so prudish as to prosecute a few girls in Orange
Dresses? or is it that once again that Money is in control? I
suspect the latter. Because it has been so cold in South Africa we are
being starved of beautiful fans parading their wares. Instead we have
seen wooly hats , gloves and scarves. The South African police
spokesman said ""the women were
suspected to be involved in organised acts to conduct unlawful
commercial activities".
This sounds like they are "ladies of the Night". Come off it... Erica Roe streaked
across Twickenham and brought thousands of new rugby fans. In fact more
people go to our rugby site to see her picture than to read about
rugby. One girl on our golf page "Belinda Kerr" has been
viewed over a million times. (She is a New Zealand golfer but bears the
name Belinda, who is a South American Pop Star- hence the views.) The Wimbledon Streaker
& the Athena Tennis poster get most views on our Tennis pages.
Do we have to abide the face of Maradonna instead. If Twiggy goes to
the matches will M & S be prosecuted?
The Kaiser Was
Defeated in 1919 and 1966- Is he still at it?
“What I saw of the English in
their 1-1 draw against the USA had very little to do with football,”
Beckenbauer said. “It looked to me as if the English have gone
backwards into the bad old days of kick and rush. “I am not sure if the
England coach, Fabio Capello, can
still change much there. The English are being punished for the fact
that there are very few English players in the English Premier League
clubs, as they use better foreign players from all over the world.”(Is
that why Michael Ballack, the German Star, couldn't hold down a first
team place at Chelsea who have now dispensed with his services?)
Beckenbauer(The Kaiser) was born in the post-war ruins of Munich,
the second son of postal-worker Franz Beckenbauer, Sr. and his wife
Antonie. He grew up in the working-class district of Giesing. We note
that a certain Kaiser, who
once swept unsuccesfully at Wembley in 1966, is having a go at England
for using a "long ball". May we humbly tell this bespectacled old man
that England are using the same ball as everyone else. It is meant to
be round, not long. If he wishes we shall be pleased to recommend him
to an optician in order that he can see the same as everyone else. It
only took 4 mins for England to short pass the ball through the USA
defence. Unfortunately it was a long ball from Dempsey that equalised
for the USA. But then maybe the myopic Gentleman thought he was
watching an old American boxer throwing a sucker punch at Gene Tunny.
& Shaun Wright-Phillips have lost their kit
Fifa president Sepp Blatter has
revealed that he telephoned
France captain Thierry Henry to offer him support over his
controversial handball in the World Cup play-off win over Ireland.
"I called Thierry, because he tried to get in touch with me," Blatter
told French newspaper L'Equipe. "He was honest by admitting that he did
use his hand, but it wasn't his responsibility to tell the referee.
I was a centre forward in my junior team, I definitely gained an
advantage by pulling a defender's jersey in order to score a goal. And
I didn't go and see the referee to tell him about it." Blatter's
remarks are incredible as he seems to be condoning cheating within the
game & it certainly makes a mockery of FIFA's Fair Play code. To
quote Blatter prior to the start of the World Cup qualifying campaign -
play should come before anything else ... These qualifying matches must
epitomise fair play. They should encapsulate the sporting, moral and
ethical principles for which Fifa has always stood. And they must leave
a lasting impression!". Blatter's words sound very hollow
considering he has basically said that cheating is fine as long as you
don't get caught. Its
difficult to see how he can support Fair Play within the game on the
one hand and on the other, ring the perpetrator of the cheating to
console him and offer him his support.
Article one of the FIFA fair play code reads as follows :
"Winning is without value if victory has been achieved unfairly or
dishonestly. Cheating is easy, but brings no pleasure. Playing fair
requires courage and character. It is also more satisfying. Fair play
always has its reward, even when the game is lost. Playing fair earns
respect, while cheating only brings shame. Remember: it is only a game.
And games are pointless unless played fairly." The Fifa
president had previously refused to comment on the incident, prompting
criticism from Football Association of Ireland (FAI) chief executive
John Delaney. France's play-off with Ireland was poised at 1-1
on aggregate in the second leg in Paris when Henry controlled the ball
with his hand twice before teeing up William Gallas for the decisive
goal,the linesman had a clear view of the Henry handball yet for some
reason failed to make any signal to the referree about the act of
blatant cheating by the French forward. The cheating incident sparked
furious protests from the Irish players that were taken up by the Irish
government. The revelation that Blatter
personally contacted Henry follows soon after the announcement by UEFA
boss Michel Platini that the play-off's for the next European
Qualifying Championships will be weighted heavily in favour of the
bigger nations, with the play-off draw being seeded and the teams
offered the chance to play the second leg at home.
The first World Cup Casualty is Lord
Triesman of the English FA. He had a spat of Foot & Mouth when
chatting up a young lady he had been seeing.
He now stays behind with that leader of men Wayne Bridge who fell out
with his former love "John Terry"
Billion Condoms For The World Cup
South Africa is hosting the World Cup this
summer, but that's not
the only thing they plan on hosting. They expect a lot of sex - a
billion of sex to be exact. No, that's not hyperbole, either.
where there is lots of intermingling and sex, there is a slew of
sexually transmitted diseases.
That's why health ministers in South Africa have ordered a billion
condoms to be sent to the country for the upcoming World Cup soccer
matches. That total is nearly double the demands in previous
years and
roughly ten times more what the Winter Olympics required in Vancouver.
Albeit it was a much smaller supply, the Winter Olympics were in need
of a refill on their intial stock, so maybe the World Cup is overly
preparing for the sexy times to not make the same mistake the Olympics
made -- leaving genitals unbagged.
Either way, that's a lot of expected sexual healing for the soccer
players, fans, and tourists in South Africa this summer. And in the
country that has the highest HIV numbers in the world, it's not such a
bad idea for the World Cup to make sure they have more than jock
support on the soccer fields. |

wonder Anelka Left.

South Africa

but Good Fun

Ease & Flair
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& Great Value

A Tragedy in three Parts
Korean Republic

Qualified by Hard Work

Failed but Progessing
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Negative &


Great Effort
from a Nation of 2 Million- Au Revoir

Top- Never Say
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