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from The WessexTourist Board

 Places of Interest in & around the Mendips in Somerset
Mendip Eateries Mendip Gardens Mendip Golf Mendip Hotels Mendip Horse Riding Mendip Tennis
Otherwise known as Somersetshire, the modern county of Somerset covers 1,365 square miles and has a population of 450,000. Somerset has the smallest City in the UK at Wells in the UK and some wonderful market towns. Frome, Glastonbury, Shepton Mallet, Street & Wells are  the five Mendip 'towns. Mendip is one of the most beautiful areas of Britain and includes not only the Mendip Hills, from which it takes its name, but also parts of the Somerset Levels, the caves at Wookey, the smallest city and the largest village in England.  It also contains the supposed site of the mythical Isle of Avalon.
Avalon (probably from the Welsh word afal, meaning apple;  is a legendary island featured in the Arthurian legend. It first appears in Geoffrey of Monmouth's 1136 pseudohistorical account Historia Regum Britanniae ("The History of the Kings of Britain") as the place where King Arthur's sword Excalibur (Caliburnus) was forged and later where Arthur was taken to recover from his wounds after the Battle of Camlann. Avalon was associated from an early date with immortal beings such as Morgan le Fay.
Around 1190, Avalon became associated with Glastonbury, when monks at Glastonbury Abbey claimed to have discovered the bones of Arthur and his queen. It is in the work of Gerald of Wales we find this connection made for the first time and it clearly draws on Geoffrey:

    What is now known as Glastonbury was, in ancient times, called the Isle of Avalon. It is virtually an island, for it is completely surrounded by marshlands. In Welsh it is called Ynys Afallach, which means the Island of Apples and this fruit once grew in great abundance. After the Battle of Camlann, a noblewoman called Morgan, later the ruler and patroness of these parts as well as being a close blood-relation of King Arthur, carried him off to the island, now known as Glastonbury, so that his wounds could be cared for. Years ago the district had also been called Ynys Gutrin in Welsh, that is the Island of Glass, and from these words the invading Saxons later coined the place-name 'Glastingebury'.

Though no longer an island in the twelfth century, the high conical bulk of Glastonbury Tor had been surrounded by marsh before the surrounding fenland in the Somerset Levels was drained. As Gerald says Glastonbury's earliest name in Welsh was Ineswitrin (or Ynys Witrin), the Isle of glass, a name noted by earlier historians which shows that the location was at one point seen as an island. The discovery of the burial is described by chroniclers, notably Gerald of Wales, as being just after King Henry II's reign when the new abbot of Glastonbury, Henry de Sully, commissioned a search of the abbey grounds. At a depth of 5 m (16 feet) the monks discovered a massive treetrunk coffin and a leaden cross bearing the inscription: Hic jacet sepultus inclitus rex Arthurus in insula Avalonia. ("Here lies renowned King Arthur in the island of Avalon"). 
Accounts of the exact inscription vary, with five different versions existing. The earliest is by Gerald in "Liber de Principis instructione" c.1193, and he says he saw the cross, and it read: "Here lies buried the famous King Arthur with Guinevere his second wife in the isle of Avalon".
 Inside the coffin were two bodies, who Giraldus refers to as Arthur and "his queen"; the bones of the male body were described as being gigantic. The account of the burial by the chronicle of Margam Abbey says three bodies were found, the other being of Mordred.  In 1278, the remains were reburied with great ceremony, attended by King Edward I and his queen, before the High Altar at Glastonbury Abbey, where they were the focus of pilgrimages until the Reformation.

The Glastonbury burial is tainted with the suggestion of forgery as an example of Pseudoarchaeology. Historians today generally dismiss the authenticity of the find, attributing it to a publicity stunt performed to raise funds to repair the Abbey, which was mostly burned in 1184.  Long before this William of Malmesbury, a historian interested in Arthur, said in his history of England "But Arthur’s grave is nowhere seen, whence antiquity of fables still claims that he will return."[14] As William wrote a comprehensive history of Glastonbury De antiquitae Glatoniensis ecclesie around 1130 which discussed many pious legends connected to the Abbey, but made no mention of either Arthur's grave or a connection of Glastonbury to the name Avalon, stating firmly it was previously known as Ineswitrin, this raises further suspicions concerning the burial. It is known for certain the monks later added forged passages to William's history discussing Arthurian connections. 

The fact that the search for the body is connected to Henry II and Edward I, both kings who fought major Welsh wars, has had scholars suggest that propaganda may have played a part as well.[16] Gerald, a constant supporter of royal authority, in his account of the discovery clearly aims to destroy the idea of the possibility of King's Arthur's messianic return: "Many tales are told and many legends have been invented about King Arthur and his mysterious ending. In their stupidity the British [i.e. Welsh, Cornish and Bretons] people maintain that he is still alive.  
Now that the truth is known, I have taken the trouble to add a few more details in this present chapter. The fairy-tales have been snuffed out, and the true and indubitable facts are made known, so that what really happened must be made crystal clear to all and separated from the myths which have accumulated on the subject."

The burial discovery ensured that in later romances, histories based on them and in the popular imagination Glastonbury became increasingly identified with Avalon, an identification that continues strongly today. The later development of the legends of the Holy Grail and Joseph of Arimathea by Robert de Boron interconnected these legends with Glastonbury and with Avalon an identification which also seems to be made in Perlesvaus.

The popularity of Arthurian Romance has meant this area of the Somerset Levels has today become popularly described as The Vale Of Avalon.  In more recent times writers such as Dion Fortune, John Michell, Nicholas Mann and Geoffrey Ashe have formed theories based on perceived connections between Glastonbury and Celtic legends of the otherworld and Annwn in attempts to link the location firmly with Avalon, drawing on the various legends based on Glastonbury Tor as well as drawing on ideas like Earth mysteries, Ley lines and even the myth of Atlantis. Arthurian literature also continues to use Glastonbury as an important location as in The Mists of Avalon and A Glastonbury Romance.

Even the fact Somerset has many apple orchards has been drawn in to support the connection. Glastonbury's connection to Avalon continues to make it a site of tourism and the area has great religious significance for Neopagans Neo-druids and as a New Age community as well as Christians. Hippy identification of Glastonbury with Avalon seen in the work of Michell and in Gandalf's Garden also helped inspire the Glastonbury Festival.

somerset cc armsARMS: Or a Dragon rampant Gules holding in the claws a Mace erect Azure.
*CREST: Out of a Saxon Crown Or a demi Ram Argent armed and unguled Gules holding in the mouth a Cheddar Pink Flower slipped and leaved proper; Mantled Vert doubled Or.
*SUPPORTERS: On the dexter side a Stag Gules attired unguled and gorged with a Saxon Crown Or and on the sinister side a Bull also Gules armed unguled and gorged with a like Saxon Crown Or; all upon a Compartment composed of a grassy Mount proper semy of Cider Apples Or.
Motto 'SUMORSAETE EALLE' - All the people of Somerset.
Arms granted 29th December 1911. Crest and supporters granted 14th October 2003?

Where The English Came FromThe dragon was said to have been the emblem of the Royal House of the Saxon Kingdom of Wessex, of which Somerset was a part. The Wessex dragon is sometimes shown red and sometimes gold. According to Henry of Huntingdon, writing in the twelfth century, the dragon was already the emblem of the West Saxons at the middle of the eighth century, and it seems to be likely that they had adopted it in token of their conquest of the Britons. While Somerset bears the dragon in token of the Kingdom of Wessex, the emblem also aptly recalls that according to legend the County contains King Arthur's capital, Camelot, and his place of burial, Avalon. The mace is the symbol of local government.
The Saxon Crown along with those about the necks of the supporters refer to the three kings of Saxon England buried at Glastonbury. The Cheddar Pink is a flower that grows only on stony ledges in Cheddar Gorge. The ram, stag, bull and cider apples represent Somerset's agriculture and natural history. The motto recalls dramatic days in the history of Wessex when, early in 878 Danish invaders threatened to overwhelm the kingdom and Alfred the Great, the young King of Wessex, was forced to take refuge on Athelney in the 'fen fastnesses' of the Somerset Levels. The story is famously told in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle."And afterwards at Easter . . . he and the section of the people of Somerset which was nearest to it proceeded to fight . . . against the enemy. Then in the seventh week after Easter he rode to Egbert's Stone east of Selwood, and there came to meet him all the people of Somerset ('Sumorsaete ealle') and of Wiltshire and of that part of Hampshire which was on the side of the sea, and they rejoiced to see him."The Chronicle continues by recording Alfred’s defeat of the Danes at Edington in Wiltshire and the baptism at Aller, near Athelney, of the Danish leader.It was appropriate that when the County Council was granted armorial bearings the golden dragon should have been chosen as the centrepiece of the shield, and that its motto should be 'Sumorsaete ealle', recalling those crucial events in national history when Somerset and its people were first mentioned.

http://www.askdavetaylor.com/3-blog-pics/donesday-book-open.jpgDoes Facebook Have a Case?
Facebook is suing a company called Teachbook  , which operates a social networking site for teachers, apparently because it has "book" in its name and "competes" with Facebook. Teachbook is described as "a professional community for teachers". Sounds like a threat to Facebook's existence doesn't it?  Well we know of a book that predates Facebook and tells us all about Somerset. Yes "The Doomsdaybook! The Domesday Book was commissioned in December 1085 by William the Conqueror, who invaded England in 1066. The first draft was completed in August 1086 and contained records for 13,418 settlements in the English counties south of the rivers Ribble and Tees (the border with Scotland at the time).Read about Somerset in The Doomsday Book

British Seaside
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Great British Heritage Pass - Buy Online
Travel the South West of England with the Great British Heritage Pass - explore the stunning South Western regions and England heritage properties of Bristol, Bath, Cornwall, Devon, Cirencester, Wiltshire, Christchurch and more.Your tour of South West England begins at Lacock Abbey, a 13th century abbey converted into a house in 1540, with 18th century Gothic alterations. It was also used for the filming of various interior scenes at Hogwarts in the Harry Potter films.Next head off to Bath to see the Roman Baths and Pump Room, the extensive remains of Roman Baths and Temple Complex, and amongst the finest Roman remains in Europe. Mystical Stonehenge next awaits you, where for over 5,000 years these enigmatic stones have engendered a sense of reverence in the millions who have visited them. Continue heading southwest towards Stourhead, a world-famous garden laid out from 1741-80, where its lakes, temples and rare trees form a landscape of breathtaking beauty throughout the year. Barrington Court Garden in Somerset is a tudor manor house restored in the 1920s, with a garden laid out in a series of ‘rooms.’ Next head to South Devon and see Berry Pomeroy Castle, a romantic late medieval castle located halfway up a wooded hillside, which looks over a deep ravine and stream. Escape to Trebah Garden, a 26-acre early 19th century ravine garden that falls to a private beach on the Helford River. It is a paradise for artists, gardeners, and families. Next head for St. Michael’s Mount, a medieval castle on a tiny island linked to the mainland by a causeway, before continuing to Tintagel Castle, the legendary birthplace of King Arthur. The extensive ruins of this medieval castle cling precariously to the edge of a cliff. Finish your tour of the South West of England with a trip to Lundy Island, which has an historical pirate connection and a puffin habitat.
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The weather and conditions inGlastonbury  at this time are


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It has requested we do not mention the name of the traffic lady on BBC radio 2, instead we are happy to introduce our traffic lady "Stormy Front". So Find local news, sport and entertainment near you with your local BBC Where I Live website. Choose your nearest location in Wessex & Cornwall:

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Somerset Sound
talk; news and sport; contemporary and oldies  am1566
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01823 368181


BBC Somerset

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Click On Map for Individual Town Sites

in Somerset & Avon

Active map showing Somerset,
                Glamorgan and Gloucestershire - Click a yellow square to
                view all accommodation in that place Yeovil Wiveliscombe Weston-super-Mare Wells Wellington Warminster
                  Accommodation Tetbury Taunton Pentwyn Newport Malmesbury Ilminster Honiton Glastonbury Frome Cwmbran Crewkerne Chepstow Cheddar
                  Chard Castle Cary Cardiff Bristol Bridgwater Bradford-on-Avon Bath Barry Cardiff
                  Airport Accommodation Bristol
                  Airport Accommodation View map to north View map to east View map to south View map to west Zoom in to 50km Map Tetbury Zoom in to 50km Map Zoom in to 50km Map


I'm Cerdic First King of Wessex. Welcome to my Kingdom. Below you will find a list of Tourist Offices in Somerset who will be only too pleased to make your visit pleasant. After that are the Great Somerset Attractions. On the left here is our area click map for you to go to the sites in the towns & villages in Somerset & Avon. we have a multitude of reference pages which were created some time ago and are now under reconstruction. So on here you will find dedicated pages to specialist activities in Wessex & Mercia. These include a list of Agricultural ,Horse Shows etc, The Wessex Hall of Fame, Michelin starred restaurants in Wessex,Seaside Resorts,Theatres in Wessex & the UK, List of Films made in Wessex, Wessex Names, Golf Clubs, Football Clubs, Rugby Clubs, and Racetracks . Campers & Caravanners have their own dedicated section too. I have even got my own page for readers letters and news snippets, mainly from my ancient capital Chard. Contact Me by clicking here



Wessex Society

is dedicated to preserving and developing the cultural and linguistic heritage of Wessex. For more information please contact :
WESSEX SOCIETY, 121 Worthing Road, Patchway, BRISTOL
WESSEX, BS34 5HU  telephone 0117 969 4947 email wessexsociety@zyworld.com

Wessex Regionalist candidate Colin

is dedicated to the setting up of self government for WESSEX. For membership information or general enquiries please contact :
James Gunter, Secretary-General, WESSEX REGIONALISTS, 5 Rickyard Cottages, Broad Hinton, Swindon,
Wiltshire, Wessex ,SN4 9PS tel 01793 731974 email wessexregionalists@regionalist.net
National Parliament
is an all party group that is forwarding the exciting plans of all the people of WESSEX to have their own parliament, with powers equal to those of Scotland. For more information please contact :
WESTON-SUPER-MARE, Somerset, WESSEX  tel 01934 641334  email wessexconvention@regionalist.net
Until borders are agreed with all the various regionalist groups in England WESSEX for our purposes consists of the counties of Somerset, Wiltshire, Dorset, Devon, Hampshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire
Map Of
                    Somerset Councils Our Local Area Websites
Bath Tourist Guide
Bridgwater Tourist Guide
Bristol Tourist Guide
Chard Tourist Guide
Mendip  Tourist Guide
Somerset Tourist Guide
Taunton   Tourist Guide
West Somerset Tourist Guide
Yeovil Tourist Guide

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Click For Chard
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The Royal Bath & West Show

27 - 30 May 2015

The Royal Bath & West Show is England's Biggest Celebration of Rural Life and England's only 4 day Royal Show. The year the Show celebrates 50 years at the Showground. The Show Team are busy preparing for the 2015 Show and promise to bring you a action packed and great day out in May
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End date:

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The Showground, Shepton Mallet, Somerset

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Contact telephone:

01749 822 200

Frome, Glastonbury, Shepton Mallet, Street & Wells - the five Mendip 'towns. Mendip is one of the most beautiful areas of Britain and includes not only the Mendip Hills, from which it takes its name, but also parts of the Somerset Levels, the caves at Wookey, the smallest city and the largest village in England.

Mendip Eateries Mendip Gardens Mendip Golf
Mendip Hotels
Mendip Horse Riding Mendip Tennis
Tourist Info
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CASTLE CARY The Market House, Castle Cary, BA7 7AH Tel: 01963 351763
The Gorge, Cheddar. Tel: 01934 744071, Fax: 01934 744614
Email: cheddar.tic@sedgemoor.gov.uk
The Round Tower, 2 Bridge Street, Frome, BA11 1BB Tel: 01373 467271  Fax: 01373 451733 Email: frome.tic@ukonline.co.uk
We are housed in Glastonbury Tribunal in the High Street. Take time to visit and browse our range of quality souvenirs and books. We are ticket agents for many local attractions & events. Visit the Lake Village Museum on the first floor. Sit in our tranquil & secluded garden with its stone courtyard & wishing well. Garden available for wedding photography.
The Tribunal, 9 High Street, Glastonbury. Tel: 01458 832954, Fax: 01458 832949,
Email: glastonbury.tic@ukonline.co.uk
Website: www.glastonburytic.co.uk/
LANGPORT Bow Street, Langport, TA10 9PR  Tel: 01458 253527
The Shepton Mallet Tourist Information and Heritage Centre is conveniently situated at the top High Street. It is open from 10am to 4pm on Mondays to Fridays from April to October and from 10am to 4pm from November to March, and is also open from 10am to 2pm Saturdays from April to October and 10am to 1pm November to March.
48 High Street, Shepton Mallet, BA4 5AS Tel: 01749 345258  Fax: 01749 345258  Website:www.sheptonmallet-touristinfocentre.co.uk/
Email: sheptonmallet.tic@ukonline.co.uk
Farm Road, Street. Tel: 01458 447384, Fax: 01458 447393  Email: street.tic@ukonline.co.uk
Wells Visitor Information Service, Wells Museum, 8 Cathedral Green, Wells, BA5 2UE, Tel: 01749 671770
Online Tourist Office.
website: http:// www.wessextouristboard.org.uk           Tel: +44(0) 845 868 2810          Fax : +44(0) 845 862 1954     Click here to contact us
Somerset County

County Hall, Taunton,
TA1 4DY Wessex
Telephone : 01823 355455
Fax : 01823 355 156
Mendip District Council

Write to Us:
Mendip District Council, Cannards Grave Road, SHEPTON MALLET, Somerset, BA4 5BT
Customer Services - 01749 648999 (between 0830 - 1700)
Council Tax and Benefits - 0845 300 3352 (between 0830 - 1700)
Business Rates - 0845 070 0226 (between 0830 - 1700)
Benefit Fraud Hotline - 0800 389 3130 (24 hour private and confidential answer machine service)
Visit Us
The main offices located at Shepton Mallet are open between 0830 and 1700.  Parking at the council offices is limited and procedures apply. Find out more about our parking procedures.
The council also has information points located in Glastonbury, Shepton Mallet, Street and Wells. Find out more about our council access points.

 Exploring Somerset 
Exploring Somerset
"I'm Cerdic,
The First King of Wessex-
Welcome To My Kingdom and my ancient Capital Chard in Somerset now, but not in my time"

Somerset Heritage Centre
Somerset Heritage Centre
Brunel Way, Langford Mead, Norton Fitzwarren
Taunton, TA2 6SF
Telephone     01823 278805 (enquiries)

01823 337600 (appointments)
Please make an appointment if you need a guaranteed place in the searchroom.
Fax     01823 347459
Email     archives@somerset.gov.uk

We exist to find, preserve and make available written records of Somerset's people and communities.

The Somerset Archives and Local Studies Service offers:
Free access for you to do your own research, using archives such as parish, family, school and business records
Accepting documents relating to Somerset.
An archives online catalogue.
An Education and Learning Service, taking history to schools, colleges and the wider community.
A Research Service if you can't visit in person.
Talks and exhibitions
A consultation and advice service in North Somerset libraries.
Advice on document repair, handling and storage.

Please note that our searchroom is currently very busy, and so on some days we cannot accommodate microfiche or document users who have not made an appointment.  To avoid disappointment, please book a place by contacting us a few days before you would like to come in. 

The Somerset Archives and Local Studies Service is provided by Somerset County Council and holds many millions of original documents, ranging in date from the eighth century AD to the present day.  It forms part of the Somerset Heritage Service, with Historic Environment, Museums and the Victoria County History, all of which are housed at the Somerset Heritage Centre.


For many years now we have been using Phillips Senseo Machines to make our office coffee. Although Phillips tied up with Doux  Egberts we found that their range of coffees for the machines were both more expensive and inferior to those sold by Lydl. Lydl's range named Melangerie included Brazilian. Kenyan, Columbian and Nicaraguan coffees.  However earlier this month Lydl suddenly removed them from the shelves and replaced then with another variety using the Tassimo machines. We wrote to Lydl about this and they replied:

 "Re: Availability of Coffee Pods

Thank you for enquiring about our Coffee Pods. Unfortunately this item is not available in our stores at the moment.

We hope to have this available again in the future and apologise for any inconvenience. We have passed your interest in this item onto our Buying Department and would like to thank you for taking the time to contact us.
Yours sincerely,
For and on behalf of Lidl UK GmbH
Reece Aitken
Customer Service
Tel – 0370 444 1234
Email - customer.services@lidl.co.uk

Coffee Merchants UK

Unit 1, 18B
Bennett's field Trading Estate
Wincanton, Somerset  BA9 9DT
Phone: 0196331137
Fax: 0196331137
Email: info@thecoffeepod.co.uk
Email (orders): sales@thecoffeepod.co


  Now we have done our research and found a lovely company in Wincanton; Somerset who can provide you with the Senseo pads in the following flavours: Colombian, Costa Rican, Kenyan AA, Sumatra, as well as Decaffeinated, and  French Extreme.

See: http://www.thecoffeepod.co.uk/contents/en-uk/d7_Senseo_Coffee_Pods_page_1.html

Colombia Supremo - Savour the rich and nutty flavour of this classic coffee.
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Brazilian Santos- Brazilian Blend will produce a balanced coffee with low acidity and subtle chocolate and nut notes. A good smooth, bold everyday drinking coffee 
 Roast Master Choice - Blue Mountain Blend - Signature  - Kenyan AA - French Extreme Caffeine
Coffee Sense  is the solution to your single cup coffee needs - combining quality taste with the ease and convenience of a single cup! The gourmet selection offers the perfect coffees - light roasts, exotic estate coffees, flavoured, and decaffeinated as well as premium hand-picked teas. Convenience, choice and a gourmet selection!
    Individually Wrapped - 8g per pod
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The Mendip Hills are an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. They extend from just east of Wells almost to the Bristol Channel. Man has lived and worked on the Hills for many thousands of years. There are numerous burial mounds and the Romans mined for lead and what is left of these workings can be found at Charterhouse. These days the hills are enjoyed by the many visitors for the walking, biking, horse riding trails and the fantastic views. One of the best hills to climb is Crook Peak and although not that high it has far reaching views over the Somerset Levels and over the Bristol Channel to Wales. King John's Hunting Lodge is an early Tudor timber-framed wool merchant's house dating from about 1500. Ebbor Gorge is not on the scale of Cheddar Gorge but offers a beautiful meadow trail with wild flowers, wildlife and a small rocky gorge to walk through. Brean Down is not part of the Mendips but it is an extension of the hill range that juts into the Bristol Channel. This rocky outcrop is also a nature reserve that can be reached via a coast road from Burnham.
The Mendip Hills www.mendiphillsaonb.org.uk

 The settlement at Cheddar has been an important Roman and Saxon centre and is known for its cheese making as early as 1170 AD. 
The stream runs through Cheddar Village

Tourist Info

The Gorge, Cheddar. 
Email: cheddar.tic@sedgemoor.gov.uk

Tel: 01934 744071, Fax: 01934 744614
Museum located in a magnificent medieval townhouse.Museum shop.
Ashbridge & District
                      Museum King John's Hunting Lodge,
The Square, Ashbridge
Daily, April-Sept, 1pm-4pm.
 01934 732012
An 18th century flour mill standing on the Isle of Wedmore, with all machinery intact. Dramatic views to the Somerset Levels and Mendip Hills.
                      Windmill c/o Harwood House,  Chapel Allerton, Axbridge
2.30pm-4.30pm. Sundays, May-to end Sept; Wednesdays, July-August; Bank Holiday Mondays.
01934 712034
The Cheddar Gorge Cheese Company is the only cheesemaker left in cheddar. The whole process takes around 8 hours from start to finish. You can watch us during the various stages as we transform our rich, local milk into award winning authentic Cheddar Cheese. Our viewing gallery allows you to watch our cheesemakers practice their skills, a DVD is also playing throughout the day to enable you to view the process from start to finish in about 20 minutes. From Easter until the end of October a guide is on hand to help and answer questions. After seeing cheese being made you can treat yourself to a free taste at our taster bar and then visit our shop where our Cheddars plus local pickles, biscuits, hand crafted cheese dishes, cheese knives etc are on sale.
Cheddar, Somerset
Tel :01934 742810
A large display of toys from the past. Collectors shop with new and OB diecast toys for sale.
Chedder Gorge Toy Museum
The Cliffs, Cheddar Gorge
Daily, 10am-5.30pm. Closed Weds

At Cheddar Caves & Gorge you'll find eight great attractions in Britain's biggest gorge, all covered by one Explorer ticket: cathedral-like Gough's Cave with audioguide tours; beautiful Cox's Cave; the Museum of Prehistory with Stone Age survival demonstrations by hunter-gatherers; the challenge of The Crystal Quest; The 274 steps leading to our 360-acre nature reserve; spectacular views from Lookout Tower; the 3-mile round-trip Clifftop Gorge Walk; the open-top Gorge Tour Bus. Take it to the edge with RockSport caving and climbing, shop till you drop in our Cargo Cult shop, watch authentic Cheddar Cheese ageing in our caves or just relax on the Cafe-Bar terrace with a cream tea. We're also a Site of Special Scientific Interest and a Special Area of Conservation with many rare species, such as Horseshoe bats, dormice and Peregrine falcons. Plenty of parking.

Tel :01934 742343
Fax :01934 744637
Regular demonstrations of old fashioned sweet making.  From raw materials to finished product in 45 minutes.
Chedder Sweet Kitchen
Daghole Cottages, Cheddar Gorge
Daily, Mar-Nov, 11am-5pm (until 6pm June-Sept).

01934 743810

Frome is ideally placed as a touring centre, within easy reach of Bath, Wells, Longleat, Stourhead and many more. There is also a great deal to discover within the town. Frome has a wealth of historic and architectural interest alongside a thriving contemporary arts scene. There are a wealth of historic and picturesque villages within a few miles of the town. Nunney and Farleigh Hungerford have romantic ruined castles. Mells is the home of the famous nursery rhyme Little Jack Horner and the burial place of war poet Siegfried Sassoon. Norton St Philip witnessed a skirmish in the Duke of Monmouth's campaign which led to the last battle on English soil in 1685.  Beckington and Rode also have many features of historic interest including fine parish churches. Easy walking trails around all these villages are available from the Tourist Information Centre
              tc arms

Tourist Info

The Round Tower, 2 Bridge Street, Frome, BA11 1BB  3 Email: frome.tic@ukonline.co.uk
Tel: 01373 467271  Fax: 01373 45173
Bacon Curers
Bakers' Shops Beekeepers Binoculars Booksellers Butchers Sundries & Supplies Card & Poster Shops
Catalogue Shops Charity Shops Cheese Makers Children & Babywear - Retail China & Glassware Shops Christmas & Festive Goods Cider Makers
Coffee & Tea Merchants Collectors Items Comic Suppliers Convenience Stores Craft Centres & Shops Dairy Produce Merchants Department Stores
Discount Centres Do It Yourself Shops Dolls & Dolls' Houses Eateries
Egg Suppliers Farm Shops & Pick Your Own Produce Fish Farms
Fish Smokers & Curers Freezer & Frozen Food Retailers Frozen Foods Wholesale Fruit & Vegetable Producers Fruit & Vegetable Wholesale
Fruit Juice Producers & Merchants Game Dealers
Games & Toys Wholesale General Stores Gift Shops Giftware Manufacturers Giftware Wholesale Gold & Silversmiths Greeting Card Publishers & Suppliers
Hampers Herbs & Spices Suppliers & Retailers Home Brew Equipment & Supplies Hotels, B&B's, Camping & Caravanning
Kitchen Ware Kites Kosher Food
Leather Merchants Lighting Retailers Mail Order Houses Market Gardeners Market Stall Operators Meat Wholesalers Military Equipment Dealers
Mill Shops Mobile Phone Repairs Model Shops Mushroom Growers Newsagents Postcard Dealers Pot Pourri
Potato Merchants Poultry & Game Breeders Protective Clothing & Workwear Riding Wear & Equestrian Supplies Second Hand Books Secondhand Shops Shopping Centres
Supermarkets Surplus Goods Tobacconists - Retail Toiletries Toy Shops Trade Surplus Stores Umbrellas & Walking Sticks
Wigs & Hairpieces Wine From Self Produced Grapes

Cheap Street in Frome, Somerset is one of Europe's best preserved medieval shopping streets. It retains a water course down the centre of the street, a reminder of times before mains sewerage. Today there are shops offering a wide range of goods and services. The street is named after the word ceap, which originally meant "to sell."
The image
              cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. Cheap Street is off Market Lane and King Street in Frome, Somerset. Click here for an interactive map centred over Cheap Street, Frome.
80 acre woodland park including children’s play area, railway, woodland walks and fishing lake. Campsite with pitches and 'Ready' tents.Daily except 24 - 26 Dec & 1 Jan. Summer 10am-6pm, winter 10am-4pm. Woodland railway open weekends and school holidays Easter - Oct. Dogs OK with some restrictions. Railway accessible to disabled, other attractions depending on level of disability (unmade paths). Groups by arrangement.
http://www.totaltravel.com/images/photos/142753/426638.jpg Brokerswood,
 BA13 4EH


01373 822238
Rook Lane Chapel is a Grade 1 listed building providing an ideal setting for performing and visual arts. Open Mon - Sat 10am - 4pm during exhibitions. Also for evening events, see What's On for details. Exhibitions free entry. Evening events prices vary. Disabled accessible, disabled parking only on site.
Bath Street, Frome. BA11 1DN

01373 468030
An arts and contemporary crafts centre in the heart of Frome.  Two galleries, craft shop, cafe and artist studios.
                  Swan 2 Bridge Street, Frome
Mon-Sat, 10am-5pm, (not Bank Holidays)
01373 473980
Open Times :     Tues-Sat 10am-2pm (4pm Thurs). Closed in winter - check times before visiting. Price:     Free, donations welcome.      Guide dogs only. Not accessible to wheelchair users. Groups by arrangement.
http://gb.fotolibra.com/images/previews/367894-frome-museum-frome-somerset.jpeg North Parade, Frome. BA11 1AT
01373 454611
The striking and picturesque moated castle of Nunney was built in the 1370s by Sir John de la Mere, a local knight who was beginning to enjoy royal favour. Extensively modernised in the late 16th century, the castle was held for the King during the Civil War, but quickly fell to Parliamentarian cannon in 1645: not until Christmas Day 1910, however, did the gun-damaged portion of the wall finally collapse.
Nunney Castle Nunney, Frome
Daily during sunlight hours
01373 467271

 At the time of going to press, over 150 classic and vintage vehicle entries had been received.There will be entertainment throughout each day (until around midnight on the Saturday), and will be provided by the stars from 'Starry Eyes Jennings Mighty Fun Fair' will be at the show again offering a wide variety of rides and family fun.Some of the main arena events include Semtex, the Motor Cycle Stunt Team, who will give two shows each day, The Frome Dog Agility Display Team, and a hands-on Fire Engine display. In addition to this you will be able to see the Wild West displays and the American Civil War camps.

Wessex Show West Woodlands Showground, Frome, Somerset.

The show is held at the West Woodlands Showground, two miles south of the Market Town of Frome, Somerset
The Admin Office, 34a George Street, Warminster, Wiltshire, BA12 8QB

Tel: 01985 216644
Wander around the vineyard and try a free tasting of wines.
Vinny Whatley, Frome
01373 836355
Tour the historic watermill and then take tea in the designer water garden.  Riverside walk and garden sculptures.
Gants Mill
Mid May-Sep, Thurs, Sun and Bank Hols 2pm-5pm.
01963 812393


Glastonbury is a different and rather lively small town. It has rich traditions, a cosmopolitan community and a taste of tomorrow. It sits on the ancient Isle of Avalon in the Somerset Levels, with a backdrop of soft, green, rolling hills.

It has been a pilgrimage place for thousands of years. In the Middle Ages a great abbey was here - it was England's 'holyest earthe'. It now hosts the famous Glastonbury Festival, pilgrimages, music, a carnival, several conferences and other events. People visit from the world over, seeking a certain special something....

Overlooking it all is Glastonbury Tor, a fascinating holy hill.  Tradition has it that Jesus visited and Joseph of Arimathaea built a church here, King Arthur and Guinevere were buried here and it was an ancient place of the Goddess. It was home to the medieval saints Patrick, Dunstan, Benedict, David and Bridget.   

Glastonbury has a population of nearly 10,000 people. It has a number of small industries, many self-employed people with special skills, a specialised retail sector and a big visitor trade. The Tourist Office is housed in Glastonbury Tribunal in the High Street. Take time to visit and browse theirrange of quality souvenirs and books. They are ticket agents for many local attractions & events. Visit the Lake Village Museum on the first floor. Sit in the tranquil & secluded garden with its stone courtyard & wishing well. Garden available for wedding photography.



The Tribunal, 9 High Street, Glastonbury. 
Email: glastonbury.tic@ukonline.co.uk

Tel: 01458 832954, Fax: 01458 832949,
Bacon Curers Bakers' Shops Beekeepers Binoculars Booksellers Butchers Sundries & Supplies Card & Poster Shops
Catalogue Shops Charity Shops Cheese Makers Children & Babywear - Retail China & Glassware Shops Christmas & Festive Goods Cider Makers
Coffee & Tea Merchants Collectors Items Comic Suppliers Convenience Stores Craft Centres & Shops Dairy Produce Merchants Department Stores
Discount Centres Do It Yourself Shops Dolls & Dolls' Houses Eateries
Egg Suppliers Farm Shops & Pick Your Own Produce Fish Farms
Fish Smokers & Curers Freezer & Frozen Food Retailers Frozen Foods Wholesale Fruit & Vegetable Producers Fruit & Vegetable Wholesale Fruit Juice Producers & Merchants Game Dealers
Games & Toys Wholesale General Stores Gift Shops Giftware Manufacturers Giftware Wholesale Gold & Silversmiths Greeting Card Publishers & Suppliers
Hampers Herbs & Spices Suppliers & Retailers Home Brew Equipment & Supplies Hotels,B&Bs, Camping & Caravanning
Kitchen Ware Kites Kosher Food
Leather Merchants Lighting Retailers Mail Order Houses Market Gardeners Market Stall Operators Meat Wholesalers Military Equipment Dealers
Mill Shops Mobile Phone Repairs Model Shops Mushroom Growers Newsagents Postcard Dealers Pot Pourri
Potato Merchants Poultry & Game Breeders Protective Clothing & Workwear Riding Wear & Equestrian Supplies Second Hand Books Secondhand Shops Shopping Centres
Supermarkets Surplus Goods Tobacconists - Retail Toiletries Toy Shops Trade Surplus Stores Umbrellas & Walking Sticks
Wigs & Hairpieces Wine From Self Produced Grapes

A small, family run smokery using only wood fired smokers. Restaurant serving smoked food direct from the smokery.
Brown & Forrest Bowdens Farm, Hambridge
Mon-Fri 10am-4pm, Sat 10am-2.30pm. Not open Sun or Bank Hols.
01458 250875
Set in a beautiful three-acre garden, this is among the oldest continuously used holy wells in the British Isles. The Chalice Well Gardens is nestled at the foot of the Glastonbury Tor.  With its ancient Holy Well, we offer the visitor an opportunity to slip into a world of tranquillity where the intimacy of bird song intermingles with the sounds of tumbling spring water. This sits alongside the colourful displays of our cottage garden. The Well is known as a place of peace with its "many rooms" for the visitor to connect with the "secret garden" of their imagination. Assistance and guide dogs welcome.
                  well Chilkwell Street, Glastonbury
Daily, 10am-6pm,  (earlier closing times in winter )
01458 831154
Ruined abbey set in 36 acres of Somerset parkland.  Steeped in history, it is the legendary burial place of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere.  Romantic ruins and peaceful parkland. Snowdrops in winter, daffodils in spring, wildflowers in summer and lots of autumn tree colour. Costumed guides from March to October; family fun in the school holidays and many more events ... and don't forget our outdoor summer café! Lots to see and do all year round!
Glastonbury Abbey
Abbey Gatehouse,  Magdalene Street, Glastonbury
01458 832267
The Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts, commonly abbreviated to Glastonbury, is best known for its contemporary music, but also features dance, comedy, theatre, circus, cabaret and many other arts. For 2005, the enclosed area of the festival was over 900 acres (3.6 km²), had over 385 live performances  and was attended by around 150,000 people. In 2007, over 700 acts played on over 80 stages  and the capacity expanded by 20,000 to 177,000  In 2011 UK Music published a report stating that Glastonbury Festival contributes over £100 million annually to the UK economy
Pilton, Somerset, England


The Lake Village Museum presents an insight into everyday life in an Iron-Age settlement, dating from around 2000 years ago, when much of Somerset’s landscape was covered by marshy sea. Although these marshes have long been artifically drained, the excellent preservative properties of the peaty wetland soils in the Glastonbury area left an archaeological legacy of international importance.
Glastonbury Tribunal 9 High Street, Glastonbury

Tel : 01458 832954
Glastonbury has been a Centre of Pilgrimage for millennia drawing people from all over the world to visit and experience this fascinating place of history, myth and legend. Today, in the twenty-first century, Glastonbury abounds with diversity and has emerged as a place that recognises and honours all faiths, paths and beliefs. This is reflected in the wide and varied cultural experiences that are on offer in this vibrant, colourful town.

You might not think of yourself as a 'pilgrim' but as a tourist or a visitor and whether you are coming out of sheer curiosity or planning a sacred journey, we hope that you will find something of interest on this website and at our Centre itself.

Our purpose is to serve visitors and potential visitors to this Sacred Place with information and support. If you do not find what you are looking for on this site, please email us and we will do our best to give you the answers you are looking for.
10b High Street
 BA6 9DU 

Tel: 01458 835 572
A dramatic tor dominating the Somerset levels.
Offering spectacular views on the tor is the 15th century St Michaels tower.525ft high offering spectacular views across three counties. Sacred since ancient times, it has been a place of Christian pilgrimage from the Middle Ages onwards. St. Michael’s tower, on the summit, is all that remains of a 14th century church. Permanent access on foot only; park in town and walk or take the Tor Bus which operates between 1st April and 30th September. Glastonbury Tor Bus timetables available the Glastonbury TIC (9 High Street) and Street TIC (in Clarks Village).

Glastonbury Tor
See National Trust Map
01934 844518

Well preserved 15th century merchants house with decorated front, housing the tourist information centre.
Glastonbury Lake Museum, on the first floor, depicts the discovery of the Iron Age settlement found in the 1980s.

Glastonbury Tribunal
9 High Street, Glastonbury
01458 832954
Five acres of mixed colour themed borders, ponds and meadows within the framework of a Victorian walled garden in the grounds of a country estate.

Hadspen Gardens
Hadspen House, Castle Cary
Mar-Sept and Bank Hol Mon 10am-5pm.

01749 813707

A "hands on" centre, the most exciting archaeological reconstruction in Somerset Reconstructions of many prehistoric structures including Iron Age roundhouses, prehistoric trackways, Roman pottery kilns and an Iron Age canoe. Displays on the history and archaeology of the local area.
Shapwick Road, Westhay, Nr Glastonbury
Tel :01458 860697
Markets in Mendip

Farmers Markets  Towns Market Days 
Frome 2nd Saturday each month
Glastonbury 4th Saturday each month  Minehead 3rd Friday each month    
Wells Every Wednesday eachmonth

Farmers Markets
01460 78223
01460 78223
01460 78223

North Somerset Show
This annual one-day countryside and agricultural event covers all aspects of local and national agricultural life and has lots of animals for you to see. Cows, sheep, pigs, llamas, heavy horses, hamsters and guinea pigs to name but a few

North Somerset Show
Towards the end of 2002 the Society purchased its own 130-acre site at Wraxall. This picturesque site, called Bathing Pond Fields, was previously part of the late Lord Wraxall's Tyntesfield estate, now owned by the National Trust.

The Secretary, Miss Katie Hutchings
email: office@nsas.org.uk


Tel: 08456 342464
Fax: 01934 514764

Woodland walks, bird hides with views of the largest heronry in south west England during the spring.
RSPB Nature Reserve
Dewlands Farm, Red Hill,  Curry Rivel, nr. Langport,


 Tel: 01392 432691

We are a growing group. We've been together for about one year and there are approximately 30 people in the group -of all ages, singles, couples, and some with partners of other faiths. We vary in our levels of observance, but we all 'click' very well, and we love to welcome new members -I guarantee you'll have a great time! Our aim appears to be socialising, nosh and talks from group members.

Somerset Jewish Social & Cultural Group Contact : Jane Warner, 
 email janecarolewarner@hotmail.com
Tel  No 01823 289085
There was a time when Glastonbury’s famous tour was the talk of the town. It still is, but now somewhat overshadowed by the world’s top musicians and stars descending on the nation’s most famous farm for a 100,000 strong annual music marathon and/or sludge fest. But when they leave, Glastonbury becomes a serene picture of rural perfection. A stone’s throw from historic Cheddar and just a hop skip and a jump from beautiful Devon, you can be sure our Glastonbury launch site is a feast for the eyes.Take off, drift over incredible landscape then land in any one of thousands of empty fields.There’s no better way to explore one of Somerset’s biggest boasts than from the basket of a Virgin hot air balloon.
http://www.virginballoonflights.co.uk/gallery/full/002.jpg Millfield School
 BA16 0YD
 There are signposts for Millfield School from the A39 Glastonbury road roundabout at Street. They direct you onto the B3151 Somerton Road. 1 mile from the roundabout go straight through the traffic lights.

01952 212750
Shepton Mallet
Shepton Mallet is a delightful mixture of old and new; a combination of ancient market town and modern indus­trial community, nestling in a fold towards the western edge of the Mendip Hills.  With a population of some 8,000 residents Shepton Mallet is an ideal centre from which to visit the region's many and varied tourist attractions. Notable among the town's many features of interest is the Parish Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, the architectural history of the building is a challenging puzzle to those interested in the development of churches.  The 50-foot high Market Cross in the centre of the town dates from 1500, the Victoria Fountain has been recently been restored and nearby is a remnant of The Shambles, a 15th century covered market stall. A thriving outdoor market is still held around the Market Cross every Friday.

For 3,000 years Shepton Mallet has been a hive of industry. The livelihoods of at least 120 generations have been spent in this small market town nestling in a fold of the Mendip Hills, along the narrow valley of the stream known as the River Sheppey. Recently, exciting new archaeological discoveries have revealed even more of the town's early history. In 1995 Bronze Age homesteads and pottery were found during excavations near Cannards Grave, to the south of the town. Maesbury Ring, the Iron Age town, 950 feet up on the Mendips is the earliest trace.

The Romans left their mark on Shepton Mallet. The Fosse Way, their "motorway" from Exeter to the north of the country - passes through the east of the town, and its route can be traced up the narrow tracks of Brecon Hill, where ancient tumuli dot the landscape. Remains of Roman potters' kilns were found where the Anglo-Bavarian Brewery was built in he 1860s. Then in 1988, the discovery of a lead coffin led to the excavations in 1990 which revealed signs of a whole Roman industrial town beside the Fosse Way. It is believed that there is much more to unearth.

'Sceapton' or Sheep Fold was an Anglo-Saxon village. Over the next few centuries it grew into a prosperous market town, its wealth based on sheep and wool. The fine Parish Church, the Market Cross and the 'shambles' market stall in the Market Place all date from this period.The Shepton Mallet Tourist Information and Heritage Centre is conveniently situated at the top High Street. It is open from 10am to 4pm on Mondays to Fridays from April to October and from 10am to 4pm from November to March, and is also open from 10am to 2pm Saturdays from April to October and 10am to 1pm November to March.


Tourist Info

48 High Street, Shepton Mallet, BA4 5AS 
Email: sheptonmallet.tic@ukonline.co.uk
Tel: 01749 345258  Fax: 01749 345258
Bacon Curers Bakers' Shops Beekeepers Binoculars Booksellers Butchers Sundries & Supplies Card & Poster Shops
Catalogue Shops Charity Shops Cheese Makers Children & Babywear - Retail China & Glassware Shops China & Glassware Shops Christmas & Festive Goods
Cider Makers
Coffee & Tea Merchants Collectors Items Comic Suppliers Convenience Stores Craft Centres & Shops Dairy Produce Merchants
Department Stores Discount Centres Do It Yourself Shops Dolls & Dolls' Houses

Egg Suppliers Farm Shops & Pick Your Own Produce Fish Farms
Fish Smokers & Curers Freezer & Frozen Food Retailers Frozen Foods Wholesale
Fruit & Vegetable Producers
Fruit & Vegetable Wholesale Fruit Juice Producers & Merchants
Game Dealers
Games & Toys Wholesale General Stores Gift Shops
Giftware Manufacturers Giftware Wholesale

Gold & Silversmiths Greeting Card Publishers & Suppliers
Hampers Herbs & Spices Suppliers & Retailers Home Brew Equipment & Supplies Kitchen Ware


Kosher Food Leather Merchants
Lighting Retailers Mail Order Houses Market Gardeners Market Stall Operators Meat Wholesalers Military Equipment Dealers Mill Shops
Mobile Phone Repairs Model Shops Mushroom Growers Newsagents Postcard Dealers Pot Pourri Potato Merchants
Poultry & Game Breeders Protective Clothing & Workwear Riding Wear & Equestrian Supplies Second Hand Books Secondhand Shops Shopping Centres Supermarkets
Surplus Goods Tobacconists - Retail Toiletries Toy Shops Trade Surplus Stores Umbrellas & Walking Sticks Wigs & Hairpieces

Wine From Self Produced Grapes


Organic vineyard and fruit farm which makes scrumpy, cider, organic English white wines, fruit wines and mead.
Avalon Vinyard
The Drove, East Pennard,
Shepton Mallet

Mid-April to late Dec, 12noon-6pm.
01749 860393

The site of many attractive events including the Royal Bath & West of England Show.The Bath & West Agricultural Show where all aspects of farming and rural life can be seen, from the best of British livestock to the latest business innovations in farming. The show offers the perfect day out for the whole family; the best for shopping, food, flowers, crafts, country pursuits, equestrian competitions and arena displays.
Bath &
                West Show 28th - 31st May 2008
Shepton Mallet, Somerset BA4 6QN
Tel : 01749 822219
An old Saxon town museum showing the silk industry, Magna Carta and businesses.
                  Museum  Dovecote Building, High Street, Bruton
 Tel: 01749 812851
Steam through the rolling Mendip countryside on a day out at the East Somerset Railway. Take a ride on one of our steam trains on the five mile round trip and travel back in time to the halcyon days of steam. Visit the engine sheds to see how we look after our locomotives and step into the signal box (open most weekends) to watch the signalman at work. For the younger crowd we have occasional appearances from Thomas the Tank Engine & friends. We also have a museum, art gallery, shop, cafe, children's playground and picnic area.
East Somerset Railway Cranmore Railway Station, Shepton Mallet
Tel : 01749 881417
fax : 01749 880764
A trip to Kilver Court promises an all-encompassing lifestyle experience, the ingredients being: the gardens and nursery; a farm shop and café. The gardens are Somerset’s best kept secret featuring a millpond and boating lake as well as rolling lawns, parterres and herbaceous borders. In Spring there is the most spectacular vibrant colour of rhododendrons, azaleas and camellias, but probably the most staggering feature of this Secret garden is the backdrop - a vast Grade II* listed viaduct built for the Somerset and Dorset railway in 1874. These features have helped Kilver to become one of the county’s leading wedding venues.
Kilver Court Gardens Kilver Court, Kilver Street, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 5NF
Tel: 01749 340410

The Mid Somerset Show has been staged for over 150 years, it is enjoying a real revival in current times with attendances up for three years in a row and not least because it is the only FREE ENTRY SHOW in England. 

Mid Somerset
                Show Cannard's Grave Road, Shepton Mallett, Somerset.
01749 870124
The largest village in the district, Street has a long association with Clarks and there is an interesting Shoe Museum. Street is home to Clarks Village, a major factory shopping complex with over 80 outlet shops from a host of famous brands It is situated on a dry spot in the Somerset Levels, at the end of the Polden Hills, 2 miles (3.2 km) south-west of Glastonbury. The 2001 census records the village as having a population of 11,066. Its name comes from a 12th century causeway from Glastonbury which was built to transport local Blue Lias stone from what is now Street to rebuild Glastonbury Abbey, although it had previously been known as Lantokay and Lega.
 Clarks Village Outlet Shopping, Street, Somerset

Tourist Info

Farm Road, Street.  BA16 0BB
Email: street.tic@ukonline.co.uk
Tel: 01458 447384, Fax: 01458 44739
Clarks Village Factory Shopping Centre
Where a great day' shopping becomes a great day out! Some of the high quality items sold at greatly discounted prices include cancelled orders, past season's lines, discontinued items, over runs and samples. Perhaps the greatest outlet centre in the South West
Clarks Village Farm Road,Street, Somerset, BA16 0BB
Tel :01458 840064
A family run business, making traditional cider since 1896. Specialists in single variety ciders and perries.  Also 12 varieties of apple juice.
 Hecks Orchards  9-11 Middle Leigh, Street
Daily. Men-Sat 9am-5.30pm; Sun 10am-12.30pm.
01458 442367
Pottery with a shop.

Simonsbath,  TA24 7SH
01643 831443
WellsThe Market Square, Wells, Somerset (Original)
The smallest city in England, Wells is an unspoilt market town of outstanding beauty, located in rolling countryside, at the foot of the Mendip Hills. Although much of the glory of Wells lies in the past, it is very much a city of the present day, a busy market town, and an educational and commercial centre.  Wells is a medieval city nestling on the southern side of the Mendip Hills with the mystic Somerset Levels stretching away to the south and west. The history of Wells goes right back to Roman times when we know that there was a settlement, probably because of the springs that bubble up here. Wells gets its name from these springs which can today be found in the gardens of the Bishop's Palace.  Wells is the smallest city in England with about 12,000 inhabitants. It can call itself a city because of the famous 13th century Cathedral. It remains remarkably unspoilt and has many other historic buildings including the moated Bishop's Palace, Vicars' Close, St Cuthbert's Church and a good local museum. The Wells Market Place, with lively markets twice a week, the narrow streets and an eclectic mix of building styles all reflect on the continuing development of the town throughout the ages. Wells Visitor Information Service offer a wide range of services to both visitors and local residents alike, and a warm welcome will always be assured.
Members of staff at the Visitor Information Service will be pleased to help you with a wide range of services and enquiries, including:
-Local Accommodation Booking Service for Inspected Properties.
-Advice and guidance on what to see and do in the area including details of local attractions, opening times and entrance charges.
-Tickets and Discount vouchers for local events and attractions.
-Local “Access” information for attractions and the city of Wells.
-Public transport details, including train and bus timetables.
The Wells Visitor Information Service moved from the Market Place to the Wells Museum at the end of July 2010.

              city arms

Tourist Info

Wells Visitor Information Service, Wells Museum, 8 Cathedral Green, Wells, BA5 2UE, Tel: 01749 671770
Email: wells.tic@ukonline.co.uk
Tel: 01749 671770
The image
              cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
This splendid medieval palace has been the home of the Bishops of Bath & Wells for over 800 years. The first bishop of Bath & Wells received a crown licence to build a residence and deer park to the south of the cathedral. There are 14 acres of gardens including the springs from which the city takes its name. Within the fortified Palace walls lie the ruin of the Great Hall, the Bishop’s private chapel and the gardens with a small arboretum. This uniquely moated palace has an imposing gatehouse with portcullis and drawbridge which give the impression that you may be entering a castle structure, but inside is a peaceful and tranquil residence for the visitor to enjoy.
Bishop's Palace, Wells
01749 678691
Somerset's oldest remaining working watermill. Hand-made flour.
Burcott Mill
Wookey, Wells
Tel: 01749 673118
This Grade II listed garden at Milton Lodge just outside Wells, was conceived around 1900 by Mr Charles Tudway, the present owner’s great grandfather. During the first ten years of the 20th Century the sloping ground was transformed into the existing series of architectural terraces, specifically to capitalise on the glorious views of Wells Cathedral and the Vale of Avalon. Associated with the garden is a seven acre arboretum. We are open from Good Friday until the end of October between 2pm and 5pm every Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday and Bank Holiday.
http://www.gardenvisit.com/assets/madge/milt/original/milt_original.jpg Old Bristol Road, Wells
Easter-end Oct.
Tues, Weds, Sun, 2pm-5pm

01749 672168
Vicars' Close next to Wells Cathedral is a stunning medieval cobbled street. It is said to be the oldest continually occupied street in Europe. It was built in 1360s as an extension of the cathedral by Bishop Ralph of Shrewsbury. He built the Vicar’s Hall and Close to give the men of the quire secure accommodation away from the temptations of the town. The Close and Cathedral are linked by a bridge.
It still houses members of the choir today and has remained unchanged in nearly 700 years.

Vicars' Close

The present Cathedral in Wells, started in 1180 and largely completed by 1306, is one of the most impressive cathedrals in Britain. It survives with all of the original buildings associated with the cathedral including Vicar’s Close, the Chapter House and Cloisters.
It has been discovered from archaeological excavations, that there was a Roman Mausoleum on this site as well as a previous cathedral known as the Anglo-Saxon Minster church of St. Andrew. The foundations of the previous cathedral can be seen in the Camery Gardens just by the cathedral.
Wells Cathedral has probably the grandest West Front of any cathedral in Britain. It still retains over 300 of the original medieval statues. Inside the Cathedral are the magnificent Scissor Arches. These were built in the fourteenth century to strengthen and support the heightened central tower. The cathedral clock is unique as it still has its original medieval 24 hour clock face and complicated mechanical figures which move and ring a bell every quarter hour.

Wells Cathedral
Chain Gate, Cathedral Green, Wells
Apr-Sept, Mon-Sun 7am-7pm; Oct-Mar 7am-6pm.

01749 674483

The Wells Market Place has been a focal point of the City over the ages and still is today with a twice weekly market on Wednesday and Saturday selling local produce and goods. A Farmers’ Market is held here every Wednesday. Twice a year a funfair is held, together with other lively activities such as the annual charity boules (petanque) competition.
Mary Rand, who was a resident of the City, achieved a world record in the long jump at the 1964 Olympic Games. A commemorative plaque showing the actual distance can be found in the pavement. There is also an unusual medieval fresh water conduit. Two medieval gateways are located on the market place known as Penniless Porch and the Bishop's Eye. The Post Office is located here.
City of Wells Market Place

Specialises in local history and cave finds from the Mendips.  Also houses renowned geology collection.
Wells Museum
8 Cathedral Close, Wells
Summer - Mon-Sun 10am-5.30pm; Winter - Wed-Mon 11am-4pm.  Closed on Tuesdays.
01749 673477


No prior knowledge of Wells is required as all clues are solved by observation.  Both young and old will be fascinated whilst getting out for a couple of hours seeing the sites and solving the clues. Children will enjoy beating adults to solve the clues!  We even supply a map just in case you get lost.  The answers are at the back of the book so you can check any unsolved ones before you leave.The hunt starts at the Tourist Information Centre , Market Place, Wells, BA5 2RB.From Wells or just visiting, you will be surprised at how much you walk past without even noticing. We so often walk around blinkered without appreciating the great features which make our towns and cities fabulous. By following our hunt these things will be highlighted rather than hidden away.Our Wells treasure hunt packs contain all the necessary elements for you need including maps, clues, answer sheet, and tips on how to get things going.

Wells Treasure Hunt

Local stockists of single hunts

Wells Museum,
8 Cathedral Close, Wells

Wells Tourist Information Centre
Town Hall, Market Place, Wells. 
Email: wells.tic@ukonline.co.uk

Waterstones - Wells

Tel: 01749 672552, Fax: 01749 670869

Wookey Hole Caves – a great day out for all the family, whatever the weather... Wander through the prehistoric valley of the Dinosaurs featuring King Kong and relax in our magical Fairy Garden. The 19th Century Paper Mill houses a variety of fascinating attractions including the Victorian Penny Arcade, Magical Mirror Maze, Crazy Mirrors, Cave Museum, Pirate Zap Zone and Soft Play Areas. Come and meet the Witch of Wookey Hole! She will be flying her speedy broomstick, meeting and greeting visitors and appearing in the new Magic Circus Show! (Weekends and school holidays only) NEW! FOR 2011 - WIZARD’S PLAY BARN! Come and play in the West’s newest and biggest Play Barn. MAGIC CIRCUS SHOW! Be dazzled by the trapeze and silk skills and be enthralled by the wire walking and unicycle tricks – a show not to be missed! (Weekends and school holidays only). All images © Wookey Hole Caves.
Wookey Hole Caves
Wookey Hole, Wells
From M5 junction 22  follow brown & white signs A38 & A371  from Bath A39 to Wells.
Tel :01749 672243
Fax : 01749 677749
Charlie's Angels

Address & Opening Times
and Click Through Website Link
Medieval palace surrounded by a moat fed by springs in the garden. Gatehouse, chapel, ruined great hall.  Mute swans ring a bell for food. A fortified and moated medieval palace, now the Bishop's residence, with a ruined banqueting hall which has been made into a garden. There is an arboretum in the grounds.
Pilgrim, Bishops Palace Garden Bishop's Palace, Wells
01749 678691
The Caveman Restaurant, at the entrance to the Cheddar Caves, is flourishing but Jellicoe's 'fish pond' glass roof is said to have leaked and was replaced with a solid roof. The seting and design of the restaurant suggest a gateway to the underworld.
Cav Cheddar Gorge,
Somerset,   BS27

Set in a beautiful three-acre garden, this is among the oldest continuously used holy wells in the British Isles.
chalice well Chilkwell Street, Glastonbury
Daily, 10am-6pm,  (earlier closing times in winter )
01458 831154
Tour the historic watermill and then take tea in the designer water garden.  Riverside walk and garden sculptures.An ancient mill surrounded by a garden with colour-themed planting. Sculptures are exhibited around the garden.
Arch, Gants Mill Garden Bruton
Mid May-Sep, Thurs, Sun and Bank Hols 2pm-5pm.
01963 812393
Five acres of mixed colour themed borders, ponds and meadows within the framework of a Victorian walled garden in the grounds of a country estate.A twentieth century Arts and Crafts garden in and around an old walled garden on a hillside. The planting is good. It is by Penelope Hobhouse, author of Colour In Your Garden, followed by Nori and Sandra Pope, who have also written a book on planting design with colour. The most intensively cared-for part of the garden is within the old walled vegetable garden of Hadspen House. Since it is on a hillside, it looks less like a vegetable garden than other examples of this genre."
                  Gardens Hadspen House, Castle Cary
Mar-Sept and Bank Hol Mon 10am-5pm.
01749 813707
Lady Farm garden has really been making a name for itself over recent years. It is a favourite with garden photographers and has all year interest. The 'prairie' and 'steppe' style plantings are a real highlight not to be missed but there is much more.  A shady hosta walk, with birch and hydrangeas, leads to a lake which has been created from a stream. This is surrounded by natural planting which blend into a wildflower meadow. A stream tumbles into a deep ravine before resuming to its natural course.
Whilst there is much to see the garden is designed to be low maintenance.
Lady Farm by Charles Hawes©  Chelwood, Somerset
BS39 4NN

 Tel+44 (0)1761 490770
The original nineteenth century gardens were created for the workers of Kilver Court. The gardens were restored in the 1960s and opened to the public for the first time in 2008. There is a parterre, millpond and boating lake.  Kilver Court Gardens was first created by Ernest Jardine, MP of East Somerset, in 1880 and established what was known as ‘Jardine’s Park’, using the mill ponds as a boating lake and the surrounding gardens for the workers recreation. Fruit and vegetables were also grown to provide mid-day meals for the workers- a vegetable garden has newly been reinstated!

Parterre and Viaduct Kilver Street,
Shepton Mallet,
Somerset,   BA4 5NF
Tel: 01749 340417
Acquired by the National Trust in 1949, this manor house and grounds is located in the depths of rural Somerset. The Tudor great hall and 14th Century chapel are two of the most popular attractions here. The house was once the home of medieval herbalist Henry Lyte and this former owner planted many of the plants still growing in the grounds. There are plenty of estate walks to enjoy the rich architectural and cultural history.A medieval/Tudor manor house once owned by a sixteenth century herbalist. The entrance forecourt has a central path flanked by yew topiary. A gate leads to a long mixed border designed by Graham Stuart Thomas. There are yew alleys and other compartments. Christopher Hussey described the garden as 'a necklace of garden rooms strung on green corridors'. Sir Henry Lyte, author of the Niewe Herball (1578), lived here.
Lytes Cary Manor Charlton Mackrell, Somerton,
Somerset TA11 7HU
 Tel :01935 843600
Mature listed grade II garden with views of Wells Cathedral and Vale of Avalon.  Mixed borders of roses, fine trees. Separate seven-acre arboretum. An eighteenth century house with an eighteenth century arboretum and a twentieth century Arts and Crafts garden. The terraced garden was made in 1906, by Parsons and Partridge, and re-planted in the 1960s. Milton Lodge Gardens have good planting and fine views over Wells and its cathedral. The swimming pool was built in 1967 and contributes to the garden design. The soil is highly alkaline.
Old Bristol Road, Wells
Easter-end Oct.
Tues, Weds, Sun, 2pm-5pm

01749 672168
This beautiful and ancient piece of architecture stands in the heart of the Somerset countryside and provides a fascinating visitor attraction. The ruins of the Tudor abbey are clearly defined and there is a series of interesting exhibitions that have been put in place by English Heritage who maintain the property. Here you can learn more about the past of the building and those who used it.
Muchelny Abbey nr Langport
Apr-Oct.  Mon-Tues 10am-6pm (to end of Sept);  Wed-Sun 10am-5pm (to end of Oct).
01458 250664
Small but very complete 14th century castle consisting of a compact tower with large round towers at the angles, surrounded by a deep moat, in distinctly French styling.
                  Castle Nunney, Frome
Daily during sunlight hours
01373 467271
                          Bunter GRUB & PUBS :

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Frome Restaurants Glastonbury Restaurants Minehead Restaurants Porlock Restaurants Shepton Mallet Restaurants Street Restaurants
Taunton Restaurants Wells Restaurants Yeovil  Restaurants

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Under Construction
Bank House Cafe
Bank House Café opened in Spring 2007 but has already established itself as one of the more interesting places to eat and drink in Somerset. As a result it was chosen by The Times as one of the fifty best places in Britain to eat outdoors - the latest in a series of generous reviews the café has received in the few months since it opened. The Times writer Hattie Ellis says: "Rambling roses and a tumbling mill stream are part of the secret garden with dining tablesat the Bank House Café, a Georgian house in a medieval town at the foot of the Mendips". Other favourable responses include Mark Taylor's five-star review for the Bristol Evening Post: "There are always those occasional chinks of light in the culinary wilderness and it's those that make this job so rewarding.The Bank House Cafe occupies the ground floor of a stunning Regency house. It feels slightly Bohemian and almost like a grand old French chateau and, on the lunchtime I was there, there wasn't a spare table to be seen. This was a lunch that made me grin from ear to ear all the way home. Proper food - cooked with integrity by people who care." The setting for the café - the medieval Square in Axbridge  
The Square, Axbridge, Cheddar, BS26 2AP +44 (0)1934 733004
Derrick’s Tea Rooms
Originally, Derrick’s Tea Room actually opened its doors in the early 1900’s  and here we are, way over 100 years later, it is still a tea room, owned and run by Simon and Bonnie, whom I met and had a lovely discussion about teas and tea rooms. This really is a nice and impressive tea room of wooden tables with glass tops protecting the tablecloths of  beautiful lace design...delightful! With the flag stone flooring and a superb setting, you really just want to drink, eat, talk and relax. With relaxing music and nostalgic pictures of Derrick’s Tea Room this really is a very nice setting right in the heart of Cheddar Gorge visitors area. There is also a quaint little shop in the Tea Room where Derrick’s sell a wide selection of chutneys,  preserves, ciders, bone china, loose leaf tea, homemade cakes, clotted cream  and of course homemade scones; the scones are like saucers
 The Cliffs  Cheddar Somerset   BS27 3Q
Tel: 01934742288
Food Friends
Seating Area, Vegetarian Dishes, Delicatessen
Food Friends Bath Street, Town Centre, Cheddar, BS27 3AB
Tel : 01934 743112
Franks Restaurant
 Franks is a family run Restaurant specialising in Modern French cuisine with only thirty two covers situated at the foot of the picturesque Cheddar Gorge in Somerset. The Restaurant, which has been open since 2003, has gained a reputation for food of excellence, with a wine list to complement that. Learn more Franks is a family run Restaurant specialising in Modern French cuisine with only thirty two covers situated at the foot of the picturesque Cheddar Gorge in Somerset. The Restaurant, which has been open since 2003, has gained a reputation for food of excellence, with a wine list to complement that. The menu changes every three weeks to accommodate all their many regular diners. They also incorporate local Somerset produce in the menu whenever they can. Typical main courses might include supreme of Cornish hake sat over sautéed garlic mussels accompanied by a crab and ginger broth or four bone rack of West Country lamb roasted pink accompanied with an apricot and Marsala sauce.

The Bays, Cheddar, BS27 3QL
tel  01934 742761
The Galleries Inn
Visitors to the picturesque and hauntingly beautiful Cheddar Gorge and Caves can stop by at the Galleries Inn for a refreshing gastronomic experience. Situated at the entrance to the gorge, this charming gastropub is not far from the cheese factory and is surrounded by awe inspiring natural beauty. Learn more  Visitors to the picturesque and hauntingly beautiful Cheddar Gorge and Caves can stop by at the Galleries Inn for a refreshing gastronomic experience. Situated at the entrance to the gorge, this charming gastropub is not far from the cheese factory and is surrounded by awe inspiring natural beauty. They have a range of hot and cold starters as well as delicious main courses such as tender Priddy Good rump steak, cooked to your liking with onion rings, mushrooms, chips and salad. The homemade chicken and mushroom pie holds its own among other delights such as pork faggots and mash in red onion gravy. A child friendly menu focuses on small but nutritious portions to appease the little ones. Sip on their extensive range of ciders, ales, lagers and stouts while you anticipate a trek to the famous sightseeing places nearby.

http://www.information-britain.co.uk/showpic.php?placeid=37931&width=250 The Cliffs, Cheddar, BS27 3QA
tel: 01934 744796
The Gardeners Arms
This great village pub is situated in the heart of the village of Cheddar just a stones throw from the world famous Cheddar Gorge, the pub offers a great selection of home cooked dishes and some great new world dishes. The dining room is tasteful decorated and a pleasant place to eat one of the great dishes on the menu.
The Gardeners Arms 35 Silver Street
BS27 3LE
Tel: 01934 742235
Holly House Tea Rooms 
Holly House Tea Rooms, is a tiny little tea room overlooking quite extraordinary views. There are only three double tables, two single tables with seating, which makes getting a table and hit and miss. There was a wood effect style floor covering and creams walls. There is the usual tea room menu; teas: Earl Grey and English, lots of coffee selection and a selection of cold drinks. Panini's, ploughman's, light bites of hot dog rolls, baps, beans on toast as well as sandwiches. There was more of a coffee selection than teas and coffee style wall plaques to reflect this. There was a nice cake display on the rear counter display and a selection of jams and Cheddar china souvenirs
http://www.davidwallphoto.com/images/%7BBE87C53F-3E15-4A7D-942E-EDC9EFA92B10%7D.jpg The Cliffs  Cheddar   BS27 3QA 

Lillypool Café, Cheese and Cider Shop
Lillypool Café, Cheese and Cider Shop is situated just outside of the picturesque village of Shipham. Well known for their wonderful breakfasts, Alex and Ann, the new owners of Lillypool Café are carrying on this great tradition of great breakfasts, cooked using the best in local produce.
Shipham Hill
BS25 1RQ
Tel: 01934 743434
The Olive Tree
The Olive Tree is situated in the heart of the small town of Cheddar just a stones throw from the famous Cheddar Gorge. The cafe offers a range of great food and warm Somerset hospitality. The menu offers a range of great traditional dishes ranging from full English Breakfasts to daily lunch time specials.
The Olive Tree 2 Union Street Cheddar
BS27 3NA
Tel: 01934 740008
Pappy’s Tiny Tea Shop
This tiny tea shop sits on the top of the hill quite near to the Cheddar Gorge. It is run by husband and wife team   As the name suggests, it is a tiny tea shop with only five tables, four of which are joined up. It has a display counter of cake and savoury food products and drinks. It also had a separate cabinet of cold drinks and a window display of cakes as well. The menu is by way of the display board on an inside wall. The menu consists of; baguettes, Panini's, Cornish  pasties, cheese burgers. Teas includes; Early Grey, English and fruit teas. There was also an extensive coffee  selection. Oddly, more coffee selection than tea. Tea was served with the tea cup inside pot, poppy style, which is  different, but nice. Walking up the hill through the wonderful shops you will come to this tea shop which is ideal for a drink and snack.
The image

                cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. The Cliffs
  BS27 3QE
Tel: 01934 744986
Shahnaz Indian Restaurant
'Good food must first please the senses-all the senses, to become divine cuisine'.  The Indian people, their traditions, their festivals, their lifestyles and their cuisine is glorious history.  At shahnaz, we capture a little of everything and serve you the best of the Indian delicacies. Our Indian fare is prepared traditionally and is delicately spiced, contrary to popular thinking that all indian fare is hot and spicy. We use a light hand with the herbs and spices, to enhance the flavours of our food and not overcome them. However, those desiring added spices, we suggest you ask for it to suit your personal taste. This meticulously prepared menu of Indian favourites is conjoured with the English palate in mind. Anytime is a good time to celebrate, at Shahnaz. 
Come, be our guest. Shahnaz is a family theme restaurant and we are very proud of it. Our customer satisfaction is our success.
The image
                cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. The Cliffs, Cheddar, BS27 3QA
Tel; 01934 744230/744690
Simply Gorgeous Tea Room
This is a small tea room opposite the Cheddar Gorge, surrounded by nice views. Although a tea room, it was strange to see plastic table cloths advertising coffees; Expresso, Mocha, Latte and Cappuccino.
There was lots of unusual lights, with lots of bulbs out!  There was a large display of items and old style boxes yesteryear; oxo and Dunlop and a lot of memorabilia.Although this is labelled a tea room, I think it is confused. It pays more attention to coffee than tea and perhaps more like a café in the true sense.
There was the normal food and drinks on offer and food from the grill.
http://www.somersetphotos.co.uk/somerset_image/1,Simply-Gorgeous-Tea-Rooms,IWP_080709_6575.jpg The Cliffs  Cheddar  BS27 3QA
 Riverside Inn
The Riverside Inn incorporates traditional pub hospitality with contemporary designs, featuring deep leather seating, a log burning hearth, and a light, spacious restaurant. Offset by attractive landscaped decking and gardens with play area, leading down to the river, for alfresco dining.This real country pub caters for the old and young alike. You can step through to eat in the informal atmosphere of our newly refurbished plasma lounge or lounge bar, or dine in the Restaurant. Great food, great company, and first class service! The atmosphere is friendly and informal, with a wonderful new menu. Set in the heart of the Mendip Hills, at the foot of Cheddar Gorge, our team of chefs have created a menu using the best local produce available, with lots of comfort appeal. Fresh fish, great steaks, seasonal vegetables with plenty of lighter options including freshly prepared salads and pasta alongside olives, dipping bread and Greek Meze. Enjoy with our extensive wine list an even balance of New and Old World wines, great beers or simply a chilled lager!
http://www.davidwallphoto.com/images/%7BABAA44BA-5BCF-4198-8CFF-6FEB3DEA5133%7D.jpg The Cliffs  Cheddar
 Somerset BS27 3PX

Tel: 01934 742452
The Wishing Well Tea Rooms
The Wishing Well Tea Rooms consists of an outside seating area overlooking the Cheddar Gorge. Inside there are two areas, one elevated with a selection  of lovely plates on a high wall shelf (see top picture). The lower seating area gives a view of the lovely daffodils situated just outside the window which are on the terrace where other seating is also available. The majority of tables are round wooden type with matching chairs sat on nice patterned carpet. There are also nice tie back curtains giving a warm feel.   Teas, coffees, milk shakes, scones, crumpets, shortbread, freshly cut sandwiches, snacks on toast, jacket potatoes, salads, omelettes, cream teas and fruit teas are offered alongside a selection of sweets and ice cream. However, only light lunches are available rather than heavy meals.
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3024/2853168651_845f8bfa4c.jpg   The Cliffs   Cheddar
BS27 3QA
Tel: 01934 742142
 Originally a medieval coaching inn, The Archangel is a fashionable restaurant located in the lively town of Frome, surrounded by beautiful landscapes and old buildings. Simple, understated and elegant, the restaurant is actually a restored barn which features exposed brick walls, Italian made mustard yellow chairs and muted candle lights that give a natural as well as 'rough around the edge' look. The food is fresh and locally sourced served either in the dining area or which can be had al fresco. Head chef John Melican, brings his passion for local, original and fresh food in every dish prepared, from starters of Archangel charcuterie board with quince chutney and rye bread; citrus glazed salmon in mignonette red pepper ragout and avocado, to mains of beer battered cold, chunky chips with minted mushy peas and tartare sauce; Thai chicken curry with basmati rice and roast Cornish skate wing with lemon, caper and shallot butter and new potatoes.  Desserts are scrumptious and include delicacies such as port poached black figs with raspberry risotto and orange sable; coffee mouse with tiramisu ice cream and biscotti and other homemade ice creams. The two or three course set menu could take in dishes such as braised ox tongue, pickled walnuts, horseradish mayonnaise and quail egg; fillets of gurnard, beetroot puree, garlic, parsley and sauté potatoes, and apple and cinnamon mixed nut crumble with vanilla ice cream.

http://kindalikethis.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/archangel-hotel-restaurant-and-bar-frome-somerset-yatzer-4.jpg?w=600 1 King Street, Frome, BA11 1BH
TEL: +44 (0)1373 456111
Al Sharif
 Fully licensed, Balti and Tandoori restaurant. Open 6 days a week 6pm to 11.30pm (closed Wednesday). "Amazing buffet" nights on Thursday and Sunday. Extensive a la carte menu always available.undoubtably the best Indian in this part of Somerset. Excellent food, services and low prices. Check out the buffet night they have on Sundays and Thursdays it eat as much as you like

5a Badcox, Frome Tel: 01373 461951
Restaurant at Babington House
If you're into a bit of style and glamour ("it's very media darling!") then you'll love Babington House." "It's worth visiting for the bathrooms alone, which are pretty much the same size as the rooms and full of roll top baths, stainless steel power showers and fluffy white towels." "They have wonderful family suites which mean you can get a decent night's sleep." "The pool and spa area are stunning!", but you don't have to worry about it being stuffy: "the food and service are homely and relaxed." "Of course, none of this comes cheap - but what a treat!"

The sales pitch: the opening of Babington House near Frome in 1998 has alerted the Soho House set to the existence of the countryside (Madonna and Guy were regulars). According to Andrew Cronan of FPD Savills in Bath, many of the members have now bought in the area.
Locals: Babington House's Nick Jones and Kirsty Young, ICA's Ivan Massow, Peter Gabriel, Midge Ure.

http://www.mannwilliams.co.uk/images/portfolio/leisure/hotels/babington_house_somerset/2.jpg Babington, nr Frome, BA11 3RW

TEL: +44 (0)1373 812266
The Bell at Buckland
All of our meals are prepared individually for you. All main dishes come with a choice of new potatoes or chips and either salad or fresh vegetables.
High Street, Buckland Dinham, nr Frome, BA11 2QT
TEL: +44 (0)1373 462956
Diva's Cafe
Divas Café is a great place to relax and enjoy delicious food, specialist tea and coffee in a courtyard setting. Come and try our bacon and chilli jam breakfast butty, delicious tasty lunches, and our mouth watering brownies and selection of homemade cakes. We also cater for events at your place or Divas Cafe, if you have anything in mind, even if it is just an idea at the moment do get in touch, maybe a cosy dinner party with a few friends at Divas, or a business lunch to impress colleagues. With our kitchen in the centre of Frome at Black Swan Arts, we can easily provide you with a tasty feast for every occasion. There are also regular exhibitions of paintings, prints and photographs in the Cafe. If you are interested in exhibiting in Divas Gallery, please get in touch with Leah: chefs@diningdivas.co.uk Our opening hours are from 8.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Saturday and 10.30am to 4.00pm Sunday.
2 Bridge Street, Frome, Somerset BA11 1BB

Tel 01373 451410
Dragon Pearl
brings you original Chinese dishes prepared and cooked with natural ingredients in a traditional way. We specialise in introducing diners to other authentic dishes in our Chef's Specialities. Vegetarians...
are catered for with an extensive range of dishes made from Soya Protein to enhance the eating experience. Relax... with a drink in the fully air-conditioned bar and lounge area before or after your meal.
Dragon Pearl 18A Bath Street, Town Centre, Frome, BA11 1DN
tel: 44 (0) 1373 455787
The Full Moon
Here at  the Full Moon we have a reputation for good,  home cooked food which we source from local  suppliers in Somerset and Wiltshire whenever we can.  Our menus change from time to time and we usually have specials on offer, but we are pleased to offer sample menus to give you a flavour of our cooking. No Somerset inn would be complete without a selection of local ales and ciders.. Our bar  offers Butcombe bitter (4.0%),  Potholer golden ale (4.3%) from Cheddar Ales and a guest ale, usually from a local brewery . Not so long ago the Full Moon used to make its own cider from home grown apples, but these days we use local cider makers.  You will find Stowford press cider (4.5%, slightly sparkling), and two still scrumpys -  Rich’s Traditional Farmhouse Cider (6.0%) and Thatcher’s Cheddar Valley (6.0%).
The Full Moon at Rudge Lower Rudge, Frome, BA11 2QF
TEL: +44 (0)1373 830936
Here at the Garden Café we produce delicious food for you to enjoy in a relaxed environment in a way that reflects our belief that looking after our personal health and wellbeing in as a harmonious way possible has a direct influence on the the day to day care and future of planet earth. What we consume and eat plus who we trade with plays a hugely important role in positive living. With this ethos in mind all our meals are created in our kitchen using the best ingredients available, incorporating organic, free range, fairtrade and locally sourced to provide delicious food seven days a week. Light snacks to full meals. Espresso, cappuccino and a range of teas. Organic wines and beers. Secluded walled garden. Open Monday to Saturday 9am - 5.30pm, Friday and Saturday evenings: 7.30 - 11pm, Sunday 11am to 4pm. Licensed.
16 Stony Street, Frome
Tel: 01373 451178
The Horse & Groom
The Horse and Groom is a fantastic seventeenth century country pub, situated just outside Frome. The pub is a freehold owned by Lord Bath. Rick and Kathy are very keen to use local produce and of course, as fresh as possible. Customers can relax in the peaceful atmosphere, inside or outside. Everybody is welcome and if you wish to ride a bike or horse there, there is secure parking for both!
East Woodlands
BA11 5LY
Tel: 01373 462802
The Italian
Frome's newest Italian restaurant serving the finest pizzas and pasta.
 Mon: closed
Tue - Thu, Sun: 18:00 - 22:00
Fri - Sat: 18:00 - 23:00
The Italiam 17 Bath Street, Town Centre, Frome, BA11 1DN
tel:01373 469913
The Lamb Inn
The Lamb Inn is situated right in the center of the picturesque market town of Frome. The Inn has been lovingly transformed in to a haven for good food and the most satisfying pint of real ale from their own brewery. The Lamb Inn also has seven well appointed rooms for you to enjoy and with some of the greatest visitor attraction just a stones throw away, The Lamb Inn is the idea base to explore this wonderful part of the country.
1 Christchurch Street East
BA11 1QA
Tel: 01373 472042
La Bisalta Italian Restaurant
The Italian restaurant, La Bisalta, named after the mountain range that dwarfs the hometown of the owner and chef Luigi Violino, is situated in the heart of Frome. Surrounded by mature trees, the setting of La Bisalta feels almost rural.Easily identifiable by its covered canvas entrance and ivy clad upper storey, this genuine Italian restaurant offers a wide range of classic dishes. All dishes are cooked to order with fresh local ingredients by chef Luigi, who together with his wife Susan, has justifiably earned a far reaching reputation for excellent food and friendly service over the last twenty years.  La Bisalta Restaurant has now been awarded the prestigious ‘Quality Food Online’ award  .Open for lunch and dinner everyday except for Sunday. Large a la Carte or set Table d'Hote menu. In winter the restaurant features a roaring log fire, while in summer you can eat on the secluded garden terrace. There is a private dining room available for small parties.
 6 Vicarage Street, Frome
Tel: 01373 464238
The Fox and Hounds
Situated in beautiful Somerset, this family run country pub is a hugely successful local, its comfortable bar is stocked with popular beers, ciders and well-chosen wines and spirits.  It also features:    * a fantastic restaurant with a variety of menus to suit all tastes and occasions.     * a lovely garden for barbecues in the summer, and behind that a field for the goats and chickens who produce eggs and cheese for the restaurant     * an elegant function room that accommodates business meetings, wedding receptions and Family Doos     * But the main selling point of the Fox & Hounds is its unique atmosphere.  Friendly and buzzing; the pub welcomes people from all over the world with its reliable blend of tradition and modernity.Have a great day and we look forward to seeing you soon.Free house with beer garden set in the peaceful hamlet of Tytherington about 3 minutes from Frome. A la carte menu. Open Mon - Sat 12pm to 3pm and 7pm to 11pm. Open all day Sunday for roast lunch and full evening meal.
Tytherington, Nr. Frome
Tel: 01373 473902
The George
The restaurant, bar and hotel rooms at The George at Nunney offer food, drink and accommodation in an historic setting. The George at Nunney Hotel stands in the heart of a conservation area that has played host to the vibrant Nunney community for centuries. The village shelters in a fold in the landscape along the Nunney Brook and the Ridgeway. Facing the remains of the moated 14th century Nunney Castle, The George at Nunney has a long history of welcoming guests to its roaring fires, fine Somerset dining and good ales.The bar offers a selection of traditional ales as well as an extensive wine list, imported beers and non-alcoholic beverages. The lounge area, with its comfy seats and sofas, serves freshly brewed coffee, teas and other hot beverages throughout the day and is an ideal location to meet up with friends, colleagues or clients.   The restaurant is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner and provides locally sourced seasonal favourites executed by Head Chef Wayne Carnegie and his team. There are also lunch and dinner menu specials that change weekly and a selection of puddings and Somerset cheeses. Sunday lunch - including fabulous rare Aberdeen Angus beef - attracts devotees from far and wide, with reservations strongly recommended. An extensive range of aperitifs, wines and digestifs are available.The restaurant of this hotel and inn features a fish menu including Sea Bass, John Dory, Lobster and Dover Sole direct from the port of Brixham. On Sundays, a three course Sunday lunch is served with a choice of 4 roasts. Seating for over 100.
The image

                cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. Nunney, Nr. Frome
Tel: 01373 836458
Pangs Fish Bar
Offering traditional fish and chips
Pangs Fish Restaurant 4 King Street, Town Centre, Frome, BA11 1BH
tel: 01373 462645
  Homemade food for all. Lunches with the most delicious savoury tarts and salads Otto Lenghi inspired.
Cupcakes, brownies and rocky road like you have never tasted before!
Stardust 10 Stony Street, Town Centre, Frome, BA11 1BU
Tel: 01373 474121
Table Table - Frome Flyer, Frome
 Part of the Whitbread family, Table Table restaurants aim to bring great value tasty pub food to an ever increasing eating-out public who like well prepared and genuine food served by friendly staff in relaxing surroundings. If that sounds too much like a dream come true be assured that at Table Table they also walk the talk, and are pleased to have the chance to prove it.
Commerce Park, Jenson Avenue, Frome, BA11 2LD
Tel: 01373 468980
Thai Garden
Whether you are looking for a welcome lunchtime visit or a cosy & relaxed evening meal, we are sure your experience will be an enjoyable & memorable one
Thai Garden Christchurch Street West, Town Centre, Frome, BA11 1EQ
 Tel: 01373 467140
Talbot Inn, The
  The Talbot is one of those historical gems that you wish you'd found years ago, buried deep in traditional West Country beauty and remote from the troubles of the wider world beyond. As such they are at their best serving traditional English food that derives its attraction from being simple and unfussy, often locally sourced and served with pride. Menu items include smoked salmon tagliatelli, goat's cheese ciabatta, and calf's liver and bacon. Brixham is not that far away so the fish does not have far to travel - I was reminded of Rick Stein asking on a TV programme recently how fresh the sole was, which duly obliged by a dying flap of the tail. Sea bass fillets with saffron and mussel sauce spring to mind. House wine from a strongly French list sells at £10.95 and for those who appreciate real ale, Butcombe bitter is on tap. The Talbot is one of those places where the art of making the customer feel relaxed and comfortable is perfected to the point where it all seems completely natural - which it is, but as ever not without considerable skill.

http://www.lodging-world.com/Uploads/105786.jpg Mells, nr Frome, BA11 3PN
TEL: +44 (0)1373 812254
The White Hart Inn
  The White Hart, Trudoxhill is a traditional village pub set in the heart of the Somerset countryside. With delicious home cooked food, a selection of up to four local real ales and a warm and friendly welcome, the White Hart is sure to make you want to return time and time again.  The Grade 2 listed building, dating from 1625 has a chequered history including once being the local blacksmiths, a brewery and also a dance hall for the locally based American GI’s. These days the White Hart is now happily trading as a free house with a great reputation for food and fun. The White Hart was taken over in 2007 by Graeme Barry, his mum Christine Barry and their Business Partner Sue Warwick and is run by Landlord Graeme with his partner Crystal.   The pub boasts a beer garden and veranda with seating for outdoor dining or enjoying drinks with friends. Throughout the summer they host barbecues, and year round the menu is a selection of locally sourced and carefully prepared dishes – including their famous White Hart Pies -which received a special mention in April 2008′s Olive magazine! The restaurant is perfect for a romantic meal for two, a fun family lunch or for parties large and small. We advise that you call to book, especially at weekends.
http://www.wheresbest.co.uk/images/geograph/136225_large.jpg Trudoxhill, Nr. Frome
Tel: 01373 836324

Knights Licensed Fish & Chip Restaurant
 We are probably the oldest established fish and chip restaurant in the UK that has remained in the same family throughout its existence. Apart from our take-away section we have a maximum seating capacity of 92, including 12 in our courtyard area. As far as raw materials are concerned we have the finest quality cod, haddock and plaice available, delivered daily from British ports, not to mention tons of Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire potatoes prepared on our site throughout the year. We are also noted for our home-made fish cakes and fish soup, both of which are prepared on the premises every day. For the carnivore we make our own steak and kidney pie. Pork faggots are made especially for us by a local butcher. We have sausages and a selection of pasties and pies by a renowned producer, and a selection of chicken choices. For the vegetarian we offer a popular vegetable burger and vegetable pasty.
Knight's Fish Restaurant 5 Northload Street, Glastonbury Tel: 01458 831882
Abbey Tea Rooms & Licensed Restaurant
 The range of coffees include modern favourites such as lattes and cappuccinos which are delicious with a toasted teacake dripping in local butter or maybe a slice of homemade shortbread or carrot and walnut cake with cream cheese frosting. The range of lunches includes a choice of homemade soups with chunks of granary bread, a selection of sandwiches plain or toasted, a variety of traditional ploughman's lunches with local pickled onions and homemade apple chutney; these regular favourites are supplemented by daily specials such as steak and Somerset ale casserole, chicken and ham pie, and cottage pie - all served with a selection of fresh vegetables and choice of potatoes. There is also a roast lunch available most days and always on a Sunday when a reservation is recommended. Vegetarians are also catered for including a vegetarian roast on Sundays. To complete your meal why not sample one of the old fashioned puddings that are on offer every day such as blackberry and apple crumble, sticky ginger sponge, rice pudding or treacle tart, or maybe some delicious locally made ice cream in a variety of flavours.  OPEN DAILY FOR: Morning Coffees, Home Cooked Lunches including Sunday Roast Lunches, Traditional Afternoon Teas especially Cream Teas, Large Selection of Homemade Cakes, Children's Menu.
16 Magdalene Street, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 9EH
Tel: 01458 832852
The Apple Tree Inn
Situated alongside the old East Somerset Railway Line and hence formerly known as the Railway Inn, The Apple Tree Inn at West Pennard has recently been taken over by Jane Lomas who has just come from running a pub in Shepton Mallet. The Apple boasts every facility you could ask for. Jane and her friendly team look forward to welcoming you to the Apple Tree Inn
West Pennard
Tel: 01749 890355
Blue Note Cafe
  A popular venue for a good range of vegetarian and vegan meals. Seats also in the court yard. A great atmosphere. During the day it is   full of people and lively music, usually Jazz. They serve  some fantastic vegetarian grub, including great tasting veggie burgers and schnitzel. As you'd expect from Glastonbury, everyone here is very friendly and the atmosphere is incredibly laidback. Theres also a big outside seating area which is lovely in good weather.
The Blue Note Cafe 4A High Street, Town Centre, Glastonbury, BA6 9DU
Tel : 01458 832907
Stepping through the door of the The Saint Martha Botanica, you are instantly enveloped in the amazing aromas and smells emanating from all four walls of the shop. The smell is divine. The atmosphere is so warm and welcoming, many people just want to stay all day.
Their are seats in the nook for customers to come and chill out, sit, relax and enjoy the atmosphere for a while and to watch the Botanica and staff in action. That's if the phone stops ringing for 5 minutes :)
To the rear of the Botanica, is the most beautiful working Shrine I've ever seen. Different sections are laid out and works placed in front of the individual Saints, that are working hard to aid each clients needs. Candles are lit and scented oils are burned with the most divine
Botanica 10 Benedict Street, Town Centre, Glastonbury, BA6 9EX
tel: 01458830999
Cafe Galatea
Vegetarian meals of the highest home cooked quality. Organic Wines and Beers... good house Wines. Cyber Cafe... Internet access and E-mail facility. Sculptures, Paintings, Jewellery and Cards for sale. Live Music at weekends. Great ambience in lovely Gallery setting.
http://cache.virtualtourist.com/2449201-Restaurants-Glastonbury.jpg 5a High St, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 9DP
Tel: 01458 834284
Elaichi Tandoori
The Management and staff welcome you to the Elaichi, mahal of exquisite fragrance and task of Indian and Bangladeshi cooking presenting you dishes from the four corner of the Indian sub continent.  The menu has been culled from the very finest Indian cuisine. Here, you will find the sumptuous of the mogul emperors, earthly delights of the tandoori or clay oven, the seafood dishes of Bangladesh, the robust of the Northwest frontier, and more in a cosy friendly atmosphere. The epicure will find far more than curries in our cuisine. We call nothing a curry that does not blend, at least a dozen individual flavours of herbs and freshly ground spices in to a pigment whole and a meal that lacks half a score of this is not one to be offered to anyone.
The dishes we present to you are prepared with the addition of fragrant. Warm and pungent

 62 High Street
tel: 01458 833966
The George & Pilgrims Hotel
This hotel was built in the 15th century and pilgrims from all over stayed here. Fairly wealthy, though less important, pilgrims were the ones that could afford a night's rest at this lodging.
The Pilgrim's Bar inside is very cool, with huge beams and mullioned windows. Large wooden tables are a bit cramped together and you might have to squeeze yourself past someone's chair, but the ambiance is worth it.

1 High Street, Glastonbury

Hundred Monkeys Cafe
Great place, we came across it by accident when I had some friends who used to live in somerset and we went on a nostalgia trip to glastonbury. We walked in and we greeted with smiles and "can I help you" we had a lovely lunch and just sat there and took in the enjoyment of just sitting having a coffee in a relaxed place.
 52 High Street
tel : 01458 833386
Great family restaurant! Perfect place to go if you have a fun family occasion. The staff always make a real fuss of kids making them feel really special. The food is consistenly delicious and always plenty of it! If it is the childrens birthday they will bring them a sparkler in their desert and sing ensuring that they leave thoroughly happy!
http://lds.localdataimages.com/large/1072/10720521.jpg  2-6 Magdalene Street
tel: 1458834612

Hawthorns Hotel and Licensed Restaurant

 Hawthorns has a great restaurant. If you like your food a little bit different, spicy and exciting it is unmissable. The atmosphere is very relaxed and friendly, the food is fresh and all prepared on the premises, it's like going round to a friends house for dinner (If that friend is a really good cook!) Simon is a great chef he is not afraid to experiment so there is always something new alongside a core menu of his 'classic' dishes. The prices on food and drink are very reasonable and the portions generous.
The Hawthorns Hotel within view of Glastonbury
                Abbey Pic2 8 Northload Street, Glastonbury
01458 83125
Delicious pizzas even if you're on a tight budget. Thin crust and more authentic than all the nonsense at lots of the standard pizza outlet. They also do nice breakfasts which will leave you sated till well past lunchtime, in my experience. The staff are really friendly and the service is quick. I don't think there's table service here, though I might be wrong, but whenever I've gone we just order at the counter. It can get busy though, so make sure you get in early if it's a weekend or a particularly sunny day.
 16 Market Place
tel : 01458 837935
KFC is a chain of fast food restaurants selling chicken pieces, burgers and chips to eat in or take away. Catering for vegetarians is provided. Features: Childrens Parties, Chicken / Ribs, Seating Area, Burgers
KFC Street Road, Town Centre, Glastonbury, BA6 9ED
+44 (0) 845 753 2532
La Terre
La Terre is a beautiful, chilled out café, restaurant, tapas and wine bar situated half way up Glastonbury High Street. It’s a great place to chat over breakfast or a morning coffee, have a beer, eat tapas with friends, or wine and dine into the night. We even function as an off license with so that you can buy some great wines and beers at take-away prices to drink at home. We pride ourselves on providing excellent coffee, food, drink, service and atmosphere.
La Terre, Glastonbury 22 High Street
Tel: 01458 834959
Market House Inn
Deep in the heart of beautiful Somerset is the historical and mystical town of Glastonbury, where this  family-run inn nestles in the shadow of the Abbey Ruins and is overlooked by the magical Glastonbury Tor.Magdalene's dining area with its open fire  place serves good home-cooked food with a menu to cater for most tastes.  Out of season the restaurant is only available for residents.  Up to date details of our steak, curry and pizza nights  and of recommended local restaurants are available in our visitors guide or on Facebook. The bar: The large cosmopolitan bar has a huge selection of cold beers and fine wines and spirits from around the world. This well-stocked bar has satisfied the thirst of many a reveller. The conservatory, a step down from the bar area, has large plump sofas and easy chairs and leads onto the patio and into the garden. In winter we have an open fire in the covered pergola, so smokers can relax in warmth and comfort.  In summer enjoy the garden and then soak up the magic that is Glastonbury. You won’t want to leave. Free wifi is available throughout the hotel.
The Market House Inn's exterior  12-14 Magdalene Street,
Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 9EH
 Tel: (01458) 832220
No1 Park Terrace
Joanna and Ramon welcome you to No.1 Park Terrace, our family run bed and breakfast & licensed restaurant occupying a spacious Victorian house. We are open from 6.30pm – 9.00pm every evening, open to residents and non-residents and are fully licensed to sell alcohol. Ramon takes great pride in his freshly prepared evening meals. Combining local produce wherever possible with his Spanish style he provides a varied and interesting menu.No.1 Park Terrace is situated close to the town shopping facilities, within easy walking distance of the High Street and Glastonbury Abbey ruins. There is ample car parking space to the rear of the property. We are also close to a bus-stop for local public transport connections.
http://www.eatoutsomerset.com/upload/images/gallery/company/225/225.jpg Street Road
Tel: 01458 835845
Rainbows End Cafe
Glastonbury's first and original vegetarian cafe. Established for over 25 years, award winning and internationally recognized family business. we are nestled away in the high street, between Art of Africa and the Goddess and Green Man, our secret garden extends out to St. Johns Square car park.  Rainbow's is renowned for all it's fantastic homemade foods, ranging from the salad bar, main meals and scrumptious cakes!!! We pride ourselves on supplying the highest quality wholefood at an excellent price.
The menu has influences from all over the world and always includes yummy vegan and wheat free meals and cakes.
Rainbows End Cafe 17A High Street, Town Centre, Glastonbury, BA6 9DP
Tel: 01458 833896
The Who'd A Thought It
 The Who’d A Thought It Inn... Situated in the heart of the unique and mystical market town of Glastonbury in one of the prettiest areas of England. A truly traditional public house that serves Real Ales, and an excellent selection of wines. We serve restaurant quality meals (booking advisable) with a wide range of choice on a well thought out menu that is served in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Simply the best place to eat in town!
With the Chef/Proprietor paying particular attention to the quality of your stay, the Who'd A Thought It Inn is a perfect choice for a corporate event, a romantic weekend or a business trip or simply stay with us and explore the mystical isle of Avalon.
17 Northload Street, Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 9JJ
Tel: 0845 8735700 or +44 (0)1458 834460
The Willows
Tea Rooms and Garden Centre at the heart of the Somerset Levels. Home cooked food:- As local as possible!, As fresh as possible!, As organic as possible!. For Sunday lunches in the Tea Rooms and for special evening events call 01458 860060, we'll be happy to help. The Willows is open 7 days a week, has ample parking and all of the centre is wheelchair friendly.

Shapwick Road, Westhay, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 9TT

Tel: 01458 860060


BLOSTINS is a bistro style restaurant serving fresh food made from the finest local produce. The décor is modern, bright and the atmosphere friendly and relaxed. Cooking style is modern British with plenty of choice on the set menu priced at £18.00 for two courses or £21.00 for three courses, or try one of our specialties which could include prime beef fillet from local farms or game when in season. Fish is delivered fresh from Newlyn in Cornwall and the bistro’s Provençal fish soup with rouille and croutons is a firm favourite on the menu. This year is Nick and Lynne Reed's 20th anniversary as proprietors of BLOSTINS with Nick running the kitchen and Lynne looking after the front of house. BLOSTINS was extended in 1996 to include a private dining room seating up to 20 people. The restaurant has featured in the good food guide for the last 20 years where the Reeds approach to serving good honest food at value for money prices has been constantly mentioned. BLOSTINS has also recently been awarded the Somerset Hygiene Award by Mendip District Council for providing a hygienic food environment with good management. Open for dinner Tuesday to Saturday from 7.00pm. Luncheon parties by arrangement. A carefully chosen and good value list of sixty wines is available. A private dining room is available for business function and private parties. Enjoy simple and distinctive seasonal dishes in a relaxed atmosphere.
29-33 Waterloo Rd, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 5HH
E-mail: info@blostins.co.uk
Tel: 01749 343648    Fax: 01749 343648
Bowlish House
This incredibly pretty house, recently brought back to life by Darren Carter and Jason Goy, now offers a restaurant with rooms in elegant surroundings. The restaurant, described as 'intimate' in one guide is painted a deep aubergine which possibly prompts a reflection on the famous remark about a leading politician, "something of the night . . . ." The effect is dramatic. The day is split into four periods of eating, with dinner as the main event. Darren offers a two or three course menu, starting with a selection of canapés before going on to, say, starters of smoked haddock on a bed of lemon and ginger risotto, or a warm salad of asparagus with feta and quail's egg. Vegetarians are kept in mind with a delicate Mediterranean tart accompanied by garlic mash and a green pepper crème frâiche. Breast of duck on coconut noodles with a cherry sauce marks a welcome return to basics and the puddings tend to follow suit with steamed chocolate pudding accompanied by double chocolate ice cream and caramel sauce, and fresh fruit salad with crème chiboust well up the list. Menus follow the seasons and total freshness is assured.
Wells Road, Shepton Mallet, BA4 5JD
TEL: +44 (0)1749 342022
Sharpham Park Restaurant At Charlton House Hotel
 Embracing the trend for using leading, organic, local produce in the acclaimed restaurant of his Charlton House Hotel, owner Roger Saul searched high and low to find a head chef who is as passionate about organic produce as he is. Steve Horrell was the man who fitted the bill. Since joining Sharpham Park Restaurant, having previously worked at Babington House, Steve has re-launched the restaurant?s approach to its food and service utilising seasonal, organic and local produce with the likes of Sharpham Park poached organic pears, chicory, dandelion and Exmoor Blue and walnuts. Steve has also incorporated rare breed meats from the Saul?s organic Sharpham Park farm. Rare breed White Park beef, Hebridean and Manx Loghtan sheep, and Red Deer are all specialties on his menu with dishes such as beef carpaccio, spiced beetroot, watercress and horseradish. They also cater for those who experience wheat intolerance with a menu that offers a selection of dishes that replaces wheat with the organically grown Spelt grain, which is farmed locally at Sharpham Park. Steve has created specialties such as roast pumpkin and cinnamon speltotto with chestnuts, crispy sage and Parmesan to tempt those avoiding wheat.
http://images.activehotels.com/images/hotel/max300/274/2744667.jpg Charlton Road, Shepton Mallet, BA4 4PR
TEL: +44 (0)1749 342008
The Dusthole Hotel
The Dusthole Hotel or as it was previously known The Kings Arms is the most wonderful small hotel. It is situated on the outskirts of Shepton Mallet. With a bar that has an authentic traditional feel, a landlord that is very welcoming and offers wonderful honest hospitality.
Leg Square
Garston Street Shepton Mallet
Tel: 01749 343781
Adam and Martine have opened a new cafe within the Haskins department store in Shepton Mallet.
The cafe is open every day, 9.30-5, and offers all the specialities of Goodfellows from breakfast and patisserie to our famous £10 lunch, award winning handmade pastries and great coffee. On Sundays, brunch is served 11-5. We hope to see you there!
Goodfellows Haskins Furniture Store
64 High Street Shepton Mallet

Manor House Inn
Simon and Kinga welcome you to the Manor House Inn in the beautiful village of Ditcheat, situated between Shepton Mallet and Castle Cary, with views of the Mendips, the ideal place to eat out, to enjoy a fine drink or stay if you are touring or holidaying in the area.
photo of the exterior of the Manor House Inn Ditcheat, Shepton Mallet, BA4 6RB
01749 860276
Mughal Empire Restaurant
Mughal Empire is an indian food establishment based in the town of Shepton Mallet, Somerset. It is the only indian restaurant to serve the growing community of shepton mallet. The establishment offers a restaurant 'dining in' service along with a takeaway service. It was first opened in 1993. Under the ownership and management of Mr. Miah who holds the same position to this day. The restaurant originally had 34 covers when first opened but due to surge in demand for more tables, it more than doubled its covers with the opening of a new room in november 2008. The new room adjacent to the first main room via an archway and has a contemporary plain design, whereas the old room has more of a traditional look. After opening the new room. The restaurant also underwent refurnishing. The restaurant staff are fully trained and the staff in main positions each hold a level 3 food hygiene & safety certificate ensuring cleanliness and safety is maintained at all time's. We welcome everyone to mughal empire and we hope you enjoy the experience..

http://www.mughalempire.co.uk/gallery/homepage/mughal_empire_restaurant_01.jpg 2 Commercial Rd, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 5DH

Tel: 01749 346736
Pecking Mill Inn
 Set in the beautiful Somerset Countryside, this 16th century building offers Bed & Breakfast, a full A-La-Carte Restaurant and a peaceful and relaxing bar. We also have a beer garden situated next to a stream. The newly refurbished bar has original flagstone floors, beamed ceilings, an open fire and stone walls. Between Castle Cary (main line to Paddington, London and Cornwall) and Shepton Mallet on the A371 one mile from the Bath & West Showground.. Close to Glastonbury, Longleat, Chedder and Wells,  The local places of interest include Clarkes Village, Haynes Motor Museum and the East Somerset railway at Cranmore.  The restaurant offers a-la-carte menu with comprehensive wine list of red and white wines. We also serve cocktails and liquor coffees.
http://www.bedandbreakfastdirect.co.uk/photos/817.jpg A371, Evercreech, Shepton Mallet, BA4 6PG
TEL: +44 (0)1749 830336
The Queens Arms
 Here at the Queens Arms, we have built a reputation for offering good home cooked food, sourced from predominantly local suppliers. Children are welcome and we have a new and extensive menu including a variety of fish dishes - dover sole, sea-bass fillets and homemade fisherman's pie. A Gluten free menu is also available, on request.
Wraxall, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 6RQ
Tel: 01749 860201
Rendezvous At The Thatched Cottage Inn
A warm and friendly welcome within this historic 340 year old listed Grade II Thatched Cottage Hotel, Bar and Restaurant”A Charming, historic 340 year old thatched cottage inn, with bar, restaurant, large accommodation rooms and function facilities. From the moment you walk in to the Thatched Cottage you are welcomed with a friendly smile, where you will be greeted within  the elegant open plan bar with oak beams, open fireplace, oak panelling and relaxing sofa’s and chairs. A place to sit, socialise and relax with a pint of real ale, a glass of wine from our extensive wine menu or even just enjoy a hot coffee. The decor mixes traditional with contemporary through cream walls and leaded glass mullion windows. We know you will enjoy the character of this fine building as the clink of glasses and sound of laughter resonate through the soft background music. We also have free WIFI connection in the bar, conference and accommodation. Following through to the two level restaurant, you will find two other open fireplaces and a Swiss wood burner, oak beams and candle lit seating for 52 people, our English themed menus offer superb food at a very high quality within a competitive price, is just perfect. Cooking style is modern British, all cooked with enthusiasm from fresh local Somerset produce where practical.
http://www.wheresbest.co.uk/images/laterooms/223028-thumb.jpg 63-67 Charlton Road, Shepton Mallet, BA4 6DY
TEL: +44 (0)1749 342058
Restaurant at Highwayman Inn
 This historic inn is surrounded by the lush and mysterious countryside of Dartmoor National Park and is renowned as one of Britain's most unusual pubs. The building has a mix of the original stone and wooden structures, with gothic arches, a wooden door from a whaler, a serpent and numerous other antiques, which revive the charm of bygone times. It was originally built as an inn in 1282 and has undergone several transformations since. Formerly owned by Rita and Buster Jones, who ran it with passion for several decades, the establishment is today in the capable hands of their daughter Sally and her husband Bruce. The family takes great pride in catering for different occasions, from intimate dinners to weddings. The Rita Jones, Locker, Lounge and the Snug bars provides a distinct ambience but they are great to relax in over a drink. The inn also has a few rooms for guests wanting to stay over and take a break. While they have lunch and dinnertime fare, Bruce is well known for his breakfast specials. He uses organic produce and ensures vegetarians have enough choices too.
Cannards Grave, Shepton Mallet, BA4 4LY

TEL: +44 (0)1749 331247
The Shrubbery Hotel
Lovely atmosphere, with lots of real ales, local ciders, international beers. Fireplace, chilled music, and chilled wine. The bar is available for your private parties and meetings.   The Restaurant Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner.Serving great home cooked and locally sourced food wherever possible.
• Daily Specials • Locally reared Steaks • Vegetarian meals • Seafood selection The menu will change regularly to reflect the seasons and what is available locally

The Shrubbery Hotel and Bistro
                Shepton Mallet 17 Commercial Road, Shepton Mallet, BA4 5BU
TEL: +44 (0)1749 346671
The Three Horseshoes Inn
The Three Horseshoes is a 400 year old country pub tucked away in the beautiful Somerset village of Batcombe, with easy access to Bruton, The Royal Bath and West Showground and only forty minutes from Bath and Bristol. Open to all we welcome drinkers, foodies, walkers, dogs and children. With children of our own we aim to make The Three Horseshoes family friendly with colouring books and games, to keep them entertained, whilst you have a relaxing time sampling the many delights that the pub has to offer. Whether it be a quick pint and a pork pie in the bar or a three course dinner in our stunning dining room, you can be sure of a friendly welcome.At The Three Horseshoes we are passionate about food, or more so, obsessed.
The chefs are dedicated to serving quality, homemade, fresh food using amazing ingredients and simplicity in cooking, whilst creating innovative dishes. We vary the menu often to reflect the seasons and believe in using fresh, locally sourced produce. We take the children’s menu very seriously, all the dishes have been tried, tested and approved by our own.
Batcombe, Bruton, nr Shepton Mallet, BA4 6HE
TEL: +44 (0)1749 850359
Whistlestop Restaurant
Come rain or shine a warm welcome awaits you in the Station Cafe which is situated on the ground floor of the main building. We offer high quality snacks and meals at great value for money. Prices start from £1.65 for toasted teacakes. Our range includes: • Homemade cakes  • A selection teas and freshly filtered Coffee • Wide range of hot & cold snacks, savouries, sandwiches & breakfasts • Children’s menu • Hot Food Daily including : Filled Jacket Potatoes, Bacon Bap & Sandwiches • Daily Specials including : Lasagne, Cottage Pie and Salads pening Times from 10:00am - 4:30pm on steaming days The station cafe is wheelchair & pushchair friendly and there is an accessible toilet available with baby change facilities in the same building. Admission is not required to visit the restaurant.
East Somerset Railway, Cranmore, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 4QP
Tel: 01749 880179
Bear Inn
The Bear Inn is a traditional pub in the small town of Street in Somerset. The Inn boasts a spacious interior filled with cosy corners and a large beer garden and terrace to enjoy in the summer months. Food is served all day and our traditional pub menu and daily food offers mean you can be assured of great quality and value at every visit. The hotel boasts two function rooms which makes it a great choice for those on business trips. Street was a small farming community until the mid 19th century when Cyrus Clark set up his shoe factory and built housing and leisure facilities to provide for his workers. Now, the manufacturing arm has moved abroad and the old workshops have been turned into a Clark’s Retail Village offering designer and high street clothes at outlet prices. The town itself is located in a rural area, less than two miles from Glastonbury and only ten minutes from the M5. The Bear Inn's hotel accommodation consists of 24 comfortable and spacious rooms situated either above the pub or in our neighbouring cottages. We also have plenty of free parking for hotel guests and we are located a minute’s walk from the Clark's Retail Village at the edge of Street.
High Street
BA16 0EF
Tel : 01458 442021
The Two Brewers
Home cooked food is served lunchtimes and evenings with a comprehensive menu offering snacks, starters, main courses and of course puddings! There is something for everyone from Giant Brewer Baps to the legendary Mixed Grill. You will also find vegetarian options and a daily specials board. The Two Brewers is also the place to come for Real Ale as evidenced by the impressive collection of pump clips which adorn the bar walls. Two guest ales feature alongside the three staple, cask conditioned Ales - Courage Best, Courage Directors and Theakston's XB. As any beer drinker knows, a good pint relies on the skills of the cellarman and Richard has undergone intensive training at the Brewer's Society Training Centre and is a member of The British Institute of Inn keeping.
The Two Brewers: Our lovely pub! Leigh Road, Street, Somerset, BA16 0HB

Tel: 01458 442421
Cafe Mattia
Andrea and her family have been independent cafe and food concession operators for over 40 years and have branches all over the UK, from Street in Somerset to Doncaster and Castleford in Yorkshire, Cheshire, Bicester and Bridgend.  Andrea says, “I started in this business with help from my father over 40 years ago when I opened my first concession at Clarks Village (outlet centre) in Street. We have been able to develop our business across the country by careful research and planning. Of course no business like ours can operate without a dedicated and well-trained staff and we are very proud of ours who have achieved several national awards for service and who are as passionate about what we do as I am.

Cafe Mattia 77 Clarks Village, Town Centre, Street, BA16 0HN
tel: 01458 840666
Cibo Ristorante
Set in one of the most charming villages in the English countryside, only 4 miles from Glastonbury, and easily accessible from Junction 23 on the M5. Vincenzo Piscopo, partner and head chef, has introduced many authentic dishes from Southern Italy, combined with dishes using local fresh produce. There is an extensive choice of fresh fish (daily variations on the blackboards), pizza and pasta, and superb charcoal grilled meats.
http://www.guide2bristol.com/uploads/restaurants/large/080610175748--cibo1.jpg 166 High St, Street, Somerset, BA16 0NH
Tel: 01458 448500
The Elms Inn
Opened in 2009 in the heart of Somerset tourist country, The Elms has established itself as the premier eatery serving Street and Glastonbury.The ambience is unashamedly modern, European bar/bistro during breakfast and lunch with a daily changing, eclectic menu reflecting the best of Somerset produce in international styles. The bar and garden are open throughout the day for fine ales or coffees or relaxing with a glass from our extensive range of house wines or just for watching the locals come and go to the chilled sounds from the music system. In the evening the kitchen offers more elaborate dishes and starters complemented with a small but comprehensive wine list although the atmosphere still seems just as relaxed as ever...
The Elms Inn, Pub, Restaurant, Street, Somerset.
                Front 110 Somerton Road, Street, Somerset BA16 0SA
tel: 01458 442772
The Food Factory
The Food
                Factory Clarks Village
Farm Road
Street, Somerset, BA16 0BB
tel: 01458 840647
Fresh! is a sandwich shop that sells a range of organic foods, including sandwiches, snacks and beverages, to eat in or take away. They also offer a delivery service.
Fresh! 37B Clarks Village, Town Centre, Street, BA16 0BB
Tel: 01458 840647
Giuseppes Italian Restaurant (Italian)

166 High St
Street, Somerset
BA16 0NH
Tel: 0871 432 0500
The Golden House Chinese Restaurant
Welcome to The Golden House Chinese Restaurant Chinese restaurant in Street, Somerset. For information about our menu, opening times, or to book a table at The Golden House Chinese Restaurant restaurant, please phone our main telephone number on 01458446442.

13 Leigh Rd, Street, Somerset, BA16 0HA Tel: 01458 446442

12 Farm Road
Street, Somerset, BA16 0BJ
tel: 01458 447060
La Pergola
La Pergola 62 High Street, Street BA16 0EQ
tel:01458 447570
The Lantokay
The name of this Wetherspoon pub recalls the town's origin as an ancient settlement, called Lantokay. In time, the name was forgotten, and the settlement was called 'Leigh' and then 'Street'.
It was the early Christian settlement, at Glastonbury, which attracted several Celtic saints to this area. It was one such saint who settled on the higher, drier ground above the marshes, where Street Church now stands, and founded Lantokay, the Ilan, or sacred enclosure of Kay. The Street Inn is one of the town's three listed pubs.
111-113 High Street
BA16 0EY

tel: 01458 444940
McDonald's offers a range of fast food meals and soft drinks to eat in or takeaway.
Features Burgers, Childrens Parties, Seating Area, Vegetarian Dishes, Wireless Internet Access, Private Parties: Call For Details
McDonald's Restaurant Gravenchon Way, Town Centre, Street, BA16 0HW
tel: 01458 440019
The Mad Hatter Cafe
Sandwiches, Seating Area, Takeawa
The Mad Hatter Cafe Crispin Hall, 83 High Street, Town Centre, Street, BA16 0EZ
tel: 01458 445172
Milk NO Sugar Coffee Lounge
Seating Area, Sandwiches, Patisserie, Takeaway
Milk, No Sugar Coffee Lounge 2, Bayliss Centre, 147 High Street, Town Centre, Street, BA16 0EX
tel: 01458 445775
Mullions Hotel
Mullions’ Breakfast Kitchen & Café is open in the mornings for our bed & breakfast guests, & also to the public for coffee, cakes, breakfast & brunch.
External Photo of Mullions     51 High Street, Street, Somerset, BA16 0EF
tel     01458 445110

New Miahs

New Miah's Tandoori 139 High Street
Street, Somerset, BA16 0EX
tel: 01458 841062
The Pike & Muskett Inn
http://www.britainexpress.com/images/accommodation/lr/LR211705.jpg 160 Main St, Walton, Street, Somerset, BA16 9QU Tel: 01458 442988
Puddy Mark
Puddy Mark 106 High Street, Town Centre, Street, BA16 0EW
tel: 01458 443643
Royal Oak
The Royal Oak, Main Street, Walton     27 Main Street, Walton, Street, Somerset, BA16 9QG
tel     01458 442376


170 High Street
Street, Somerset, BA16 0NH
tel: 01458 441155
Sandwiches, Seating Area, Takeaway
Sarnies 79 High Street, Town Centre, Street, BA16 0EG
Tel : 01458 447834
Street Inn
The Street Inn dates back to the 1780’s, and it was most probably a coffee house in times gone by!  But it seems to be on track with a healthy future with thanks to the hard work of tenants Ty and Lyndi which run the Enterprise Inn.  Ty & Lyndi have been at the Street Inn for 2 ½ years, Ty explains “It’s been hard work, but we like to feel that the pub is an eclectic, vibrant pub, with a mix of entertainment” “The Street Inn offers nights of Poker, Live music, karaoke & Open Mic nights.”  Ty explained that the music consists of soloist, duos, Irish folk groups, (music without Drums!)  They serve London Pride, with Head Chef Lyndi providing the food for the pub. Lyndi’s speciality is her Steak specials, i.e steak and a desert for £12.  A nice 8oz sirloin, courtesy of S&C Taunton Butchers.  Lyndi’s other forte is her homemade desserts “try the Bread & Butter pudding I’m told.” The Cauliflower, broccoli and cheese is a firm favourite with vegetarians I’m pleased to say!     Ty states that “it is the quality of the food that matters to us,” and they take their time and pride in what they do, and “Were not the fastest, but the freshest.” With an average 20-30 minute wait for your meal, this can be common.  So you have been pre-warned, perhaps have another Doombar whilst you’re waiting!
Street Inn     Somerton Road, Street, Somerset, BA16 0DR
tel: 01458 844011
Street Life
Welcome to Street Life English restaurant in Street, Somerset. For information about our menu, opening times, or to book a table at Street Life restaurant, please phone our main telephone number on 01458 447570.

62 High Street
Street, Somerset, BA16 0EQ
tel: 01458 447570
Street Main Cafe
Fish & Chips Eat In or Take Away
Street Main Cafe 60 High Street, Town Centre, Street, BA16 0EQ

The Village Cafe
The Village Cafe 12 Farm Road, Town Centre, Street, BA16 0BJ
Tel: 01458 447060
Wessex Hotel
Lunchtime snack or evening meal, the Wessex Hotel in Street can cater for all tastes. Lighter meals and snacks are offered in our cosy bar or for dining outside in the sunshine on the hotel terrace on a warm summer’s day. Alternatively if it is a larger meal you require or a special three course dinner then our Olive Tree restaurant never fails to satisfy both the eyes and the taste buds. Simple, classic dishes cooked well from locally sourced, fresh ingredients are the order of the day. Fresh fish delivered daily, meat reared on the lush Somerset meadows, full of succulent flavour and crisp vegetables and salad. Our talented Head Chef believes in letting the flavour of good food speak for itself. To compliment these fabulous dishes, a selection of desserts is served the old fashioned way, let your eyes devour the sweet trolley and choose which tantalising pudding will complete your meal or opt for a selection of local West country cheeses including; Quickes mature Cheddar, Somersetshire Blue and creamy Somerset Brie. Still hungry then the dessert trolley is on offer with classic puddings to finish off.
Wessex Hotel High Street, Street, nr. Glastonbury,
Somerset, BA16 0EF.


Tel: 01458 443383
The Ancient Gate House
When you come to the Ancient Gate House in the Cathedral city of Wells in Somerset, you'll feel at home as soon as you arrive. When you are dining in one of our award winning restaurants your comfort and satisfaction are at the heart of everything we do.The Ancient Gatehouse is a family run hotel and restaurant offering a blend of friendly and professional attention in relaxed yet stylish surroundings situated facing the famous west front of Wells Cathedral and the Cathedral Green.

Click to open image! Sadler Street, Wells, Somerset BA5 2SE
Tel: 01749 672029

      2 Union St. Wells, Somerset BA5 2PU. 
Tel: 01749 678111
Annie's Tea Rooms, Garden and Gallery
After five years of hard work, much merriment and lots of cream cakes, John & Annie Deeley, the owners of the award winning 'Annie's Tea Rooms, Garden & Gallery,' in Godney near Wells, have, somewhat reluctantly, decided to hang up the proverbial 'spotty pinny' for the last time.This means they will not be reopening at Easter as originally planned. The Tea Rooms received a lot of recognition from local and national press, not least of which was being included in The Independent newspaper as one of 'The 50 Best Tea Rooms' in the UK and winning the top Taste of the West Gold Award in the Tea Room/Cafe category. As a result they found this put them on a much bigger map than they ever anticipated. People started coming from North Wales, London, Cambridge, in fact, all over the UK, including holiday-makers passing through Somerset on their way to Devon, Cornwall and Dorset, to visit them, in ever increasing numbers.John & Annie ran the Tea Rooms from their home; an old Somerset Dairy Barn, in the small village of Godney on the Somerset Levels. Consequently, they found themselves seriously questioning the practicality and logistics of continuing and decided, after much soul searching, that it would really be best to quit while they they're ahead. In an attempt to avoid any disappointment would be visitors would feel if they were to venture out and find the Tea Rooms no longer open, they are doing everything they can to spread the news of their decision.
Tea Rooms road view The Old Dairy Barn
Upper Godney Wells, Somerset
01458 832547
Antons Bistrot at The Crown at Wells
Our special Les Routiers lunch menu changes fortnightly and is available from 12.00 noon Monday to Sunday. Two courses from 6.50, three courses from 8.50. Our la carte menu is served in the evening from 6.00pm. We are vegetarian and child-friendly and happy to accept bookings for private parties/business functions. Our award-winning chef, Andre has worked in a variety of exotic locations around the world including Bermuda and the Cayman Islands.
The Crown at Wells and Anton's Bistrot Market Place, Wells, Somerset, BA5 2RP
E-mail: reception@crownatwells.co.uk

Tel: 01749 673457    Fax: 01749 679792
ASK - Wells
 For some time I made the mistake of thinking that no group of restaurants in the region of 200 locations could hope to maintain the quality for which I was looking.Then one day I decided to put my prejudices to the test, walked into Oxford Ask! and discovered that I could not have been more mistaken. Their claim to serve freshly prepared quality food in stylish and comfortable surroundings with friendly and efficient service proved to be absolutely spot on. Since then I have also discovered that a degree of consistency seems to operate throughout their restaurants, and that certainly does take some achieving, implying a degree of management that is enviable. They are perfect places for an impromptu snack, a bit of culinary grazing, or the full works, and families are catered for particularly well.
Ask Restaurant - click to enlarge The Market Hall, Market Place, Wells, BA5 2RB
TEL: +44 (0)1749 677681
Beah Restaurant
Welcome to BEAH restaurant in Wells, Somerset. Our vision for BEAH is to offer authentic Moroccan cuisine plus English/French fusion dishes with ingredients sourced from local suppliers with daily specials using in season produce where ever possible. While our lunchtime & dinner menus reflect some old favourites, locally sourced steaks & homemade desserts, Noureddine also includes dishes from his home town of Mohammedia, succulent lamb or chicken tagine, pastilla and of course cous cous. Sunday wouldn’t be Sunday without a good roast we now offer a superb carvery upstairs in our converted 'chapel' restaurant - with tasty alternatives for vegetarians. Our upstairs restaurant seats up to 70 people making it ideal for private parties, meetings, weddings and other special occasions. You are very welcome to come and look around, have a chat with Noureddine & Nicola and together we will work to ensure you have the very best party, whether it’s a simple buffet, 3 course lunch or dinner, or perhaps you have a crazy idea and theme? You could be the first to have a traditional Moroccan wedding reception in Wells! So from a coffee and cake to a light lunch or a relaxed dinner, BEAH has it all – just call us or drop in, we will be delighted to meet you
Restaurant, Wells, Somerset, BEAH  2 Union Street, Wells, Somerset, BA5 2PU 
 Tel:01749 678111
Market Place, BA5 2RF
Tel: 01749 675993
Britannia Inn
Last week the family & I had Sunday lunch at the Brit and were royally looked after by landlord Rob and his friendly team. There was a lovely jovial atmosphere and Rob was on 1st name terms with most of the diners. The option of smaller portions for elder diners was very popular and our boys were delighted to hear that children finishing their main course got pudding free. Portions were generous and reminded me of meals I would have as a child round my great aunts & uncles. I don’t think you will find a more friendly atmosphere across the whole of Wells.

Bath Road Wells Somerset BA5 3LQ
Brufani's Steak & Gourmet Burger Restaurant
Proprietor: Jon Rossi Head Chef: Simon Jackson
Brufani's Steak & Gourmet Burger Restaurant seats 45 people and is a family owned and managed establishment and is the only chargrilled steakhouse in the area. Recently we were delighted to welcome Simon Jackson to the team as Head Chef, who brings a wealth of experience, flair & passion for food to the restaurant. Brufani's specialises in steak and homemade gourmet burgers using only top quality locally sourced beef from the fields of Priddy. Gourmet Burgers are homemade on the premises using the same quality beef as the Steaks and there is also lamb, chicken & vegetarian burgers available. To compliment these, we also offer healthy exciting salads and some fish dishes as well as home cut fries. Brufani's is now open from 5.30pm until 9.30pm and has a seperate children's section on its menu. To keep the children entertained, we also supply complimentary crayons and colouring sheets.Customers are welcome to pre-book childrens parties in the restaurant from 2.30pm - 5.30pm The restaurant features a real log fire, which is particularly welcoming on a chilly day, and the hotel's attentive staff will help to make your visit memorable.
Brufani's Grill Restaurant - click to enlarge White Hart Hotel

tel: 01749 672056
The Bull Terrier
One of Somerset's oldest pubs dating back to 1612.
Sited in the beautiful unspoiled village of Croscombe, midway between Wells and Shepton Mallet, this historic Westcountry village Inn has a tremendous reputation for good food and hospitality with well furnished comfortable bedrooms.Everything Ruth, the chef cooks is homemade and very tasty and flavoursome. So why not drop in for a light lunch or hearty dinner in one of Somerset's oldest pubs!
Croscombe, nr Wells, BA5 3QJ
TEL: +44 (0)1749 343658
Burcott Inn

Wookey Road
Burcott Wells
Tel: 01749 673874
Cafe Piano
Situated in a quiet courtyard in the heart of England's smallest city and some 100 meters from the medieval market square and the gates to Wells' magnificent Cathedral, Cafe Piano's attractive setting, varied, affordable and exciting menu and attentive service together with regular weekend live music featuring local acts, have made it extremely popular with residents and visitors alike. Managing to combine sumptuous ambiance with well-styled chic is no easy task but one that Café Piano manages to pull off with room to spare.
The low lit bar and restaurant with grand piano taking centre stage help to create a relaxed easy atmosphere to unwind after a hard day or simply while away a couple of hours with the friendly, informative staff. The restaurant area is similarly laid back with well spaced tables, comfortable seating and good all-round views. The menus offer a wide selection of modern and traditional dishes that are prepared and to perfection.
A real must visit while in Wells
Image description 9 Heritage Courtyard
Sadler Street Wells
Tel: 01749 677772
Cafe Romna
 The authentic dishes which they offer combined with the great ambience have ensured we never leave disappointed. I too would recommend booking ahead as it does tend to be packed on the weekend nights. Indian, smart modern decor. 

Sadler Street
Camelot Inn
The majestic Camelot Inn is situated between the beautiful city of Wells and the mystical Glastonbury. Set in the splendor of the Somerset countryside, the Glastonbury Tor can be seen from our extensive beer garden complete with children’s play area. For locals and sightseers alike, we have a boules pitch where you can while away the afternoon. Fine pub food and extensive range of cask ales are available all day, everyday, and we offer two meals for the price of one to make your visit to the Camelot Inn even better!
Tel: 01749 673783
City Arms & Restaurant
The City Arms has a colourful past, taking a big part in the City of Wells rich history. This 17th century building started life as the city jail but now enriches Wells High Street as a true British eating house.
Food is served all day with an extensive seasonally changing menu and all dishes are made from fresh local produce creating traditional and Mediterranean style food. To complement this we have seven real ales and an eclectic wine list. You can choose to eat a sumptuous feast in the striking restaurant, a hearty meal in the lively pub or alfresco in the attractive courtyard terrace.
http://www.wheresbest.co.uk/images/geograph/624036.jpg 69 High Street, Wells,
Tel: 01749 673916
The Cloister
a popular centre of social life in Wells" (indeed, heaving like a souk with trimly turned-out people of a certain age when I looked in at lunchtime).Coffee, tea, lunches and delicious cakes served in the medieval cloisters.The restaurant, owned by the Chapter of Wells Cathedral, is in part of the original cloisters and serves excellent lunches and afternoon teas

Catching up with friends
Wells Cathedral, BA5 2PA
Tel: 01749 676543
Coffee #1

Broad Street
We dropped in here one sunny but freezing afternoon in March in between visiting the bishop's palace and the cathedral. It was nice to get out of the cold for quarter of an hour and sit down for a cup of tea and a browse through the Sunday papers, which the owners conveniently leave lying around the cafe. Nice, quiet place to stop for a while as you visit the town.
 3 Market Place
tel: 01749 672517
Croscombe Country Club

Church Street Croscombe Croscombe Wells Somerset BA5 3QS
tel: 01749342282
Da Luciano's Pizzeria,
Da Luciano's does some wicked pizza. It's always served at just the right temperature and the cheese is so nice and fresh and elasticky!! Service is fun and friendly and the choices are wide so there's something for everyone. Love it! Take aways available.

15-17 Broad Street
tel: 01749 675884.
Denellars Sandwich Bar

5a Queen Street Wells Somerset BA5 2DP
tel: 01749672146
Easton Inn

Sladebrook Road Easton Wells Somerset BA5 1DU
tel : 01749870220
The Fountain Inn
Over the years the pub has won many accolades including an AA Rosette, Les Routiers Casserole Award and highly commended regional winner of the Spanish Wine Lists Competition for 1997 and 1998. In 1998 The Fountain Inn also received a special award of excellence having won the Ushers Best Pub Food and Best Pub Food Competition for three years running. Chef Julie Pearce uses the finest local produce to create a tremendous selection of delicious home-cooked food available to diners in both the bar and restaurant. The Fountain Inn & Boxer's Restaurant offer a choice of vegetarian dishes and children's menu is available. Vegan dishes can be prepared on request. Deliciously tempting desserts and a fine selection of West Country cheeses round- off what is sure to be a splendid, good value meal.
1 St Thomas Street, Wells, Somerset, BA5 2UU
E-mail: reservations@fountaininn.co.uk
Tel: 01749 672317    Fax: 01749 670825
The Full Moon
This is a family run pub situated in the heart of the beautiful city of Wells, Somerset. Your hosts, Sarah and Ben warmly welcome you to The Full Moon Inn and hope you will enjoy your visit by giving you great value for money in a very friendly and relaxed atmosphere.All the food cooked on the premises is cooked fresh to order, so well worth the wait! So get a drink and grab a menu, sit back and have a pleasant and enjoyable meal with Sarah and Ben looking after you.

42 Southover
Tel: 01749 675792
Georgies Plaice

10-12 St Thomas Street Wells Somerset BA5 2UX
tel: 01749679346
The Globe Inn
Good old fashioned pub. Flag stones, open fire, traditional through & through. Sky sports inside, outside & upstairs!!! Great food, pub menu & specials. Fresh fish, local meat & plenty for the veggies! Great Ales, Beer & wine. Function room available that seats upto 50. IT'S A GREAT PUB!
18-20 Priest Row
The Globe lies is Priest's Row opposite St Cuthbert's church near the junction with Chamberlain street.
tel: 08714 329005
The Good Earth,
 There are many places in Wells where you can get some veggie food. But this is the only place that is purely vegetarian. I've been eating here for years and it's always excellent. Quality local food in a quality local restaurant. Lovely shop also.

4 Priory Road
Tel: 01749 678600
Goodfellows Restaurant & The Sadler Street Cafe
Goodfellows is a beautifully modern restaurant serving the most magnificent food specialising in the local freshest fish and seafood which is mainly caught off the shores of Devon and Cornwall. There three distinct dining areas; from the intimate romantic restaurant on the first floor to the exciting tables opposite the pars on the ground floor to eating alfresco at the tables in the court yard garden. Chef Adam Fellows and his highly trained team create Mediterranean influenced dishes which are light but intense in flavour reflecting the countries and chefs where Adam has worked throughout his career. Goodfellows also has a covered courtyard which during the warmer seasons is fantastic for eating Al Fresco and enjoying the great food that is on offer.
Goodfellows Restaurant 5 Sadler Street
Tel: 01749 673866
Hartleys Cafe Bistro
Paul, who is a local celebrity; the author of several books all about food and great British food brands such as Marmite and Colman’s Mustard. Lynda, his wife is just as passionate about food. Together they make a great team and the perfect couple to run this wonderful foodie heaven. Paul and Lyndas endless enthusiasm for food knows no bounds and is truly infectious, which makes the café bistro a warm friendly and fun place to visit. The food is not over complicated just cooked to perfection. The menu comprises of tasty breakfast dishes such as a Traditional Full English Breakfast, Eggs Benedict and the most fantastic Smoked Salmon and Scrambled Eggs. The lunch menu offers more wonderful and truly scrumptious dishes. When in this part of the woods you have to visit and try the great institution.

Rookery Farm
Binegar Nr Wells
Tel: 01749 841718
Ho Ho House

82 High Street Wells Somerset BA5 2AJ
tel: 01749674784
Hunters Lodge Inn

Priddy Wells Somerset BA5 3AR
tel : 01749672275
The Kings Head
A 14th century (1308) pub, ran with a modern outlook. By day we're predominantly a tourist pub, being right in the middle of Wells' high street, and we serve quality, fresh, pub food. By night we're a 'real' pub, with ales served straight from the casks and lots of regular events, such as open mic night (Tuesdays), live bands (Thursdays) and DJs (Fri & Sat),
36 High Street
08714 329005
Le Cafe Bleu
We pride ourselves on our great atmosphere, friendly staff and excellent food and drink.
We are ideally situated in the middle of Wells which is a busy market town and home to a spectacular Cathedral. We have plenty of seating in and outside, where you can sit back and enjoy the experience. We are licensed and are open 7 days a week. We have live music every other Friday night, when you can listen to local bands. We also have occasional poetry evenings and board game evenings - check with us for dates.

9 Heretage Courtyard, Sadler Street, Wells, Somerset
E-mail: info@lecafebleu.co.uk
Tel: 01749 677772
Restaurant at The George Inn
The owners have recently remodelled the bar to allow four real ales to be served from the cask. One area uses canadian timber reclaimed from the local church. The main bar has some stripped stone, dark wooden tables and chairs and more comfortable seats, winter log fires in inglenook fireplaces and the family grandfather clock. The attractive dining room has more stripped stone, local artwork and photographs on the burgundy walls and high-backed cushioned dining chairs around a mix of tables. Up to eight real ales (four tapped from the cask, the rest on handpump) feature King George the Thirst (brewed exclusively for them by Blindmans), Butcombe Bitter, St Austell Proper Job and up to five guest beers from breweries such as Abbey Ales, Arbor Ales, Cheddar and Moor, three local ciders and ten wines by the glass. Darts, cribbage, dominoes, board games, a skittle alley, shut the box and a canadian wooden table game called crokinole; occasional piped music and separate TV room. The friendly pub dog is called Tessa. The attractive, sizeable garden has seats on the heated and covered terrace; children's area.
The George Inn, on the A371 in Croscombe, nr Wells,
                Somerset Long Street,
 nr Wells, BA5 3QH
TEL: +44 (0)1749 342306
The New Inn
 A family run pub with great food and real ales. Fabulous location in the heart of the Mendips Welcoming real fires, live acoustic music nights, skittles, pool, and much much more!

Priddy Green,
Priddy, nr Wells, BA5 3BB
TEL: +44 (0)1749 676465
The Old Spot
I don't know about Old Spot but certainly the current Hot Spot in the West Country is at Wells, where Ian Bates, one time prodigy of Simon Hopkinson, that relatively unsung hero of the culinary world has set up Old Spot, to be swamped with rave reviews and predictions of success.The throwing around of money is not a characteristic of the good folk of Wells or its visitors, so pricing has been critical, producing incredibly good food at incredibly bargain prices. The whole emphasis is on dishes that both sound good and also have strong visual appeal. The lunch menu carries five choices in starters and mains, with four desserts. Amongst dishes to delight are a ceviche of organic salmon with delicately chopped red chilli, some fresh coriander and a smooth avocado purée, braised shoulder of lamb that had been slowly cooked over many hours, then pan-fried as required ensuring the meat has a crisp caramelised finish.A dessert of peach trifle laced with pistachios provided a finish with a flourish. The wine list is the product of Bill Baker, former child of Avery's, who knew an opportunity when he saw one, and is already highly regarded.
12 Sadler Street, Wells, BA5 2SE
TEL: +44 (0)1749 689099
Piccadilly Inn

Bleadney Wells Somerset BA5 1PF
tel : 01749671861
Pickwick's Sandwich Bar and Coffee Bar
Broad Street

Rajah Indian Restaurant
5a Queen Street
Tel: 01749 677254
tel : 01749 673978.

Tel: 01749 677254
Rasos Fish & Chips
The best fish and chips in the Mendips.

15-17 Broad Street Wells Somerset BA5 2DJ
tel : 01749672340
Ring O Bells

High Street Wookey Wells Somerset BA5 1JZ
tel: 01749678079
Ritchers Restaurant
The seating is on two levels, with a large spiral staircase. Bistro style dining downstairs and more "restauranty" upstairs, although the menu, price and service are the same (classical French with a modern approach). Lunchtime, more so in the winter, classical British dishes are modernised i.e. steamed lamb pudding with a prune and Armagnac jus, minced lamb and leek strudel with onion gravy and mashed potatoes. In the summer, a warm bacon, new potato and wood mushroom salad with a stilton vinaigrette or fillet of fresh ling in herb, breadcrumbs pan-fried with sauce tartare. The dinner menu changes every 8 to 12 weeks, with winter dishes being more robust. In summer lighter dishes and more fish is available. Ritcher's is a small but busy restaurant, trying to keep abreast of the trends in food, sometimes copying, improving or changing ideas from other bigger and more high profile establishments, offering our regular customers and tourists good food at very reasonable prices.

5 Sadler Street, Wells, Somerset Tel: 01749 679085    Fax: 01749 673866
Riverside Indian Restaurant
This place offers some great Indian dishes and great prices. The restaurant underwent a refurbishment about 12 months ago and is now brilliant. I would definitely recommend to anyone who is thinking of going or indeed having a take away. Another plus is the huge car park right outside which means no walking!!

BA5 1QT 
Tel: 01749 672100
Excellent food, very good value for money. and the staff couldn't do enough to make us welcome. 4 of us had a 2 course lunch from the fixed price menu (£10.50) which included a glass of wine and a basket of warm bread. We all very much enjoyed the experience.

Care Of The Ancient Gatehouse ...Sadler Wells Somerset BA5 2RR
tel : 01749672029
The Sherston Inn
The Sherston Inn is the ideal location in Wells to relax and unwind, with large leather sofas and roaring fires to enjoy a drink by or indulge yourself in a sumptuous meal.The light and spacious restaurant serves a fine selection of dishes that use the finest local and seasonal produce. With a motto of, "we know that good food really does taste better using locally produced ingredients", you know you can't go wrong! The team of chefs have created dishes that range from simply prepared fresh fish to great sizzling steaks to traditional tasty pies to mouthwatering pasta dishes to fantastic fresh salads.Outside, the walled garden is a dazzling and picturesque setting for the perfect alfresco dining experience, especially in the spring and summer sunshine!
Priory Road
Tel: 01749 673743

Coffee Shops in Wells - Starbuck's
                Coffee Bar

The Sun Inn
The new team work very hard to offer good food and warm hospitality. They pride themselves on using local produce to ensure that all their food is as fresh as possible when it reaches you at the table. With a nice selection of the good old pub favourites such as Ham, Egg and Chips. The policy at The Sun Inn is to use the best local produce and this is reflected in the quality of the steaks that are served. They are cooked with care and attention just to your liking. So go and enjoy a meal in this wonderful pub, you won’t be disappointed.

20 Union Street
Tel: 01749 672 845
The Swan Hotel and Restaurant
The Best Western Swan Hotel in Wells has been serving superb cuisine for many years under Head Chef, Paul Mingo-West. Using only the finest ingredients, local where possible, these high standards have been recognised with 2 prestigious AA Rosettes.The magnificent oak panelled restaurant seats upto 50 guests whilst from May, diners can enjoy eating alfresco in the tranquil Walled Garden and Garden Room. With seating for over 70 people, this spacious area provides the perfect setting in which to enjoy informal dining during the Summer months. A varied and interesting menu is available, from simple snacks to substantial main courses or you can just relax and enjoy a drink in this secluded setting.

http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01638/swan-hotel-wells-e_1638911c.jpg Sadler Street Wells
Tel: 01749 836300
Tandori Mahal

13A Sadler Street
Tel: 01749 670240
The Undercroft Restaurant
The Bishops Palace, Wells, BA5 2PD TEL: +44 (0)1749 988111
 Wells Tandoori
This place is a charming little Indian restaurant with some really friendly staff and good service. The food itself is well seasoned and spiced so that it doesn't blow your head off and you have a change to savour the taste. The meat is juicy and not overcooked as it so often is in little Indian restaurants in my experience. They have something for all tastes and the prices are very reasonable.

 The Pheasant Inn
Wells Road Wells
Tel: 01749 672355 
White Hart Hotel
White Hart Hotel Wells, Somerset

The Wookey Hole Inn
 Wookey Hole Inn may seem like a conventional pub from the outside but step in and splashes of colour and Mediterranean tastes beckon. The walled garden, with bamboos, grass and herbs, resonates with a festive atmosphere at night with live musicians playing away and sculptures standing calmly in the backdrop. The seasonal menu is amply supported by regularly changing board specials and the appetisers feature a spread of Thai style fishcakes with rosemary chilli jam and turmeric yogurt, and roasted red pepper and vine tomato soup. Corn-fed supreme of chicken baked over merguez sausages, braised butter beans and sun-dried tomato tapenade could make up the next course, or may be even a slow roasted duck confit. A dessert of strawberry and raspberry cheesecake and pears poached in port and honey could help in rounding things off.
Wookey Hole, Wells, BA5 1BP TEL: +44 (0)1749 676677
The Most Comprehensive List Available
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Shepton Mallet
Arundel House, Church Street, Cheddar Somerset BS27 3RA    Tel: 01934 742264
web site
This privately owned Regency-period building is in Cheddar. There is friendly, helpful service and a licensed bar lounge where a fire burns during cold weather.  Previously known as The Market Cross Hotel, the Arundel House offers fresh 3-course evening meals (when requested 24 hours in advance). For those with allergies, please note that Arundel House has a dog (Sweep) and a cat (Tanta). For those with no allergies, both are very friendly and happy to meet guests!

Ashton Cottages, New House Farm, Cheddar Road, Wedmore, Somerset, BS28 4HS. Tel: 01934 712157.
A warm, friendly welcome awaits you and your family at Ashton Cottages. Here at New House Farm we have two newly renovated holiday homes, decorated to a high standard with style and flair.
Bartletts Barn - Bartlett's Bridge, Cocklake, Wedmore BS28 4HH  phone 01934 710660
Bed and Breakfast at the foot of the Mendips Situated in a rural farmland hamlet close to Bartlett’s Bridge at the foot of the Mendip Hills, officially designated as an area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, this recently renovated barn conversion offers a peaceful, charming and stylish retreat from the pressures of everyday life. Glorious views of the Somerset Levels provide a delightful backdrop for this country cottage nestling on the banks of the river Axe which winds its sleepy way across the peat moors.
Book the The Beeches in Front Street, Churchill,
                Somerset, England The Beeches, Front Street, Churchill, Somerset,BS25 5NQ,   Tel: 01934 853 299
Steve and Mandy Harvey look forward to welcoming you to their part 18th century home situated only 6 miles south of Bristol airport, just off the A38 at Churchill, on the edge of the Mendip Hills, designated as an area of outstanding natural beauty. The Beeches is ideally situated for guests using the airport as well as those wishing to explore this part of Somerset and all it has to offer, with easy access from junction 21 of the M5 motorway. Bath, Bristol, Wells, Cheddar, Glastonbury and Weston-Super-Mare are all within easy travelling distance. We have four rooms available all complete with comfort heating, Digital Television, Tea / Coffee making facility, comfortable double and single beds. All rooms offer simple comfort set in quiet surroundings, away from the flight path. The beeches offers off road on-site parking for residents and by prior arrangement can cater for those wanting to leave their cars with us whilst away on business or leisure trips.
The Bath Arms Hotel, Bath Street, Cheddar, (01934) 742425
Comfortable standard and en-suite rooms are available for both short and longer stays with us. All rooms have a TV, tea/coffee making facilities, telephone and central heating. Plus Free Wi-Fi throughout. Restaurant, Function/Conference Rooms, Standard and En-Suite Accommodation, Lounge Bar, Ample Parking, Gardens, Childrens Play Area
Cheddar Camp Cheddar Camp, Longbottom Farm, Shipham BS25 1RW.
Cheddar Camp is positioned in the heart of the picturesque Mendip Hills in Somerset, quietly situated 3 miles from Cheddar Gorge one of the most popular tourist attractions in Somerset.  Cheddar Camp is an ideal location for families of all ages to come and experience the splendour of Somerset.  We have enough space for both caravans and tents to be located on site without the feeling of being overcrowded.  Should you wish to explore on foot the surrounding area there is ideal walking in the neighbouring Forest with access to Blackdown, where you will experience beautiful views of the River Severn and the Welsh mountains beyond.  When you return from your days activities we welcome guests to have open log fires for which you can purchase the logs from us at £3.50 per bag or you can provide your own wood.
Cheddar Youth Hostel, Hillfield, Cheddar, BS27 3HN  Tel: 0870 770 5760, or from outside UK   (+44) 1934 742494
In the heart of Cheddar, in scenic Somerset, this YHA Hostel is a 20-minute walk from the magnificent Cheddar Gorge. It features a traditional restaurant and large, leafy gardens. YHA Cheddar has spacious dormitory bedrooms with shared bathroom facilities. There is also a colourful guest lounge, and on-site laundry facilities are available. The conservatory restaurant serves hearty meals, light snacks and continental breakfasts. There is also a cosy bar and a fully equipped kitchen for self-catering guests.Set in a large Victorian house, YHA Cheddar is a 10-minute drive from the beautiful Mendip Hills. Wookey Hole is a 15-minute drive away, and Weston-Super-Mare is a 25-minute drive.
Chedwell Cottage, 59 Redcliffe Street, Cheddar, Somerset BS27 3PF  Tel: 01934 743268
Welcome to Bed & Breakfast in a tastefully renovated cottage in a quiet part of our village which is known as ‘Olde Cheddar’.

Welcome to Bed and Breakfast in a tastefully renovated cottage in a quiet part of our village which is known as 'Olde Cheddar'. We are just an 8 minute walk from our famous Gorge and Caves. An excellent base with many varied attractions and spectacular walks A 200 year old cottage built in local limestone.  All our bedrooms are en suite with shaver points and are well furnished. Each room has tea/coffee facilities, colour TV, radio alarms, a fan in summer and full central heating in winter. Also there is a lounge for guest use. We at Chedwell Cottage pride ourselves on serving a good wholesome breakfast. This includes a cold trolley with various cereals, grapefruit, prunes, yogurts, juices, melon etc, followed by a Full English breakfast (or vegetarian) tea or coffee and toast with preserves.
Constantine, Lower New Road, , Cheddar, Somerset, BS273DY  T: 741339
A warm friendly welcome with home from home environment, comfortable accommodation within easy reach of Cheddar Gorge.

click to see larger picture Cricklake Farm, Cocklake, Wedmore, Somerset BS28 4HH. Tel: 01934 712736.
Cricklake Farm is a working livestock farm in a small rural hamlet on the famous Somerset levels. It faces the beautiful Mendip hills and is surrounded by green fields and superb, unbroken views. You will find a very warm, friendly welcome from your hosts, Christabelle and Phil Nicholls. This is matched by the air of quiet and relaxed tranquility of the traditionally-styled farmhouse beside the river Axe and reached via a country lane from the main road.
Hillview Farm Bed Breakfast Hillview Farm Bed Breakfast, Ashton, Cheddar BS28 4QE
Opening in 2006, Hillview Farm is your perfect countryside getaway. We are a local farming family with a forty five acre small holding. The farm is situated in a peaceful Somerset setting concentrating on rearing pedigree & commercial limousine beef cattle, winning various awards at local agricultural events. We are ideally located with many local pubs, restaurants and amenities close by. We look forward to meeting you in the near future and hope you will enjoy a very pleasant stay.
Maytree Barn, Wells Road, Rodney Stoke, Nr Cheddar, Somerset, England, BS27 3XB      01749 871181
Nestled in the beautiful Somerset Mendip Hills, Maytree Barn Holiday Cottage is ideal for the escape you've been looking for. Come and get away from it all... This superb 300 year old barn conversion boasts a sauna, and an enclosed, private 32 x 16ft, 4ft to 7ft outdoor, unheated swimming pool which is open from Easter to the end of October. Nothing like a cool dip at the end of a hot summer's day! The accommodation is furnished and fitted to a very high standard and sleeps up to 7. With a large lounge, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, 2 bedrooms, one with a double and single bed, 1 double bedroom and double bed settee in the lounge.
Neuholme,     The Barrows ,    Cheddar  BS27 3BG  phone:     07977 644712
A warm & friendly welcome awaits you at this large family home with beautiful gardens & off road parking. Famous caves & gorge 10 mins walk.

T: 742841

House from the Right Notlake Farm B&B, Lower Notlake Drove, Clewer, Wedmore BS28 4JW. Tel: 01934 742096.
Welcome to Notlake Farm. Looking for somewhere to stay in Somerset? Look no further, we welcome you to our home. We have two double bedrooms with en-suite shower, W.C and basin.  Both rooms have television, and tea and coffee making facilities. We serve a full English breakfast, but will happily cater for special diets with prior notification. We have ample off road parking on our drive.
Oakland House, Wells Road, Draycott, Somerset  BS27 3SU  Tel or Fax: 01934 744195   Selected for AA Best in Britain Guide for accommodation and food.
web site
Marcia Filer & Mike Curtis would be pleased to welcome you to Oakland House.. Oakland House is set in mature gardens on the side of the Mendip hills, enjoying unspoilt views across the Somerset moors. Accommodation is traditional style Bed & Breakfast with friendly family service and atmosphere.

Penscot Inn, The Square, Shipham, Nr Cheddar, BS25 1TW. Tel : 01934 842659
Here at the Penscot Inn we pride ourselves on offering a friendly welcome, value for money and a relaxing atmosphere to escape the stresses of the 21st Century. Originally 3 cottages the Penscot has evolved over the years into a 3 star Inn with 12 bedrooms decorated in contemporary colours and styled to reflect the age and individuality of the building. All are en suite with either a shower or bath, some overlook the village green, some have original fireplaces and all have T.V. and tea/coffee making facilities (we are still working on wifi); Also supplied are a range of toiletries, bottled water, tissues and biscuits with hair dryer, iron and travel cot available on request. Downstairs you can relax in either the bar which has French windows overlooking the village green, and a log fire in winter or the adjoining garden room with its original parquet floor and classic Lloyd loom furniture, creates a light airy space in which to unwind from the exertions of the day. Food is available every day and can be eaten in either in the Bar or Garden room and on Friday and Saturday nights (6-9pm) there is the added option of our vibrant and contemporary Bistro. Again with the food the emphasis is on quality, so we use fresh produce, individually prepared and buy locally wherever possible. Our menus change with the seasons and availability and we are happy to cater for individual dietary needs.
The image
                cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. The Old Police House:    Bed and Breakfast,  Norville Lane, Cheddar BS27 3HJ  Tel: 744430
Jackie and Tony look forward to welcoming you to their charming bed and breakfast establishment situated in the heart of Cheddar; located in the old 19th century Police Houses, close to the Gorge and Caves, local shops, pubs, restaurants and the leisure centre. If you are a pilot taking a course at the Bristol Ground School, we are only a 10 minute walk away. The three spacious bedrooms have central heating, colour televisions, wi-fi and tea/coffee making facilities. The double room has ensuite facilities and the two single rooms share a large bathroom with shower. Not suitable for children under 12 years of age. There is ample off road parking. Recommended by BedandBreakfasts.co.uk
Rooksbridge House Rooksbridge House, Rooksbridge, near Cheddar, BS26 2UL Phone: +44 (0)1934 750630 Self Catering
Your hosts Philip and Mandi will provide a warm welcome to you and your family to make your stay with us memorable. Come and enjoy the beauty of the Somerset countryside and relax in the comfort of their cottages and Bed and Breakfast. Rooksbridge House is a charming Georgian farmhouse surrounded by a large garden on a working farm on the Somerset Levels. The courtyard provides the perfect setting for our cottages which have been converted from old stone farm buildings.

Stables in snow Shipham Country Holidays, Shipham Riding, Broadway, Shipham, Somerset. Tel: 01934 843522
Stable Loft is a recently converted spacious 1st floor apartment above our stables, with panoramic views across green fields to the Mendip Hills, and over the Winscombe vale to Weston super Mare. Ideal for all country pursuits, especially walking, fishing, mountain biking, caving, or touring the area . A huge range of attractions are available locally including Cheddar, Weston super Mare, Bath, Bristol, Longleat, Wookey Hole, Glastonbury & Wells just to name a few. A great place for a family holiday. Shipham Riding - Stable Loft accommodation The luxury accommodation is finished to a high standard (brand new 2006) and decorated in a bright modern style, with open plan living, dining, superbly fitted kitchen complete with built in cooker and ceramic hob, and breakfast bar with 2 stools.
South Barn, The Hayes, Cheddar    01934 743146
Attractive Mendip stone barn complex tucked away in secluded off road location. Central village location just 8 minutes walk from the gorge.Tucked away in secluded off the road centre village location, this comfortable self-contained stone barn sleeps 4 and is only 5 mins walk to Cheddar Gorge, with private parking, patio garden and BBQ.

Cheddar, Bed, Breakfast, Southland House,
                Southland, Somerset, Accommodation, Guest House,
                Guesthouse, Internet, Broadband, Wireless Southland House  ,upper new road, Cheddar bs273dw     phone 01934 742189
A high quality family run Guest House offering bed & breakfast accommodation. Southland House is appox One mile from Cheddar Gorge and caves. We are within 5 minutes walking diatance of Cheddar Reservoir for bird watching,sailing and fishing. Our ensuite bedrooms are spacious with TV, tea and coffee facilities , and very comfortable beds.
An excellent and varied full Engish or continental breakfast available
The Old Grain Store Cottage Tarnock Farm, Tarnock, Axbridge BS26 2SW Tel: 01934 750235.
Welcome to The Old Grain Store at Tarnock Farm in Somerset. The cottage is a comfortable and well furnished 2 bedroomed property, believed to date from around 1750, and converted in 2005 by the present owners. It is located adjacent to the owners farmhouse at Tarnock Farm in Somerset, close to the A38 and approximately 5 minutes from the M5, junction 22.  The cottage sleeps up to 6 people in the 2 double bedrooms + double sofa bed on the upstairs gallery area.The Old Grain Store, Self Catering Cottage, 4* grading.
The Gordons, Cliff Street, Cheddar, Somerset, BS27 3PT   Tel : 01934 742497
Set at the foot of the famous Cheddar Gorge, the caves and Cheese Company are within easy walking distance. A relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
web site
The Gordons in Cheddar is perfectly situated at the foot of the famous Cheddar Gorge in an ideal location for touring and walking in the beautiful Mendip Hills and the Somerset countryside.  Unfortunately we a no longer take pets.  All our bedrooms, which are fully heated, are provided with T.V. and tea-making facilities. All rooms are full en-suite and are well appointed. Guests are welcome to enjoy the private and well tended garden surrounding the heated outdoor swimming pool. We have limited car-parking, 1st come first served, but there is a Pay and Display opposite the hotel, which is free from 6pm - 9am.

The image
                cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. Tor Farm, Nyland, Cheddar, Somerset BS27 3UD   B&B accommodation  Tel: 01934 743710
 web site
Welcome to Tor Farm, the place to come for luxury log cabin holidays and weekend cottages. If you are looking for a relaxing, beautiful break in Great Britain we can certainly help. Our luxury self catering hot tub cottages and log cabins are all fully central heated, all with private hot tubs, close to Cheddar Gorge, in the midst of the glorious Somerset countryside. Tor Farm log cabin holidays are ideal for families and groups of friends, for celebrations, couples’ getaways, country breaks and more.Splash around in the heated outdoor swimming pool and sunbathe on the terrace. As well as enjoying our log cabins with hot tubs, you can take a dip in our outdoor pool, which is kept lovely and warm and is available from May to September. We also offer free, convenient parking just yards from your cottage of lodge. Our weekend cottages make an ideal base for exploring the many nearby attractions, including Longleat Safari Park, Cheddar Gorge, Stone Henge, Wookey Hole, Wells, Bath, the coast and the Somerset Levels. These holiday rentals with fabulous facilities offer an enjoyable escape for anyone with the desire to relax in a rural idyll, or have some fun in the countryside.

Waterside, Bed and Breakfast, Cabins, Camping and Caravan Site,  Cheddar Road, Axbridge Somerset      01934 743182

Welcome to Waterside our friendly family home set in 2½ acres of peaceful grounds enjoying views across Cheddar Reservoir. Surrounded by the picturesque Mendip Hills it is ideal for discovering Somerset's various attractions including Historic Glastonbury and Wells, nearby costal resorts of Brean and Weston-Super-Mare, Wookey Hole or the famous Cheddar Gorge and Showcaves. We are open throughout the year and can offer a variety of bed and breakfast rooms in our home or alternatively, we can  accommodate caravans and tents in our caravan club listed paddock and larger groups in our log cabins. Children and dogs are welcome and there is ample off road parking.  The area is perfect for walking, riding, boating, cycling or coarse fishing on the reservoir.  Waterside make an ideal spot for escaping the pressures of modern day life.

Webbington Farm Holiday Cottages, Webbington Farm, Barton Road, Webbington Nr Axbridge BS26 2HT Tel: 01934 750207.
Stay on a working farm in luxury! Welcome to Webbington Farm Holiday Cottages! We are a beef farm and have converted some redundant stone courtyard barns into three fantastic oak beamed cottages with modern facilities throughout, all finished to an exceptional standard.  Nestled below Crooks Peak on the edge of the Somerset Mendips Hills and amidst Somerset's famous cider making and Cheddar strawberry growing area, the cottages form an 'L' shaped courtyard which is next to an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. As a family farm there is opportunity to see the animals and experience at close hand 'life on the farm'. We are very keen on the environment and have planted 10,000 trees into a woodland, replanted an apple orchard and are involved in a number of schemes promoting good environmental practice, including a reed bed.   We also have our own river frontage on the River Axe for private fishing!    The cottages (which can be hired individually or together for larger groups) are an ideal base for visits to many nearby attractions including Cheddar Gorge, Wookey Hole, historic Wells & Glastonbury, Longleat Safari Park, Weston-super-Mare, and the cities of Bristol and Bath. Outdoor pursuits such as fishing, walking, horse riding and golf can all be catered for and cottage guests have use of the nearby Webbington Hotel & Spa facilities which include swimming pool, gym, spa, tennis courts, bars and restaurant. Crooks Peak is owned by the National Trust and after a scenic walk to its summit you can survey the Somerset Levels as far as Glastonbury Tor! To make your vacation unique a professional chef can be arranged to prepare you a feast in your cottage or a beautician can provide you with treatments according to your needs. Alternatively you can visit The Webbington Hotel & Spa's own Wellness Beauty Centre!
York Cottage Bed and Breakfast - Langford Road, Lower Langford, Cheddar BS40 5HU  phone 01934 862 441 or 07796 144 138

York Cottage is a 16th Century country home and dog friendly bed and breakfast situated at the foot of the Mendips near Bristol. All its double ensuite rooms have TV, wireless internet with a home-cooked locally-sourced breakfast served every morning. York Cottage is ideal for a peaceful break or as a base to enjoy the great outdoors in this Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty just outside Bristol. Set in the village of Lower Langford at the foot of the Mendip Hills just 10 minutes from Cheddar we are only 20 minutes from Bristol and Weston-super-Mare with Bath, Wells and the Somerset coast also on our doorstep. Our 16th Century home has been lovingly restored to provide modern B&B facilities, whilst retaining its unique charm and character, and is said to be the oldest house in Langford. All our spacious en suite rooms have TV, wireless Wi-Fi internet access and hospitality trays with tea and cake served on arrival and a home-cooked, locally-sourced, breakfast served every morning. Our dog friendly bed and breakfast accommodation is just a 5-minute walk from local fields where you can exercise your pet and a 2-minute walk from the homemade food and locals ales on offer at the Langford Inn.
Applecroft - Double Room Applecroft B&B, 16 Spring Road, Frome. BA11 2JP  Tel: 01373 300159
Applecroft B&B Click
Fran & Brian would like to welcome you to Applecroft, our new home, since downsizing from Mount Grange B&B, also in Frome. Applecroft is situated in a quiet cul de sac, just 5 minutes walk along the river bank to the town centre of Frome and Frome Tourist Information office.We have at present 1 large double en-suite room, with its' own dining and lounge area in a sunroom with private outside patio. (We are thinking of possibly extending our accommodation in the future, so please enquire if you need another room.) We offer full English breakfast with our own free range eggs or Continental option. We are very convenient for most Tourist Attractions and would be happy to give further information if needed.
Arundel Cottage Arundel Cottage, 7 Bath Road, Beckington, Frome. BA11 6SW  tel: 01373 831856   VB 4 Star B&B
Arundel Cottage Click
When staying at our 'Four Star' Cottage it will be like a home from home, except you won't have to worry about cooking breakfast! As well as a beautifully decorated bedroom, you also have your own sitting room where you can sit and relax at the end of the day with a Full colour flat screen TV and a stunningly spacious bathroom, which not only has a large luxurious bath, but a separate shower too. Breakfast is served in the dining room upstairs overlooking the Juliet balcony and terrace.  Our breakfasts are made with ingredients of the highest quality, with organic and local produce used whenever possible.  We have a great choice of exceptional home cooked food to start your day. o top this beautiful apartment off is the private courtyard that you have access to.  With your own door to this courtyard, it is a perfect place to spend those warm summer nights, sitting and enjoying a glass of wine in the wonderful, relaxing atmosphere. All the rooms are non-smoking.
Archangel, 1 King Street , Frome, BA11 1BHTEL: +44 (0)1373 456111   AA 4 Star Restaurant with Rooms
Archangel is a luxurious boutique hotel offering roll top baths and a bed so comfy you'll never want to leave. In addition there is a bar where you can sample our cocktails,good wine, sensational restaurant providing locally sourced food. In the winter there are roaring log fires which adds to the overall ambiance.
http://www.mannwilliams.co.uk/images/portfolio/leisure/hotels/babington_house_somerset/2.jpg Babington House, Babington, nr Frome, BA11 3RW  Tel +44 (0) 1373 812266
Set in 18 acres in the heart of Somerset, Babington House opened in 1998 for those who wanted to enjoy the countryside but weren’t prepared to compromise on urban luxuries. It is just a two hour drive from London or an hour and 20 minutes by train to Bath Spa.  The Main House has the Kitchen, Log Room, Orangery, Bar, Library, Pool Room and Study.  Other facilities at Babington House include the Cowshed Relax spa, indoor and outdoor heated pools, a gym, steam room, aroma room and sauna, as well as a Cinema. The grounds have five tennis courts, a cricket pitch, croquet lawn, walled garden, private church and a lake.  The Main House has a restaurant, traditional stone Orangery, Bar, Library, Snooker Room and Study. The Little House is open daily offering crèche facilities for residents and members.

http://www.smoothhound.co.uk/thumbnail/bishopstrow-house-&-halycon-spa.jpg Bishopstrow House & Halycon Spa, Warminster, Wiltshire, BA12 9HH   tel:01985 212312

Bishopstrow House is without doubt one of the finest luxury hotels in Dorset and Wiltshire and is a temple to relaxation – guests receive the warmest of welcomes and the ultimate in hospitality.Retreat from stress and pressure in the halcyon Spa, take the time to reflect in the calm, contemporary surroundings. We have two fabulous indoor and outdoor heated swimming pools which are both very popular, especially on warm summer days and sunset evenings when you can relax and enjoy a cocktail or glass of Champagne by the pool and really feel that you have arrived at a truly magical place.Most of our bedrooms have been refurbished and decorated to the highest of standards using designer wallpaper and fabrics, antique furniture and fine paintings, flowers and fresh fruit add the final welcoming touches.We are also delighted to announce the opening of the MULBERRY, the all day dining experience...three restaurants with very different dining, created with our guests in mind. the MULBERRY experience offers light and contemporary interiors, with a mix of dramatic taupe and stone coloured walls, wood flooring, floor to ceiling windows overlooking the gardens, and features outdoor terrace dining for those warmer days.

Blue Boar, Frome, Somerset, BA11 1AN – The Good
                  Pub Guide Blue Boar, Market Place, Frome. BA11 1AN  Tel : 01373 461530
The Blue Boar, an excellent Real Ale pub with accommodation, which is housed in a building dating from 1691, in the centre of Frome

http://images.hotels.uk.com/main/409/4099729.jpg Broadgrove House, Leighton, Frome. BA11 4PP  tel: 01373 831244  VB 4 Star B&B
Broadgrove House

Broadgrove B&B offers unique peace and tranquillity at the day's end. On the Wiltshire/Somerset borders it is close to many local attractions and is central for Bath and Longleat.
A 17th century organic smallholding set in the middle of its own land, it is surrounded by undulating countryside: a stunning location, with long views to the tiny Doomsday village of Cloford. Tucked away from all traffic at the end of a long, private lane, partially sheltered by mature trees, a low walled garden, orchard and soft fruit cage, it is a quiet spot. A place where you can reflect, read, relax and absorb the history of some of the fascinating places you may visit during your stay. Sensitively restored to make a pretty family house, it has warm, spacious, comfortable rooms with original beams and flagstones floors. Sarah, well travelled, treats her guests as part of the family and enjoys sharing a special house.
Birds, pheasants, badgers, deer, squirrels abound and at night, with little light pollution, you can see stars into the forever! You may even hear the tawny owls or see the woodpeckers and buzzards. It is a hidden, unspoilt Somerset jewel, which time seems to have forgotten. The atmosphere is one of welcome, once smitten you will return again and again!
Bedroom at Brookover Farm Bed and Breakfast Brookover Farm, Orchardleigh, Frome. BA11 2PH Tel: 01373 462806
Brookover Farm
Brookover farm is a Bed and Breakfast and Equestrian Centre located in Orchardleigh near Frome. We are situated away from any main road, in an peaceful location, yet only 10 minutes from From town center. We have 3 rooms in our Bed and Breakfast. Our Equestrian center offers everything from Livery to Riding lessons, Hacking to Loan a pony events.
http://www.staysouthwest.com/twg/pictures/Eden_Vale_Farm/1_Eden_Vale_Farm.jpg Edenvale Farm, Mill Lane, Beckington, Frome. BA11 6SN Tel : 01373 83037
EdenVale Farm Click
Eden Vale Farm nestles down in a valley by the River Frome. Enjoying a picturesque location, this old watermill, which is mentioned in the Domesday book, offers a selection of rooms including en suite facilities, complimented by an excellent choice of full English or continental breakfasts. Beckington is an ideal centre for visiting Bath, Longleat, Salisbury, Cheddar, Stourhead and many National Trust Houses including Lacock Village. Eden Vale Farm is only a ten minute walk to the village pub and has three quarters of a mile of river fishing for guests to enjoy.

The Full Moon at Rudge Full Moon, Lower Rudge , Frome, BA11 2QF  TEL: +44 (0)1373 830936    VB 3 Star Inn

A traditional country inn with modern comforts set in the Somerset countryside seven miles from Longleat and just twenty minutes drive from Bath. Built in about 1690, the Full Moon was a coaching inn on a crossroads leading to Salisbury Plain and the important wool centre in Beckington. Nowadays, it is a comfortable base for visits to Bath and the Mendips as well as being convenient to Frome, Warminster, Westbury and Trowbridge. With good accommodation, great food and a spacious function room, all with plenty of free on-site parking, the Full Moon is an ideal location for getting together with friends and family as well as business meetings and wedding receptions.
George Hotel George Hotel,        Market Place  Frome  Somerset  BA11 1AF        Telephone:     01373 462584            Fax:     01373 451945   VB 2 Star Hotel
 We run a relaxed and friendly hotel, offering homecooked food, fine wine and beer. We welcome all and are very passionate about what we do and hope that you enjoy our hospitality.. 20 en suite rooms and plenty of hotel parking at back.
http://img.findaproperty.com/holdenheal/Frome/sl16647030.jpg?v=1  Garden House  30 Fromefield  Frome  Somerset  BA11 2HE            Telephone:     01373 301951            Fax:     01373 301951        
Our Georgian Home for discerning guests. A detached Georgian guest house full of character and elegance, including a comfortable guest lounge, large walled garden with fishponds, a patio and a summer house. The two antique furnished bedrooms
                Bed and Breakfast, Frome, Somerset Granados B&B , Blatchbridge, Frome. BA11 5EL Tel: 07974 761098    VB 3 Star B&B
Granados B&B Click
Granados Bed and Breakfast near Frome, Somerset, is a bungalow offering bed and breakfast accommodation in the village of Blatchbridge, on the outskirts of the market town of Frome. Granados is a bungalow with ample off road parking. The accommodation is comfortable and has very reasonable rates.

Details about a cottage Holiday at Higher West Barn
                Farm Higher West Barn Farm, Witham Friary, Frome. BA11 5HH Tel : 01749 850819    VB 4 Star Farmhouse
Higher West Barn Farm Click
Higher West Barn Farm is set in beautiful and spacious grounds in a peaceful and secluded valley in the heart of rural Somerset.
Our award-winning accommodation is perfectly placed for exploring the Mendip Hills, Wells, Bath and Longleat, and are just a stone's throw from historic Stourhead house and gardens. Enjoy a taste of country life with our famous home-cooked breakfasts and share our delightful gardens with the farm's ducks, bantams and peacocks.
The Higher West Barn farm can offer guests a choice of B&B or self-catering accommodation.  The B&B is situated within the main farm house, whilst the newly launched self catering 'Dove Cot Suite' is situated in a separate barn conversion within the beautiful courtyard. Both options offer guests excellent accommodation facilities and offer picturesque views across Alfred's Tower and the surrounding landscape.
Rollover image to see larger view. The Lamb Inn,  1 CHRISTCHURCH STREET EAST , FROME, BA11 1QA    Tel: 01373 472042
In the beautiful market town of Frome, this authentic traditional inn offers a great range of real ales, a fantastic restaurant and menu as well as 4-star en suite guest accommodation.Steeped in brewing history and rich in original character and traditional charm, the Lamb Inn has now been carefully restored. The Inn offers a great real ale bar and tasty food, made with locally sourced produce. Traditional Sunday Roast's are served weekly from 12-2pm with a full choice of locally sourced meats. The Lamb Inn has been awarded a 4-star rating for the quality of its guest accommodation by the AA. All of the rooms have en suite shower rooms, free WiFi, hairdryers, tea/coffee making facilities and digital TVs.Within a 5-minute walk of the very heart of the town centre, the Inn is a great base from which to explore the region and all of its attractions, including the Roman baths, Stonehenge, a local golf course and Longleat country house and safari park. Free private off-street parking is available for guests. Check in is normally during opening hours of 12 & 2pm and 5pm til 11pm, however this can be earlier or later by prior arrangement.
Frome Bed and Breakfast The Lighthouse, Tytherington, Frome. BA11 5BW  tel: 01373 453585  VB 4 Star B&B
The LighthouseClick
The Lighthouse is a healing centre, offering simple 4* Bed and Breakfast, individual healing Treatments, and a Teahouse. It can also be hired as a Retreat Centre and Conference Venue - all situated in beautiful Frome, Somerset.The Lighthouse would like to welcome everyone, whether you are interested in a holiday, or a simple bed and breakfast... please come and experience this beautiful country retreat in Frome, Somerset. Whether you are organising a weekend break, or you would like to arrange some treatments as part of a more planned personal retreat, we encourage you to come and feel the clarity and stillness of the four star accommodation and facilities provided by The Lighthouse. Ideally located close to Longleat (we have great deals on day passes), Bath and other attractions there is plenty to see and do, or you can choose to relax here and make use of the Teahouse and Treatments offered.
undefined Feltham Lane, Frome. BA11 5LL  tel: 01373 452938
Lower Grange Farm Click
Lower Grange Farm is situated just outside of Frome Somerset, in a quiet rural location approximately 3 miles from the well known safari park at Longleat. We currently have two standard rooms with a shared bathroom and two en-suite rooms (one downstairs). All rooms are central heated and fitted with double glazing, each having a Television and tea, coffee making facilities. Also available at this location is a CL (Camping & Caravan accredited) campsite with five hard standings  with electric hook-up (if required) for caravans or motorhomes and a large field for the use of campers. Dogs are welcome on the campsite on a lead and under control. A drinking and dining establishment (pub) is within walking distance.
Picture of Lullington House, Frome
                at LateRooms Lullington House,  Lullington, Frome, BA112PG                AA 5 Star B&B
Lullington House Click
Lullington House is a Victorian former rectory providing B&B accommodation in the quintessentially English village of Lullington, Nr Frome Somerset. Situated within easy distance of the popular wedding venue, Orchardleigh House and close to Longleat Safari Park, Bath, Wells, Glastonbury, Cheddar, Stonehenge, Stourhead and other National Trust PropertiesAwarded 5 Stars by the AA, this impressive bed & breakfast is situated within ten acres of paddocks, woodland and mature gardens. The accommodation is furnished to an exceptional level with four poster beds, luxury ensuites,Wi-Fi access as well as private off-street parking. Offering privacy & seclusion with a touch of luxury, Lullington House is perfect for a romantic short break or peaceful getaway in the West Country and is the ideal holiday destination for families or couples alike.

 Olde Bath Arms Hotel, 1 Palmer Street  Frome  Somerset  BA11 1DS            Telephone:     01373 465045              
Four diamond B&B.All rooms en suite in a lovely and convenient 16th Century setting.
Pickford House Pickford House, Bath Road, Beckington, Frome. BA11 6SJ Tel : 01373 830329 AA 3 Star Guest Accom
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PICKFORD HOUSE is owned by Ken and Angela Pritchard and run very much as a family concern. We have lived in the house for 19 years and have tried to maintain the house in keeping with its age and tradition.  The House has been awarded 4 Diamonds by the AA Inspection Team and is currently registered with the local Tourist Office in Frome as well as being highly recommended in Staying Off The Beaten Track and being awarded the Golden Teapot with Bed and Breakfast (GB). Pickford House is a Regency style house built on top of a hill overlooking the surrounding countryside. Although near to the main road it is very quiet and secluded with a stone walled garden which gives it complete privacy. There is ample parking for guests and also a large garden with flower beds and trees including a very old mulberry tree. In the summer months the swimming pool is in constant use.We hope very much you will wish to come and spend some time in our home, see a part of the beautiful Somerset countryside, experience a taste of traditional English family life and savour the delights of Angela's cuisine and Ken's cellar. Angela is a talented cordon bleu cook and also runs an outside Catering Company, Madeleine's. Ken is a wine enthusiast and has taken several examinations in wine. In recent years both were made Cousins of Savigny les Beaune in Burgundy in recognition of their excellence in food and wine and the links which they have built up between Beaune and Beckington.  Many guests remark on the warm atmosphere to be found at Pickford House. It certainly offers relaxed comfortable surroundings to enjoy the area and unwind from the pressures of everyday life. The Drawing Room has a lovely marble fireplace and the fire is always lit in the cold months. There are newspapers, books, cd player and local information.
Premier Inn, Commerce Park, Jenson Avenue, Frome. BA11 2LD  Tel: 01373 468980

Premier Inn Click
Ideally situated for both business and leisure guests. For business this hotel is near to Commerce Park. Local attractions include Longleat Safari Park, Bath city centre, Wookey Hole caves and Cheddar gorge. For shops and local amenities Frome town centre is only 3 miles away. Our Frome Premier Inn has everything you'd expect, incredibly comfy beds in every room and an onsite Table Table restaurant for a fresh new twist on eating out.
house Seymours Court, Beckington, Frome. BA11 6TS Tel : 01373 830466
Seymours Court Click
Seymours Court is a 15th century farmhouse set in the gentle Somerset countryside. It has a large garden & grounds and is set in over 600 acres of farmland. The house was built around 1480. It is understood that it was commissioned by the family of Sir Thomas Seymour. The Slay family have been at Seymours Court for over four generations, having taken over the tenancy of the house and surrounding lands around 1904. We look forward to welcoming you to our home.Seymours Court can offer delightfully appointed bedrooms, beautifully styled and presented to the highest standard of comfort with antique furniture and luxurious private bathrooms. We can provide a double room with private facilities (including a bath and a shower). A second double room is available for children or friends but in this case facilities will be shared with the main room.
Sun Inn, 6 Catherine Street, Frome. BA11 1DA  Tel: 01373 471913
Sun Inn Click
The Sun Inn is a traditional 17th century Grade II listed public house with bed and breakfast above, situated in the heart of 'old' Frome. With a beautiful courtyard garden to enjoy in summer and a wood burning stove to warm the heart in winter, everyone is welcome to enjoy a relaxing time in The Sun.  The bar is lively and well known for it's live sports coverage as well as it's large range of drinks, including real ales and traditional 'rough' Somerset cider. The beautiful courtyard garden is a wonderful sun trap and the perfect place in the summer months to enjoy a drink al fresco.  The Sun Inn's Bed and Breakfast offers lovely accommodation just a few minutes walk from the town centre. The rooms are spacious and well appointed and a full English breakfast is served in the breakfast room each morning.
http://www.lodging-world.com/Uploads/105786.jpg Talbot Inn, Mells, Nr Frome. BA11 3PN tel: 01373 812254
Talbot Inn Click
Set in the enchanting Somerset village of Mells, the historic Talbot Inn offers beautiful en-suite accommodation, an award-winning restaurant and all the charm of a traditional English inn. Traditional comforts and modern convenience combine to make the Talbot Inn the ideal place for a relaxing weekend break or a base for exploring the beautiful countryside and historic towns and villages around Somerset and Bath. All our rooms are named after characters from the history of Mells – from Little Jack Horner to the poet Siegfried Sassoon.
http://www.taumata.co.uk/Images/Home_Gallery/taumata_large.jpg Taumata, Cock Road, Buckland Dinham, Frome. BA11 2RP tel : 01373 471351
Taumata Click
We make our guest feel special, going the extra mile and treating people in a friendly, relaxed manner. All rooms are non smoking. Free WiFi access to our guests Off road parking Travel cots available  Lifts to and from the local wedding venues, railway stations etc  Our T-Room has a four poster bed  Every room has tea / coffee making facilities, with a colour digital TV. Children sitting services (Denise is a registered OFSTED Childminder, and we also have Enhanced CRB certificates). Well behaved pets are welcome. Bikes can be locked in our garage overnight.  Pack lunches & light bites are available upon request.
Picture of The George at Nunney,
                FROME at LateRooms The George at Nunney Hotel, Church Street, (opposite Castle), Nunney,  Near Frome.  Village setting opposite medieval Castle & brook.  Frome  Somerset  BA11 4LW        Telephone:     01373 836458            Fax:     01373 836565  
13th Century Coaching House Hotel.Close to Bath & West Showground at Shepton Mallet - AA 2 stars - very comfortable ensuite accommodation. Used by many business travellers - off road parking. Well known for fresh fish and local style cuisine. We welcome
a romantic break in the somerset countryside The Place To Stay, Knoll Hill Farm, Trudoxhill, Frome. BA11 5DP  tel : 01373 836266
The Place to Stay Click
Unique accommodation in beautiful barn conversions and Georgian house combining traditional buildings with contemporary style. For something extra special, visit us and experience a rural relaxed setting with all the comforts you desire. The Place to Stay is privately owned by a friendly couple, who are driven by the desire to ensure that every guest enjoys their stay in this tranquil location.  The Place to Stay’s hospitality is reflected in each one of the nine individually designed rooms that combine the ideal blend of original architectural features and modern amenity. Surrounded by some of the most beautiful views the West Country has to offer, you will feel both relaxed and invigorated by the environment. We will accommodate children and we have two double rooms linked by a short corridor, these can be used for a family, both rooms are en-suite.
http://www.information-britain.co.uk/showpic.php?placeid=10345&width=250 The Woolpack Hotel, Warminster Road, Beckington, Nr Bath. BA11 6SP  tel: 01373 831244 AA 3 Star Inn
The Woolpack Hotel Click
Rich in historic character and traditional charm, this stone-built coaching inn originally dates back to the 1500s and today offers comfortable en suite rooms and delicious food. In the charming Somerset village of Beckington, 11 miles (18 km) south of Bath and just 3 miles (5 km) from Frome, the Woolpack Inn offers a warm welcome and a relaxing stay with that little touch of luxury. The inn offers delicious freshly prepared dishes, include game from the local shoot and fish delivered daily from Brixham. The bar serves fine traditional ales and has a stone floor and a large open log fire for those cold winter days. The courtyard garden is a great spot in which to relax in the warmer months.There are 11 en suite rooms, including one four-poster room, one feature room and one large family room. All rooms are tastefully furnished, unique in design and have telephones, TVs, hairdryers and tea/coffee making facilities.
Exterior Photo Travelodge, A36 Trowbridge Road, Beckington, Frome. BA11 6SF  Tel : 0871 9846220
Travelodge, Beckington Click

The Main Entrance Trinity House B&B, Goulds Ground, Frome. BA11 3DW  Tel : 01373 451547
Trinity House B&B Click
 10 minutes from Longleat and situated on the outskirts of the sleepy market town of Frome. TRINITY HOUSE B&B - once a busy Victorian school - offers a quiet respite to touring guests. There is parking at the front. Trinity House is situated in a secluded conservation area in the delightful town of Frome. Here one can find a diverse selection of restaurants, wine bars, a museum and an interesting range of shops. If you have a love of vintage clothes, there is a great choice on the picturesque cobbled hill known as Catherine Hill, also we have one of the only cinemas in the country to have a bar!!
http://www.bedandbreakfast.co.uk/propertyimages/500/SimonsPicturesJul06018.jpg Trudoxmead Country B&B, Foghamshire Lane, Trudoxhill, Frome. BA11 5DR  Tel: 01373 836387   VB 3 Star B&B
Trudoxmead Country B&BClick
Trudox Mead Country Bed & Breakfast lies within beautiful country just south of FROME, North Somerset. The house lies amidst quiet dairy farmland and offers you a truly rural experience with a delicious light or home cooked traditional English Breakfast. Ingredients are local or home made. Accommodation is light and airy with comfortable twin or double beds, all en suite with TV and tea or coffee making facilities. Ramblers and dogs are welcome, with a kennel or back kitchen available. Excellent pubs, with a variety of Food and Drink are very close by.

http://images.activehotels.com/images/hotel/max300/265/2655769.jpg Vobster Inn, Lower Vobster, Nr Frome. BA3 5RJ  Tel : 01373 812920  AA 4 Star Inn
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It is believed the Inn originated in the 16th century as an inn for travellers. It was used by King James the 2nd and his army of Royalists prior to the battle of Sedgemoor in 1685. Set in four acres of glorious rolling countryside, the Vobster is situated in the pretty hamlet of Lower Vobster. The Vobster Inn is surrounded by Somerset countryside, 5 miles from Frome and Radstock. The en suite rooms have flat-screen TVs and modern decor. Free Wi-Fi is available.Parts of the building date back to the 17th century, and the Vobster grounds include a terrace and a 4-acre garden. Free on-site parking is available. The restaurant at the Vobster Inn has received the AA 2 Rosette Award and offers a mix of British and continental dishes, including home-made ice cream.
Winswhistle Cottage, 42 Blatchbridge, East Woodlands Road, Frome. BA11 5EL  Tel : 01373 463643  VB 4 Star B&B
Windwistle Cottage Click
Windwistle Cottage is situated close to Longleat, and is well placed for many other attractions. It has ample off road parking and a large garden.  The accommodation comprises of two rooms: A double bedded ensuite room on the ground floor with its own access. A self contained Annexe room with Double and Single beds, Kitchenette, Sofa/Futon and Bathroom. Both rooms have TV and tea/coffee making facilities.
George and Pilgrims | Glastonbury Inn or Pub
George and Pilgrims, 1 High Street, Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 9DP
Built in the 1400s, The George and Pilgrim is the oldest purpose-built pub in the South West of England. Situated in Glastonbury, it is steeped in history and old tales. The building has a panelled stone frontage, mullion windows, and old oak beams. All of its suites feature a TV and tea and coffee-making facilities, and some have impressively draped four-poster beds. Guests are welcome to enjoy an aperitif or traditional ale in the charming Pilgrim’s bar. The hotel also has a superb restaurant with an à la carte menu, offering fresh, succulent homemade food. Licensed for Civil Ceremonies, The George & Pilgrim is a popular choice for weddings, holding functions for up to 90 guests. For corporate events and training conferences, The George & Pilgrim is happy to cater for 50 delegates.

Hawthorns Hotel, Northload Street, Glastonbury. 01458 831255
We are situated in the town centre, a 2 minute walk from the Abbey grounds, and walking distance from the Chalice Well and the Tor. Recently refurbished, the 12 bedroomed Hawthorns offers comfortable accommodation in double, twin or single rooms. We have en-suite rooms available, plus a suite of three rooms for a family or group to enjoy.
The Market House Inn's exterior
Market House Inn, 12-14 Magdalene Street, Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 9EH  Tel: (01458) 832220
Deep in the heart of beautiful Somerset is the historical and mystical town of Glastonbury, where this  family-run inn nestles in the shadow of the Abbey Ruins and is overlooked by the magical Glastonbury Tor.Magdalene's dining area with its open fire  place serves good home-cooked food with a menu to cater for most tastes.  Out of season the restaurant is only available for residents. Each of the six bedrooms in the main building has its own character and warmth, and together  with the Cottage rooms, can accommodate 26/29 guests. The rooms range from a twin-bedded room at £65 per night, to the family room sleeping upto five guests from £140 per night. There is a separate bathroom and shower room with a constant supply of hot water. Front rooms overlook the Abbey Ruins and have an excellent vantage point for the Glastonbury Carnival, whose procession passes right by the inn (see the Special Breaks page). The Garden Cottage has two rooms with en-suite /private bathrooms with showers from £85 to £140 per night. The ground floor, Room 7 en-suite, suitable for disabled guests, looks out onto the lovely and well used garden.  Room 8, first floor with private bathroom.  Both of these rooms have flat screen TV with DVD facilities, and overlook the Garden.I n summer enjoy the garden and then soak up the magic that is Glastonbury. You won’t want to leave. Free wifi is available throughout the hotel.
http://www.eatoutsomerset.com/upload/images/gallery/company/225/225.jpg No1 Park Terrace,Street Road, Glastonbury BA6 9EA Tel: 01458 835845

Joanna and Ramon welcome you to No.1 Park Terrace, our family run bed and breakfast & licensed restaurant occupying a spacious Victorian house. We are open from 6.30pm – 9.00pm every evening, open to residents and non-residents and are fully licensed to sell alcohol. Ramon takes great pride in his freshly prepared evening meals. Combining local produce wherever possible with his Spanish style he provides a varied and interesting menu.No.1 Park Terrace is situated close to the town shopping facilities, within easy walking distance of the High Street and Glastonbury Abbey ruins. There is ample car parking space to the rear of the property. We are also close to a bus-stop for local public transport connections.
Meare Manor
Meare Manor, 60 St Marys Road, Meare, Glastonbury Somerset  BA6 9SR  Tel: 01458 860449
Meare Manor was originally the summer residence for the abbots of Glastonbury Abbey and is mentioned in the exibition at the abbey. Rebuilt in 1802 and fully renovated in 2001, Meare Manor is located in the heart of the Somerset countryside with easy access to: Historic town of Glastonbury, Cathedral City of Wells, Cheddar Gorge, Wookey Hole Caves, Clarkes Village at Street and The beautiful coasts of West Somerset and North Devon. Meare Manor, under the ownership of Sue Chapman, offers a warm welcome into peaceful and comfortable surroundings.
Travelodge Glastonbury: Travelodge entrance Travelodge Glastonbury, A39 Wirral Park Road, Glastonbury BA6 9XE  Tel: 0871 984 6339*

The hotel is located on A39, some external noise may be heard. We apologise for any inconvenience.
The Who’d A Thought It Inn,17 Northload Street, Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 9JJ  Tel: 0845 8735700 or +44 (0)1458 834460

Situated in the heart of the unique and mystical market town of Glastonbury in one of the prettiest areas of England. A truly traditional public house that serves Real Ales, and an excellent selection of wines. We serve restaurant quality meals (booking advisable) with a wide range of choice on a well thought out menu that is served in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Simply the best place to eat in town! With the Chef/Proprietor paying particular attention to the quality of your stay, the Who'd A Thought It Inn is a perfect choice for a corporate event, a romantic weekend or a business trip or simply stay with us and explore the mystical isle of Avalon.
Millbatch Farm Millbatch Farm,    59 St Marys Road , Meare, Glastonbury BA6 9SR
A 17th century period farmhouse in the village of meare. Three miles from Glastonbury and 6 miles from Wells cathedral. Perfect location if your visiting Glastonbury,Wells, Cheddar the mendips and surrounding area.Accommodation is up to a luxury standard with en-suite availability and spacious rooms. All food supplies are sourced either fresh from the farm or local suppliers such as F Griffiths & Sons and are always to the best local somerset quality.
Apple Tree
Apple Tree Guest House,Tony and Gwynnie, 27 Bere Lane, Glastonbury, BA6 8BD Tel: 01458 830803
Welcome to Apple Tree Guest House. We have tried to make our guest house the one we would like to stay in, so it is warm, comfortable and friendly with lots of little touches that make all the difference. There are flowers, biscuits and chocolates, hairdryers, luxurious beds and patchwork quilts in all the rooms. We have DVDs for you to play on the TV in your bedroom and wi-fi in all the rooms. There is a great choice of food for breakfast which is served in our new sparkling conservatory overlooking the garden. Free parking is available and all the delights of Glastonbury are only a short walk away.
Chalice Hill House Chalice Hill House, Fay Hutchcroft,   od Lane, Glastonbury BA6 8BZ
Tel: 01458 830828
The old manor house of Glastonbury, set on the slopes of Chalice Hill, overlooking the Abbey and the town, surrounded by large beautiful gardens. An elegant Georgian building, it has recently been refurbished to a very high standard. All bedrooms are both luxurious and spacious and have en-suite bath/shower rooms, TV and tea/coffee maing facilities. Breakfast is fresh local produce and where possible organic. 2 minutes walk from town centre, Abbey and Tor. Off road parking.
Chindit House, 23 Wells Rd, Glastonbury. Tel: 01458 830404
Spacious period stone mansion with country house atmosphere in a perfect location - the centre of the market town of Glastonbury. Totally restored and opened in mid-2008. Traditional English interiors with modern comforts, architectural detail, dream beds and sleek bathrooms. Flat panel TVs and internet access in all bedrooms. Large guest sitting room leads on to terrace and generous secluded grounds with croquet lawn. Mainly organic fresh locally sourced breakfast. Friendly and welcoming.

Glastonbury White House, 21 Manor House Rd, Glastonbury Tel: 01458 830886
The White House, built in 1890, is situated just 5 minutes walk from Glastonbury high street. Offering respect for the environment along with luxurious accommodation, this high quality unconventional bed and breakfast uses natural paints, organic linens and towels and locally sourced organic vegetarian food. Guests have the choice of the Master Bedroom with king size bed and the West Room with double bed; each bedroom has its own bathroom with power shower and full size bath. In a break with convention, breakfast is not compulsory and so guests longing for a lie-in don't have to pay for something they don't want. Our flexible attitude also extends to offering a late check-out time of 12 noon.

Hillside, Anna Brake and Simon Robinson, Ashwell Lane, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 8BG Tel: 01458 833809 Mobile: 07989 393407
Below the Tor. Wonderful Victorian home. All three luxury bedrooms have extremely comfortable Super King Doubles / Twins beds each with en-suite bathroom, hand made organic soaps, shampoo and conditioner. Each room has tea and coffee making facilities, TV with DVD player (music and films). Also well equipped 3-bed house and 1-bed flat each with own patio garden. Available for B & B/ weekend/short breaks and monthly lets. Ideal location for exploring Somerset and visiting both Millfield Prep and Millfield schools.

Melrose House   Tel: 01458 834706  Mobile: 07973 108646
18th century Georgian house is set within landscaped gardens and lawns. Ideally situated at the foot of the Tor and within a stones throw of Chalice Hill, the Rural Life Museum and Chalice Well Spring/Gardens - 10 minute\'s walk to High Street and Abbey. Set back off the road with private parking. Recently refurbished to a very high standard, Melrose has been awarded a VB 4 diamond rating and now offers all ensuite accommodation. All rooms offer tea/coffee facilities, TVs and all are spacious and quiet with wonderful garden views. A choice of scrumptious cooked breakfasts using local produce when ever possible - breakfast room enjoys wonderful views over Vale of Avalon and can be used as a reading/sitting area during evenings. Garden table and chairs available for guests use - why not enjoy sitting out by garden pond listening to running waterfall from natural springs.
Parsnips, 99 Bere Lane, Glastonbury, BA6 8BE  Tel: 01458 835599
Parsnips B&B is conveniently situated adjoining the grounds of Glastonbury Abbey on the corner of Bere Lane and Chilkwell Street. It is opposite the Rural Life Museum and within a stone’s throw of Chalice Well, Glastonbury Tor and the Town Centre with its variety of intriguing shops, restaurants and places of interest. All beds are fully sprung and adorned with Egyptian cotton sheets and pillow cases. All rooms are ensuite and have tea & coffee making facilities, Wi-Fi & TV/DVD. Parsnips has off road car parking, guest conservatory, lounge & landscaped garden. On arrival guests will receive a very warm welcome and complimentary afternoon tea/coffee.
Wearyallhill House, David & Judith West, 78 The Roman Way, Glastonbury, BA68AD Tel: 01458 835510
Probably the most peaceful and restful Bed & Breakfast location in Glastonbury, away from the hubbub & noise of the centre. Backing onto open fields ,we have private access onto Wearyall Hill which is a lovely scenic walk to the Tor, Abbey & other attractions in and near Glastonbury.(approx.1400 metres only) This beautiful period house which was built in 1900 has famous & historic local connections makes a good base from which to visit other areas, such as the cities of Wells and Bath, local attractions like Cheddar Gorge and Wookey Hole and various National Trust Properties. Unwind,meditate, practise Yoga or have a picnic in our log cabin in our spinney, which is just few minutes walk to The Holy Thorn on the hill with panoramic views of the Glastonbury countryside. We have a large sitting room where you can relax ,have a read, play the piano and have FREE use of a computer & printer connected to the Internet.
Angels at Tordown, Sherhadasha & Michael Penn, 5 Ashwell Lane, Glastonbury  01458 832287 Fax:01458-831110

On the Southern Slopes of Glastonbury Tor overlooking the Vale of Avalon, Tordown is a haven of tranquillity in Glastonbury. Delicious vegetarian breakfasts in a non-smoking environment, and with a complete healing centre & Hydrotherapy Spa Bath within, discover the hidden Glastonbury at Tordown bed and breakfast. Ground floor rooms are available on request.
Arimathean Cottage, 59 High Street, Glastonbury, BA6 9DS 01458 830230
The B&B benefits from being right on the High Street, in walking distance of all the sites, and yet is a cottage with a deeply tranquil atmosphere. It also has a beautiful walled garden and our ensuite has its own private entrance opening onto the terrace. With logfires in Winter and homemade organic food Arimathean Cottage aims to provide the ideal sanctuary for your experience of fascinating Glastonbury and all that it has to offer.
Berachah, Jan Billings, Well House Lane, Glastonbury 01458 834214
Berachah is situated between the footpath to Glastonbury Tor and the White Spring and overlooks the Chalice Well Gardens. Our four, luxurious , newly decorated vibrational Colour Rooms are £40 pppn. You are welcome to enjoy a complimentary self-service vegetarian breakfast while soaking up the inspirational panoramic views over the Vale of Avalon. Tea and coffee making facilities are available at any time in the Breakfast Room. The Guest kitchen is also available for you to use during the evenings. There is a large, spacious Guest Lounge where you can relax, watch TV or choose books to read from our library. The Lounge can also be used as a Private Group Room if the four bedrooms are booked. Berachah was once part of Chalice Orchard, where the writer and occultist, Dion Fortune used to live. The house, standing on the original site of her temple, was designed and built by a Welsh architect who named it Berachah, meaning 'Place of special spiritual blessing'. In Sufi 'Beraka', means 'Point of blessing'. Re-charge, re-vive, while you soak up our colours!!!!!!!!! Private Parking and free WiFi.
Chestnuts Boutique B&B, Bove Town, Glastonbury, BA6 8JG  01458 830562
Luxury accommodation in an architect designed house. Tranquil atmosphere with panoramic views over the Vale of Avalon. Only a few minutes walk to town centre, Abbey, Tor and Chalice Well. Newly furnished rooms with ensuite bathrooms, Freeview Digital TV, free internet access & hospitality tray. King size or twin beds. Range of breakfasts using local & organic produce. Private Parking. Professional in-house complementary therapist.
Coxwithy House, Jo McCartney, Coxwithy Lane, Glastonbury, BA6 8LA  01458 833021  07979 760340
Coxwithy House – Luxury B&B. Coxwithy House was built by the owners Jo and Rob. It is situated in the foothills of the famous Glastonbury Tor and offers stunning panoramic views over the vale of Avalon and the Somerset levels. We offer luxurious accommodation sleeping 2 people in each of our 3 stylishly elegant furnished bedrooms. In the mornings we offer a choice of Aga cooked full English traditional breakfast or continental breakfast made from locally sourced organic food. Each room has its own uniquely designed en-suite shower room, a flat screen digital television with personal tea & coffee making facilities. We are a 10 minute walk to the base of Glastonbury Tor and 15 minutes to the heart of the famous colourful, musical and spiritual market town of Glastonbury.
Healing Waters, Juliet Yelverton, 1 The Roman Way, Glastonbury, BA6 8AG  01458 835859  07541 035169
Healing Waters is a healing retreat centre offering a wide range of facilities including, B&B, spiritual retreat, self-catering stay, an eco-holiday, or come to enjoy a course. Workshop leaders can hire us as a venue. We have a large meditation room and a yurt, gardens and large deck. We also offer camping & facilities for putting a marquee up for a larger event in the Healing Gardens, our sister project. We have a range of therapies. All our therapists are professionally qualified. We are perfectly located, close to Glastonbury town centre but on a sacred site, with total peace and calm and stunning, unimpeded views of the Tor and Somerset Levels. Our accommodation is luxurious, comfortable and clean, We have an ethical green policy and solar powered hot water. Best of all, we practise loving kindness and respect to our all our clients and guests.
Highlands , Lyndsey 01458 830910
Tranquill, luxurious B & B with Stunning view across the Town and Levels.Vegetarian/Organic Breakfasts. Within easy walking of the High Street, Tor and Chalice Well. Twin/Family, Double and Single Rooms. Therapeutic Treatments available
Magdalene House Guest Accommodation, ‘Quality in Tourism’ Four Star Gold Rated , Magdalene St, Glastonbury  01458 830202   07813 539454
MAGDALENE HOUSE GUEST ACCOMMODATION FOUR STAR GOLD AWARD RATING BY VISIT BRITAIN & ENJOY ENGLAND Stay in our spacious family run Grade II listed period home which once formed part of the St. Louis Convent which has many historical connections with the town of Glastonbury. Its unique location opposite Glastonbury Abbey overlooking the Abbey grounds is only minutes from the hustle and bustle of the High Street which has many Unique Shops and Cafe Bars. Glastonbury Tor and Chalice Well are an easy walk away. Refurbished and maintained to a very high Standard we offer luxury Bed & Breakfast accommodation with a 1st class service. Double rooms have king size beds with views overlooking Glastonbury Abbey Ruins to the front and Wearyall Hill to the rear. Twin room can convert to a Family Room. All bedrooms are en-suite offering a generous hospitality tray with coffee and tea making equipement, FreeviewTV, hairdryer, magazines and toiletries, WiFi access available. The Stannah™ chair lift will provide access for those guests unable to use the stairs. We offer a non smoking environment in the house but have an outdoor area for smokers. We are unable to take children under the age of 3 years old. Sorry no Pets accepted.
MapleLeaf Middlewick Cottages and B&B, Resident Owner:Judith Bisiker, Wick Lane, Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 8JW, 01458 832351
Meadow Barn B & B £65 per couple includes our full Canadian/English breakfasts. (non smokers only) If we have a small cottage available we offer a B & B service. (smokers permitted provided they do so outside!) The rate based on two people sharing is £65 with the full breakfast served in the meadow barn or a continental in your cottage. WiFi (wireless internet connection) in all cottages and B & B. Cottages & B & B open all year.
Annies Bed & Breakfast, 16 Leg of Mutton Rd, BA6 8HQ  01458 832320 07904 752377
Beautiful setting, quiet location - 10 minutes walk away from the Iconic Tor and Eclectic High Street. Fantastic views,and use of lovely sunny garden. Organic cooked breakfast or Continental. Parking outside house. Broadband available. Comfortable double room with far reaching views (shared bathroom). £45 - single occupancy £28. Tea and coffee facilities available in bedroom.
Apple, Julia and David Knight 25 Norbins Road, Glastonbury, BA6 9JF 01458 834547
Situated centrally, only 1 minute\'s walk from the High Street, Apple offers a relaxed & friendly atmosphere, with the emphasis on cleanliness and comfort. It is a 3-storey house built in 1898, and the decor is a combination of Victorian and modern style. We provide a copious and varied vegetarian continental breakfast - consisting mostly of organic produce - served in our sunny garden room. Enclosed off-road parking is available. A warm welcome awaits! Recommended in the Lonely Planet Guide.
Daisy Centre Retreat, ~ Be Crystal Clear in your Connection ~ 6 Church Lane, Glastonbury. Somerset BA6 9JQ   01458 834587  07970 108156
The Daisy Centre Bed and Breakfast has 5 bedrooms all of which offer something special for our guests. The Madonna Room offers a spectacular view of St Johns Church as does the Archangel Michael Room. These rooms share the Main Bathroom of the house .The Merlin Room has en suite facilities and a view over the far reaching hillsides of Somerset. The Melchizedek Room takes the top floor of the house with a King Size bed and its own Bathroom. For the single traveler the Wisdom Realm room has tranquil views over the White Garden.
Divine Light Centre , 01458 835909  07796 907710
Glastonbury Divine Light Centre is a Three Star Tourist Board rated, Grade II listed property located in the centre of Glastonbury, just opposite the Abbey in a private close. It retains an ambience of peace, a testament to it\'s history as a Quaker Meeting House. It is truly a place of transformation and healing as our guestbook will testify. *Central Location *One Twin/One Double *High Ceiling Double Glazed Sash Windows*Guests own private kitchen and all day use of provisions*Guests own private lounge with 32” wide screen digital TV, and selection of latest DVDs*Music system and selection of CD’s and Books. *Private southwest facing roof garden (an ideal place to sample our excellent quality coffee). *Wholesome ‘All you can eat’ breakfast (Mostly Organic) *Full central heating*Vegetarian/Non-smoking (smoking okay on roof garden) * We offer a range of alternative and spiritual therapies from Higher Guidance Readings to Indian Head and Aromatherapy massage, as well as sacred site tours with ritual and ceremony.
Haydn House | Glastonbury B&B
Haydn House, 13a Silver Street, Glastonbury, BA6 8BS, Tel: 01458 834771
Let us give you a warm welcome in the very heart of Glastonbury. We are one minute from the High Street, famous for shopping and eating out, and within walking distance of the Tor, the Chalice Well Gardens and the Rural Life Museum. You can relax in comfort at this town house retreat built in 1861 which overlooks the Abbey ruins. Haydn House boats stylish rooms ensuite with freeview digital tv, free WiFi, tea and coffee making facilities. In the morning you can enjoy a freshly prepared vegetarian, vegan or traditional English breakfast. Pick-ups arranged from Castle Cary, Bristol or Heathrow and there is parking opposite in Silver Street Car Park. We look forward to seeing you soon.
Jasmin Cottage, 10 Manor House Rd, Glastonbury, BA6 9DE Tel: 01458 832535
Come feel the all round kindness, warmth and friendliness of Jasmin Cottage. Its centrally located to the High Street and all the main attractions. There are three rooms - The Peacock Room, a double ensuite at £70, The Tree Room and The Flower Room both at £56 and who share a bathroom. Use of the lounge is encouraged as is the pretty garden. A hearty vegetarian breakfast takes place in the Jasmin conservatory (seasons permitting). Healing Massages are offered at a further cost - Swedish, Thai and Hawaiian. Airport and train pick-ups available. What are you waiting for? - a gem of a bed & breakfast.
Little Orchard, Mrs D.Gifford Ashwell Lane, Glastonbury  01458 831620
Situated on the lower slope of the Tor, with panoramic views overlooking the Vale of Avalon, 12 minutes walk from the town centre. The bedrooms are spacious & light and the roomy television lounge leads out on to the patio and large garden. Children welcome, pets accepted.
Pilgrims, Clare & Brian, 12/13 Norbins Road, Glastonbury  01458 834722
Peaceful, friendly Victorian B&B in a quiet location just two minutes walk from the town centre. Comfortable and clean family, double and twin rooms with private facilities available. Dietary needs and preferences catered for, we include a full English breakfast at our table in the morning. Meditation room available. We can also cater for groups. A home where you can stay for a day, a weekend or a week to relax and rejuvenate. We also serve as a good base for travel throughout Somerset.
Pippin, Daphne Rose, 4 Ridgeway Gardens, Glastonbury  Tel: 01458 834262
Pippin is situated in a quiet cul-de-sac above town with beautiful views over Chalice Hill. Vegetarians are most welcome - and we also offer a full English breakfast with home-baked bread and Somerset honey.
Shekinashram, Ashram and Holistic Retreat Centre, Dod Lane, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 8BZ  Tel: 01458 832300
Vegan organic spiritual community & holistic centre; peaceful, beautiful, sacred environment. Shekinashram offers you a place to just Be. Situated at the base of Chalice Hill, on a pilgrimage route to the Tor; just 5 minutes from the High Street. Many facilities are offered here such as B&B accommodation, holistic treatments, sauna, highly nutritious and delicious organic raw breakfasts & lunches, fresh juices/herbal teas, library, events programme, office/internet facilities and daily morning meditation.
Soulwise Guesthouse, Sacha Knop, 4 Park Terrace, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 9EA  01458 830988
The house breathes an atmosphere of joy, peace, warmth and kindness and is situated in the centre of Glastonbury. Only a two minutes walk from the Abbey and High street and about ten minutes walk to the Chalice Well and Tor. We are also right at the bottom of Wearyall Hill. At Soulwise we offer a home to rest rather than just a room. You can enjoy the living room, dining area and garden during your stay. The Healing Room is dedicated to The Universal Mother and can be used to enjoy treatments, to relax, read or meditate.
Spirals, Kay & Laurence, 6 Ashwell Lane, Glastonbury, BA6 8BG  01458 830477
Welcoming and friendly B&B situated in Ashwell lane on the slopes of the Tor. We have 2 beautiful south facing rooms with stunning views of the Somerset Levels. The rooms share a large bathroom with excellent power shower (with inbuilt radio!) We serve a delicious organic vegetarian continental breakfast and can cater for special dietary requirements if given advance notice. We are a TV fee house but offer wireless broadband. Our focus is to provide a space for our guests to relax, regenerate and be creatively inspired.
Aunty Millies, Diana Milstein, 15 Norbins Road. Glastonbury, BA6 9JF  Tel: 01458 833577 Mobile: 07745 918442
Artist’s Victorian house, very central, three minutes from Glastonbury High St. Two single rooms & one double room available with views of the Tor. Shared bathroom Informal and friendly. Help yourself to breakfast. There is parking outside the house in Norbins Road. From £23 per person per night.
Bay Tree House, Sandie Nicholson, 16 Norbins Rd, Glastonbury, BA6 9JF Tel: 01458 834972  Mobile: 07788 401157
Friendly and personal Bed and Breakfast in a Victorian town house in the heart of Glastonbury. Within easy walking distance of all attractions and amenities. Beautifully appointed rooms with tea and coffee making facilities and satellite television. Travel cot available. Continental Breakfast - vegetarians happily catered for. Shared bathroom. Use of patio and Garden. Pets welcome by previous arrangement.
Bellhay Orchard, Joan Ryder, 7 Lambrook Street, Glastonbury
Artistic Victorian House at the top of the High Street. Convenient for all areas of this ancient town. Continental breakfast provided. 2 double rooms, one of which will accommodate family. TV, Tea & Coffee making facilities in all rooms. Shared bathroom.
Bliss Cottage B&B and Yurt, 34 Old Wells Road, Glastonbury  01458 835810
A peaceful rural setting; a stone’s throw from the Tor, the Levels and the High Street. Immediate access to cycle routes and footpaths. Friendly, relaxed and informal. Eco-friendly, vegetarian and organic- our chooks provide your breakfast! Twin or double bedroom with tea/coffee facilities. Wi-fi. Shared bathroom. Yurt with woodburner, campstove. Single or double.
Carters Cottage, Julia Reckhouse, 16 Silver Street, Glastonbury, BA6 8BS  Tel: 01458 830253  Mobile: 07980 332607
Attractive Victorian Cottage in the heart of Glastonbury town centre offering B&B. Situated in a quiet side street parallel with the High Street and beside the Abbey grounds. Very convenient for the Abbey, Tor, Rural Life Museum, buses, shopping and eating out. An hour from Bristol Temple Meads Station; half an hour from Castle Cary Station. • Twin bedded room • Bathroom with bath/power-shower & bidet • Continental breakfast • Garden • Attractive dining/sitting-room • Come and go as you please • Reiki by arrangement • Some French spoken • Friendly resident cat. We look forward to welcoming you.
Coig Deug B&B, Kath Watson, 15 Helyar Close, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 9LQ  Tel: 01458 835945  Mobile: 07900 312142
Peaceful, welcoming home set in a nice cul-de-sac so very little traffic noise.. It is 4 minutes walk from the bottom of the High Street. All rooms have digital TVs and DVD players, clock/radio, tea/coffee facilities and central heating. Fans, hair-dryer and iron available. Chemical free cleaning. Ample free car parking. Also Broadband available. Prices from £22.50. Reduced rates available on longer breaks and group bookings. Therapies offered: Reflexology, Healing (including animals), Hopi Ear Candles and Counselling.
Dragonfly, 37 Manor House Road, Glastonbury, BA6 9DF 01458 832986
Enjoy a truly unique experience in this Victorian B and B. Situated on a quiet street in the heart of Glastonbury (3 minute walk to town center), Dragonfly offers a unique and enjoyable Bed and Breakfast experience. Family, double, twin and single rooms available with car parking in the street outside the property. An organic, wholesome breakfast is provided and special diets catered for. Aromatherapy, Colour and Sound Therapy, Crystal Healing and Reiki treatments are offered to enhance you stay. Feng Shui consultations may be arranged during your visit..
Number 11, Caroline Sherwood, 0845 373 2768
Two cosy single rooms. The Tardis has a bunk-style bed on a raised platform, and a desk. The Yellow Room doesn’t have a desk, but it has a regular single bed and a view of the garden. The house is peaceful, clean, and comfortable and near a convenience store and buses. ~ off-street parking ~ ~ 10 mins walk to town centre ~ ~ 20 mins walk to Chalice Well through leafy back lanes ~ Breakfast is muesli, fruit, toast and teas/coffee. I set the table, and you help yourself at a time to suit you. £22 per person per night.
Camping & Caravan Parks
Ashcombe Farm Certificated Site Ashcombe Farm, Steanbow, East Pennard, Glastonbury    01749 890153
Ashcombe Farm is situated on the A361, 4 miles from Glastonbury, 5 miles from Shepton Mallet. Opposite the site is the Apple Tree Inn.  The site is level and offers electric hook ups, hard standings and toilet and shower facilities.
Bridge Farm Certificated Site Bridge Farm Certificated Site , West Bradley, Glastonbury  Somerset  BA6 8LU Tel: 01458 850431
Bridge Farm is a quiet secluded site with an excellent view of Glastonbury Tor and the home of Kingshay Farming Trust. We offer the opportunity for visitors to stay on a picturesque working dairy farm. We can offer the following facilities and services:  Electric Points- Batteries Charged- WC and shower- Dogs Welcome- Children Welcome.

Directions: Directions From Glastonbury: - Follow the A361 towards Shepton Mallet - About 2 miles from Glastonbury turn right for Baltonsborough and West Bradley - Take first left for West Bradley - At T-junction turn right - After quarter of a mile turn off first right towards Baltonsborough - Sign on gate for Bridge Farm and Kingshay - Farm 200 yards on left hand side
Dragon Willows Farm Camp Site, Godney Road, Glastonbury Somerset BA6 9AF Tel: 0778 598 5643
Dragon Willows Farm is our little piece of paradise. We're Andy and Karin Shaw and we bought 8 acres of grassland and small bungalow in July 2010. We aim to create an eco, animal, and food friendly, self-sustaining smallholding. We want to share the experience and the beauty of the countryside so there is a small caravan and camping facility on our plot. Currently the camp site is under renovation during which we are only able to provide limited facilities. There is access to fresh water and a chemical toilet disposal point. So if your caravan/camper van is more or less self-sufficient , we would love to see you. We're within walking distance or short drive to Glastonbury town with it's unique little shops and abbey ruins.
Glastonbury Cottages And Caravanning Glastonbury Cottages And Caravanning , Higher Edgarley House , Ashwell Lane, Glastonbury Somerset   BA6 8BG  Tel: 01458 835069
Glastonbury Cottages and Caravanning is a Camping and Caravan Club members CS site although if you are not members and if space allows, you are still welcome to visit. You can join the club on site.Nestled at the foot of Glastonbury Tor with panoramic views over the Somerset Levels to the South, it is close to all things Glastonbury!  With the Local Glastonbury Tor bus service passing close by every 20 minutes (April to October), it is an ideal place to park up and simply relax and enjoy the superb setting using the Adirondack chairs which are provided for your complimentary use. For those that wish to explore further afield, flag down the local Tor jump on jump off bus for an easy trip into the Town passing all of the historical sites on the way.  As this site is restricted to only 5 pitches and 10 tents, advanced booking is advised. We offer on-line touring pitch selection reservations with a simple safe and effective payment and confirmation system. Please visit our web site to book using the link provided above. Directions: 1 mile from Glastonbury heading East towards Shepton Mallet, 300 yards after the turning to Ashwell Lane on the left is the entrance with the site being 300 yards in.Please see our web site to obtain specific driving directions via our dedicated Google Maps page.
Greenacres Camping Greenacres Camping , Barrow Lane , North Wootton Glastonbury Somerset     BA4 4HL  Tel: 01749 890497
Greenacres is an award-winning family campsite, set in the beautiful Somerset countryside. Our quiet 4.5 acre site has wonderful views of Glastonbury Tor and a backdrop of the Mendips that offers a peaceful, get-away-from-it-all holiday. In 2010 AA Inspectors awarded the site a Merit score of 95%, the highest in Somerset. The Alan Rogers Guide of hand-picked sites describes Greenacres as "a true haven of peace and quiet". We're also one of the select sites featured in the Cool Camping guide for England, with "a safe and comfortable environment for young families to enjoy camping".The site is flat and easily accessible. There is plenty of space for children to play, with swings and slides etc.PLEASE NOTE - WE DO NOT ACCEPT DOGS OR CARAVANS.Twitter us @greenacrescamp  Directions: Greenacres is 3/4 mile to the west of North Wootton village, at the centre of a triangle joining the towns of Wells, Shepton Mallet and Glastonbury.From the M5 take Exit 23 to Wells. The best approach to North Wootton is from the A39 Glastonbury/Wells road at Brownes Garden Centre. Follow the campsite signs.From the A361 follow the campsite signs from the turning at Steanbow (2 miles).
The Old Oaks Touring Park, Wick Farm, Wick, Glastonbury Tel: 01458 831437
The Old Oaks Touring Park is a Multi award winning, adults only caravan site and campsite offering large landscaped pitches for caravans, motorhomes and tents. Set amongst the peace and tranquility of the Somerset countryside, this 5 Star caravan park is impeccably kept, spotlessly clean and the perfect location for your West Country holiday.Facilities: Touring Caravans * Practical Caravan Top 100 Parks - Regional Winner 2008 *Adults Only Camping and Caravanning * All Year Fishing On Site - NEW FOR 2009 - Fishing Competitions - Win a FREE holiday! *Disabled Facilities *Large All Weather Hard Standings *Serviced Pitches *Senior Citizen Discount. Directions: From M5 motorway: Leave M5 at j23. Take A39 towards Glastonbury. From Glastonbury head towards Shepton Mallet on A361. 250 yards after passing under footbridge, turn left at sign for Wick. The park is on left in 1 mile. From Wells: Take A39 towards Glastonbury. Follow signs for West Mendip Hospital. Just past hospital turn left at sign for Wick and Brindham. The park is on right in 1 = miles. From Shepton Mallet: Take A361 towards Glastonbury. Turn right at sign for Wick, 150 yards past Tor Stone. Park is on left in 1 mile.
Orchard Farm Certificated Site Orchard Camping, Catcott Road, Burtle, Nr Glastonbury  01278 722123

Our peaceful campsite is set in the beautiful Somerset countryside but within a few minutes walk from the Village of Butleigh with its Pub (0.4m) and local shop/PO/Bus stop (0.8m). The larger towns of Street and Glastonbury are 4 miles away and the A303 only 5 miles. The level site occupies about 1 ac and is set within 6 ac of traditional Cider Orchard. Here you can walk in and enjoy the many birds, bats, owls and butterflies. The site is dry, level and very sheltered being surrounded by mature hedges. There are plenty of country footpath walks from the site and the small country roads are excellent for bike rides (we have a few for hire). Children welcome . Dogs welcome but must be controlled.
Directions: From the A303 at Podimore roundabout take the A372 towards Langport. After 0.25 miles take first right showing brown sign to Lytes Cary (NT) and Charlton Mackrell.
Follow this road for 3.25 miles passing through Charlton Mackrell to a T-Junction with the B3153. Turn right and then immediately left. After 0.5 mile take the second right signposted to Butleigh. Travel for 1.7 miles, going 200m past the memorial then taking the next right. The site entrance is 100m down this road on the right.
From the A39 Glastonbury/Street take the B3151 towards Somerton. After 0.6miles at the traffic lights turn left towards Butleigh. Travel on this road for 3 miles through Butleigh Vil

Rose Farm,  Westhay, Glastonbury  Somerset  BA6 9TR  Tel: 01458 860256
Static Caravans For Hire, Dog Friendly, Tent Pitches, Caravan Pitches, Motorhome Pitches, Chemical Disposal, Toilet Block, Hot Showers

The Isle of Avalon Touring Caravan Park, Godney Road, Glastonbury 01458 833618
Within walking distance of the town centre of Glastonbury, the Isle of Avalon Touring Caravan Park has 120 level pitches of which 70 are all weather pitches. The toilet blocks have privacy cubicles in the ladies section and the hot showers are free for both sexes. Pitches are of a goodly size and have space for vehicles alongside the unit, as well as an awning. Disabled facilities include two self-contained units and there are ramps to the office and shop. Apart from the obvious delights of Glastonbury and its Abbey, a short drive away is Street with its factory outlet shops. . M5 junct 23, A39 to outskirts of Glastonbury, 2nd exit signed Wells at B&Q rdbt, straight over next rdbt, 1st exit at 3rd rdbt (B3151), site 200yds on right
Abbey Barn En Suite Accommodation,   Doulting, Shepton Mallet  BA4 4QD   01749 880321
This lovely Grade II Listed Licensed Bed & Breakfast, offers a warm welcome, comfortable en-suite rooms,really Superb Breakfasts, a cosy resident's lounge/bar with a log fire and a beautiful garden with parking. Situated on the A361, 2 miles east of Shepton Mallet, in the historic village of Doulting

Belfield House,  34 Charlton Road,    Shepton Mallet,    Somerset  BA4 5PA     01749 344353
 Charles and Rosie Francis welcome you to Belfield House, our aim is to make your stay as enjoyable as possible, whether you are in the area on business or on holiday. Belfield House is a comfortable Edwardian residence built in 1907, offering 3 star-rated accommodation. The house has 7 letting bedrooms, which comprise of one double room en-suite, one family room en-suite and two twin rooms en-suite which are on the first floor.On the second floor we have one double and two single rooms, which share a shower bathroom but have their own hand basins. All rooms have a television and tea and coffee making facilities and access to wireless Internet. We have a travel cot and high chair for younger guests and hairdryers, iron and ironing board are available on request.Breakfast is served in the cosy dining room and we offer a full English breakfast with the choice of cereals, porridge, fruit, yoghurt, toast and tea and coffee. We can cater for most dietary requirements if prior notice is given.
Bowlish House, Wells Road, Shepton Mallet, BA4 5JD  01749 342022
We have 6 bedrooms here at Bowlish House ranging from top floor family rooms, to first floor double rooms including a four poster double bedroom. Three bedrooms restored to their original decor, finished all to high standards. With only two other bedrooms to be restored, they all hold a tremendous amount of character, which is shown throughout the house. All fitted with en-suites, equipped with a bath or shower. They all feature mini-bars, digital television and radio stations. For personal or business use there are telephones fitted with an analogue internet modem, while some rooms have a wireless broadband connection.
Bowermead House,    Whitstone Hill,Pilton,Somerset,BA4 4D T01749 890744   mobile: 07785 582276
Attractive 18th century house in 5 acres of garden and pasture overlooking the Vale of Avalon. Only 3 miles from Bath and West Showground. Full country breakfasts. Entry 300 yards off A361 sign Burford/West Compton, Bowermead Lane. Ideally situated for Glastonbury Festival. Ample off-road parking. Stabling and pasture available for horses.
Bridge    Weavers Bridge,Lower St,Pilton,Shepton Mallet, BA4 4DT   01749 890151
Come and join us at the Bridge. A peaceful retreat in the heart of Pilton – home of the Glastonbury Festival (close to Shepton Mallet). We are central for Bath, Bristol, Glastonbury Ruins and the Glastonbury Tor. Also close to Clarks Shopping Village and Strode Theatre in Street. A surprisingly spacious B&B with ample parking. We have 2/3 double rooms with availability on the ground floor, large sitting room with log burner. WiFi & Sky TV facilities. Beautiful garden complete with babbling brook and fire pit. Short to long term lodgings.

The Bull Terrier
01749 343658
Burnt House Farm   Windsor Hill,Nr Shepton Mallet,Somerset,BA4 4JQ   01749 840185
Comfortable double and twin rooms in newly refurbished farmhouse in rural setting with stunning views across Somerset. Ideal for walking and visiting Bath and Wells. Turn west off A37 two miles north of Shepton Mallet at signpost for Mendip Fireplaces. Turn right at Fern Cottage to Burnt House Farm.
Cannards Grave Farmhouse, Cannards Grave, Shepton Mallet,Somerset BA4 4LY  01749 347091
A renovated 17th Century Farmhouse situated on the main A37 offering AA 4 Diamond rated Bed and Breakfast with en-suite rooms. Currently listed in the AA Best B&B Guide. Treat yourself to a night in our Four-poster Room or stay in one of our double, twin or family rooms, all of which offer a top quality, comfortable nights stay. The rear facing rooms have far reaching countryside views and all rooms are double glazed.Cannards Grave Farmhouse offers perfect accommodation for those on business in the Shepton Mallet area and it is an ideal base for anyone wishing to explore the delights of the West Country
http://images.activehotels.com/images/hotel/max300/274/2744667.jpg Charlton House, Charlton Road, Shepton Mallet, BA4 4PR 01749 342008   4-star country house hotel
Charlton House Spa Hotel offers a range of accommodation suitable for all tastes. Whether you are simply looking for a comfortable room to lay your head, the latest technology to allow you to work from your room or a four poster to impress the one you love, our dedicated team will be delighted to recommend to you a room to suit your needs.There are 27 luxurious bedrooms and suites which have been designed to suit your individual requirements. Each bedroom proudly displays an identity all of its own, with quality and comfort the only features in common.

Cross Elm    Upton Noble,Shepton Mallet, BA4 6AX   01749 850201
New house on working dairy farm. Wake up to great views to woods and King Alfred's Tower. Two minutes from A359. Local to Bath & West Showground, Bath, Longleat, Stourhead and Cheddar Gorge. Friendly welcome with good local knowledge. Local produce and pubs nearby.
Crossways, North Wootton
                        - hotel Photo Crossways, Stocks Lane, North Wootton, North Wootton, Somserset BA4 4EU
A beautiful ad traditional Somerset inn, this hotel is close to Wells and Glastonbury in some of the most unspoilt countryside in the area. The history of the building dates back to 1704 and has in recent years been completely redeveloped to make a modern and exciting place to stay. The staff is friendly and happy to assist you in getting the very best from the local area.
The Dusthole | Shepton Mallet Inn or Pub The Dusthole, 1 Cornhill Terrace, Garston Street, Shepton Mallet BA4 5LN           Inn with accommodation
The Kings Arms, a unique15th century coaching inn, once owned by the Babycham family a perfect place to stay on your journey from Stonehenge to Glastonbury. A crossing point between Avebury Stone Circles and Wells Cathederal. Close to Longleat Safari Park, Cheddar Gorge, Wookey Hole, and Clarkes Village very near to the Royal Bath and West Showground. Known as The Dusthole by locals it is set in an idyllic corner of Somerset on the outskirts of Shepton Mallet standing in a muddle of weavers cottages and manor houses 15 miles from Bath and Bristol. Unchanged but modernised, the ideal English country inn. We are just off the ancient Fosse Way. During the winter you can enjoy fine in house produced food and drink in front of a roaring log fire, whereas on balmy sunny summer days you might decide to go al fresco under a thatched umbrella on our patio or in the tranquility of our secluded picturesque suntrapped gardens!
The Highwayman Inn | Shepton Mallet Inn or
                        Pub The Highwayman Inn, Cannards Grave Road, Shepton Mallet, Somerset BA4 4LY       Inn or Pub
Located just off the A367/A37 motorways, making it easily accessible for those traveling by car, The Highwayman Inn in Sheption Mallet is a great place to stay for guests looking for a quiet weekend where enjoying the English countryside is first on the agenda. This 3 star accommodation in Shepton Mallet in England is perfectly situated for taking day trips to popular tourist spots such as Bristol and Bath, that is when not enjoying the wonderful area of Shepton Mallet. This 3 star Shepton Mallet hotel boasts a very friendly and welcoming staff who are always willing to lend a helping hand and give you the insider tips on where to go and what to see while in Shepton Mallet. The Highwayman Inn also features a wonderful restaurant which serves traditional English meals as well as a Real Ale Bar and pool table for a bit of down time while at the hotel.
The Holcombe Inn Photo The Holcombe Inn - Stratton Road, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA3 5EB
    This 17th century Grade II listed building, takes its name from the village in which it is situated, and is packed with original features and interesting nooks and crannies. The Holcombe Inn offers quality accommodation and excellent food in a restful country-inn environment. Visit the local area including Bath, Bristol and Wells, and return for an evening meal in the award-winning restaurant. Staff at the recently and extensively refurbished inn are sure that you will find it a delightful place to stay.
Home Farm    Batcombe, Nr Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 6HF   01749 850303
Home farm overlooks the picturesque village of Batcombe. This idyllic spot is exceptionally peaceful and the Frederick family offer all guests a warm welcome and a comfortable stay.
Lilac Cottage   Gurney Slade, Radstock, Somerset,BA3 4TT   01749 840469  mobile: 07840 733338
Charming 18th century house on the edge of the Mendips in village location between Bath and Wells. 10 minutes from Bath and West Showground. Two village inns within easy walking distance. Ideal touring base for Bath, Wells, Glastonbury, Cheddar and Longleat.
Longhill Farm B&B    Longhill Farm, Ditcheat, Shepton Mallet,BA4 6QR  01749 860189
Longhill Farmhouse is a grade 2 listed family home on the outskirts of the beautiful village of Ditcheat. We have three ensuite rooms, tastefully decorated, and can cater for all dietary requirements. You can be assured of a warm, friendly welcome! Beauty Therapy studio on site.
Long house , Mount pleasant, Shepton Mallet, BA4 4BP   Tel: 01749 890701
Come and stay in our 18th century property, nestled in the picturesque village of Pilton. We are a family run Bed and Breakfast. We have three rooms, a double, a twin and a family room (with a double and a single). All our rooms have been recently refurbished and are ensuite, with flat screen televisions and tea/coffee making facilities. Our prices start from £25 per person per night and this includes a full cooked breakfast. We can also cater for specific dietary requirements, and welcome children. We are situated approximately 2 miles west of the Bath and West Showground.

Malt House, Bread Street, Pilton Somerset BA4 4BQ   01749 899466 / 07901 535076
Welcome to Malt House. This beautiful 16th century cottage set in the heart of idylic Pilton,home of the Glastonbury Festival.  Pretty cottage garden and warm and comfortable accomadation.  Local produce for you breakfast. Evening meal available on request. Children and pet friendly.  Just 5 mins from Royal Bath and West Showground. Central to a host of wonderful local attractions. 

Manor Farm
Old Frome Road East Horrington, Shepton Mallet,
01749 679832
Stunning 14th century home, luxury B&B. 2 miles from Wells. Huge breakfasts served any time to suit.Peaceful and relaxed; games room; children welcome; BBQ; croquet and boules. Great pub 1 mile walk away along country lane. 15 minutes from Showground and Glastonbury.
photo of the exterior of the Manor House
                        Inn The Manor House Inn, Ditcheat, Shepton Mallet, BA4 6RB  01749 860276   ****
Simon and Kinga welcome you to the Manor House Inn in the beautiful village of Ditcheat, situated between Shepton Mallet and Castle Cary, with views of the Mendips, the ideal place to eat out, to enjoy a fine drink or stay if you are touring or holidaying in the area.
Mansefield House     Binegar, Nr Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA3 4UG   01749 840568 mobile: 07896 524175
A warm friendly welcome awaits you at Mansefield House. ¾ mile off Bristol, Shepton Mallet A37 and Bath/Wells B3139. Comfortable en-suite bedrooms. Ground floor suite available. Hearty English breakfast. Village pub within walking distance, offering good food. Ideally situated for Wells, Glastonbury, Street, Cheddar, Bath, Royal Bath and West Showground, nearby golf courses, Chew Valley Lakes and Bristol Airport.
                        | Shepton Mallet Guest House Maplestone Hall, Quarr, Shepton Mallet, Somerset BA4 5NP   01749 347979
The house, now the home of Donald and Gillian Sinclair, has a picturesque walled garden and is built into an ancient quarry. Originally 17th century weavers' stone cottages, it is hidden in the old part of Shepton Mallet in a unique muddle of manors, mills and cottages which run along the Sheppey River valley. At Maplestone we are able to offer comfortable bed and breakfast accommodation in our characterful cottage interiors. We are within walking distance of town and have ample car parking space.
Middleton House Bed and Breakfast Middleton House ,   68, Compton Road,    Shepton Mallet, Somerset BA4 5QT 01749 343720
A warm, friendly welcome awaits you at Middleton House B&B, Shepton Mallet, Somerset. All rooms are en-suite with countryside views yet Shepton Mallet town centre is only a ten minute walk away. We provide most comfortable accommodation for both holiday and business guests. All rooms have countryside views, en-suite facilities, flat screen televisions, alarm clocks and free Wi-Fi access. Tea and coffee making facilities are provided along with a full hospitality tray giving you a choice of biscuits and hot beverages. Bottled spring water is also provided. Hair dryers and ironing facilities are available on request
The Moody Goose At The Old Priory Hotel The Moody Goose At The Old Priory Hotel - Church Square, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA3 2HX
With a rich history dating back to the 12th century, the beautiful Old Priory Hotel is home to the award-winning cuisine of the Moody Goose restaurant. In Midsomer Norton, in the heart of Somerset, the Old Priory has 6 en suite rooms with historical character and luxury touches. The Moody Goose was once a popular restaurant in Bath before owner Stephen Shore moved it to the Old Priory Hotel. It serves modern English cuisine using only the freshest local ingredients, including some that are grown in the Old Priory's own garden. Enjoy traditional features such as real fireplaces, flagstone floors and oak beams.
Mulberry House, Darshill,  Shepton Mallet,  Somerset    BA4 5HZ     01749 344598
ulberry House Bed and Breakfast is part of a four storey house in a conservation area. We provide relaxed, comfortable accommodation within walking distance of Shepton Mallet and close proximity to Bath & West Showground, Glastonbury and Wells. The house is built on the site of an old silk mill, which was demolished in 1975, two days before the preservation order was issued. The new house is built with the stones from the original building, which is reputed locally to be the mill which made the fabric for Queen Victoria’s wedding dress.
The Oakhill
                        Inn | Shepton Mallet Inn or Pub The Oakhill Inn, 1 Fosse Road, Oakhill, Somerset BA3 5HU 01749 840442  4-star inn
 The Oakhill Inn offers five elegant and rural rooms offering high class bed and breakfast. All the rooms have en-suite bathrooms, TVDVD, tea and coffee facilities and the most comfortable beds made with the best Egyptian cotton bed linen. There is a family suite available and rooms one and five both have baths as well as showers. Our freshly prepared menus are full of local and seasonal produce and this is reflected in the excellent breakfast, home made old spot sausages and bacon and local free range eggs, apple juice from The Orchard Pig and fresh coffee all feature along side home made jam and marmalade and freshly baked pastries. Oakhill is a pretty Somerset village, close to Bath and Wells, the area has a lot to offer tourists with some fantastic walking, climbing and caving activities. There is an excellent golf course half a mile from the Inn and the area in littered with cider farms. Chedddar Gorge and Wookey Hole are popular attractions near by and for those who want to shop the Mulberry factory outlet is just up the road and Street village is a shopper paradise. Glastonbury is also very close and the Abbey and Tor are both worth a trip.
View of the
                        house Old Dairy Rooms    Rodmore Farm, Evercreech, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 6DW   01749 830531
Tastefully converted former 2 storey dairy and cheese room, on working farm. Traditional farmhouse breakfast.5 mins from Royal Bath and West Showground.  Own secluded garden, private lounge and dining area. Easy reach of Wells, Glastonbury, Bath and coastal resorts.
The Old Parlour    Fosse Road, Oakhill, Nr Bath, BA3 5HY   01749 840331
A warm welcome awaits you at The Old Parlour, a newly converted barn with ample parking near the village at Oakhill. All bedrooms are en-suite and on ground level overlooking the pond and woodland.
                        shepton mallet The Old Stables    Hurlingpot Farm, Chelynch, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 4PY   01749 880098
The Old Stables is a carefully restored grade II listed barn, of outstanding character. It offers a high standard of accommodation near Shepton Mallet. All rooms are en-suite, centrally heated with T.V. and beverage tray. WIFI access throughout. A traditional farmhouse breakfast, using locally sourced produce whenever possible, is served in the 17th century beamed dining hall.

Paradise House Bed and Breakfast   Long Street, Shepton Mallet  Tel: 01749 343502
PARADISE HOUSE is a Grade II Listed stone-built house within the Conservation Area of the friendly Somerset village of Croscombe, just 3 miles from the Cathedral City of Wells. An ideal location for walking in the Mendip Hills, cycling and birdwatching on the Somerset Levels and outlet shopping at Clarks Village. Only 5 miles from the Royal Bath and West Showground with its many shows, fairs, exhibitions and events. Paradise House is only a couple of minutes walk from 2 unspoilt local pubs where you will receive a warm welcome. Both serve snacks and full meals. Also close by is Croscombe Village Stores selling lots of delicious foodstuffs plus newspapers and wines (& local Cider!). Children can visit the newly installed & well equipped outdoor play area next to the Village Hall. Graded 4 Stars by VisitBritain, I offer very comfortably furnished and well decorated bedrooms complete with well-stocked hospitality tray, Freeview TV, radio alarm, hairdrier & complimentary toiletries. WiFi available (no charge). Room prices include a delicious & plentiful Continental breakfast with a daily "Paradise special".
http://www.bedandbreakfastdirect.co.uk/photos/817.jpg Pecking Mill Inn and Hotel, A371, Evercreech, Shepton Mallet, BA4 6PG  01749 830336 / 01749 830006  **
Set in the beautiful Somerset Countryside, this 16th century building offers Bed & Breakfast, a full A-La-Carte Restaurant and a peaceful and relaxing bar. We also have a beer garden situated next to a stream. The newly refurbished bar has original flagstone floors, beamed ceilings, an open fire and stone walls. Between Castle Cary (main line to Paddington, London and Cornwall) and Shepton Mallet on the A371 one mile from the Bath & West Showground.. Close to Glastonbury, Longleat, Chedder and Wells,  The local places of interest include Clarkes Village, Haynes Motor Museum and the East Somerset railway at Cranmore.  The restaurant offers a-la-carte menu with comprehensive wine list of red and white wines. We also serve cocktails and liquor coffees.
                        Hill Bed and Breakfast | Shepton Mallet B&B Primrose Hill Bed and Breakfast, Knowle Farm Bungalow, West Compton, near Shepton Mallet, Somerset BA4 4PD    01749 899279  4-star bed and breakfast
Recently built property offering quality B&B or self catering accommodation with ample parking and wheelchair access. Situated in a quiet picturesque valley with beautiful views. Central for Bath and West Showground, Pilton, Wells and Glastonbury. There are 2 family rooms and 1 double all en suite on the first floor also large lounge/diner and small but extremely well equipped kitchen.The ground floor has 1 double, 1 twin and private bathroom.
Riverside Grange Riverside Grange   Tanyard Lane, North Wootton, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 4AE   01749 890761
Charming converted tannery quietly situated on river edge overlooking cider orchard in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. There is a village inn within short walking distance. The comfortable non-smoking rooms have tea and coffee making facilities and colour television.
Roses Farm Bed & Breakfast. Wraxall, Shepton Mallet, Somerset BA4 6RQ  Tel : +44-(0)1749 860261  Mob: +44 (0)7870815540
Roses Farm Bed and Breakfast Accommodation can be found in the beautiful Somerset countryside near Bath, Wells and Glastonbury. The Bath and West Showground near Shepton Mallet is only 8 minutes away. A great location for those looking for peace, quiet and relaxation in quality bed and breakfast accommodation.
The Shrubbery Hotel and
                        Bistro Shepton Mallet The Shrubbery Hotel , 17 Commercial Road, Shepton Mallet, BA4 5BU  01749 346671 
A cosy retreat from the world, for both locals and travellers alike. The hotel has seven individually styled bedrooms, gorgeous food and a  well stocked bar. There are books to read, vintage board games to play, and a lovely garden, to sit in and enjoy tea and cakes or a chilled glass of wine.A boutThe Shrubbery Hotel and Bistro Shepton Mallet The Shrubbery Hotel re-opened in July 2008 following six months refurbishment and modernization. Housed in a former rectory it is owned and operated by Eric Bow and his team. They aim to give you a relaxed and comfortable stay in your home away from home. Location: The hotel is located in Shepton Mallet and is ideally situated for walking holidays in the Mendip Hills.
We are Only 4 miles from the world famous Glastonbury festival site and Glastonbury Abbey. We are 2 miles from the Bath and West Showground and within easy

Stratton Farm Stratton Farm, Stoney Stratton, Shepton Mallet Somerset BA4 6DY Tel:  01749 830830
 At Stratton Farm we offer self-contained Bed & Breakfast Accommodation with a quiet relaxed atmosphere and quality service. We have now had our old stable barn converted in to a comfortable two bedroom holiday cottage which can sleep up to six people. Stratton Farm is a 200 acre former dairy farm, and the Doble family have lived here for over 100 years. There are often sheep on the farm, there may be six pet ewes and lambs and during the winter months 200-300 sheep graze the fields.
Stumbles Inn banner Stumbles inn  27-29 town street, Shepton Mallet, BA4 5BE  Tel: 01749-344995
Photo  The Thatched Cottag Inn, 63 - 67 Charlton Road, Shepton Mallet, Somerset BA4 5QF Tel :     01749 342058  ***
A Charming, historic 340 year old thatched cottage inn, with bar, restaurant, large accommodation rooms and function facilities.From the moment you walk in to the Thatched Cottage you are welcomed with a friendly smile, where you will be greeted within  the elegant open plan bar with oak beams, open fireplace, oak panelling and relaxing sofa’s and chairs. A place to sit, socialise and relax with a pint of real ale, a glass of wine from our extensive wine menu or even just enjoy a hot coffee. The decor mixes traditional with contemporary through cream walls and leaded glass mullion windows. We know you will enjoy the character of this fine building as the clink of glasses and sound of laughter resonate through the soft background music. We also have free WIFI connection in the bar, conference and accommodation.Following through to the two level restaurant, you will find two other open fireplaces and a Swiss wood burner, oak beams and candle lit seating for 52 people, our English themed menus offer superb food at a very high quality within a competitive price, is just perfect. Cooking style is modern British, all cooked with enthusiasm from fresh local Somerset produce where practical. The Cottage has 8 en-suite rooms of excellent size and indeed the en-suites in this historical Inn are very spacious and have all the modern comforts.
 Valley View Farm Bed and
                        Breakfast Batcombe Shepton Mallet Somerset
                        England UK Accommodation http://www.england-breaks.co.uk/PropImages/640am_valley.jpg Valley View Farm    Batcombe,Shepton Mallet,Somerset, BA4 6AJ   01749 850302
Situated within walking distance of pub and picturesque village. Splendid views. Local produce used when possible. Homemade cider available. 15 minutes from Bath and West Showground. Ideal for visiting Bath, Wells, Longleat, Salisbury and Cheddar.
                        Farm B&B Whitecroft Farm Bed & Breakfast     Whitecroft Farm, Pylle, Shepton Mallet, BA4 6ST   01749 838692 Mobile: 07841 840065
A comfortable, recently refurbished farmhouse in the heart of Somerset, situated opposite the Bath & West Showground, just off the A37. As well as a friendly welcome and en-suite accommodation, we offer ample off-road parking.
Bear Inn by Marstons Inns, The, 53 High Street, Street Somerset  BA16 0EF Tel : 01458 442021
The Bear Inn is a traditional pub in the small town of Street in Somerset. The Inn boasts a spacious interior filled with cosy corners and a large beer garden and terrace to enjoy in the summer months. Food is served all day and our traditional pub menu and daily food offers mean you can be assured of great quality and value at every visit. The hotel boasts two function rooms which makes it a great choice for those on business trips. Street was a small farming community until the mid 19th century when Cyrus Clark set up his shoe factory and built housing and leisure facilities to provide for his workers. Now, the manufacturing arm has moved abroad and the old workshops have been turned into a Clark’s Retail Village offering designer and high street clothes at outlet prices. The town itself is located in a rural area, less than two miles from Glastonbury and only ten minutes from the M5. The Bear Inn's hotel accommodation consists of 24 comfortable and spacious rooms situated either above the pub or in our neighbouring cottages. We also have plenty of free parking for hotel guests and we are located a minute’s walk from the Clark's Retail Village at the edge of Street.
Easter House, Bed and Breakfast
                        Accommodation, Street Easter House, 7 Glaston Road, BA16 0AW Somerset      01458 443284
Easter House is a character Town House built in 1885 of local stone which offers light, bright contemporary rooms. Located close to the centre of this bustling village with excellent shopping, pubs and restaurants. It is ideally placed for Millfield School, Clarks HQ and village and only 1.2 miles from Glastonbury, good for business travellers or as a holiday destination. A great weekend getaway.
Photo of Firside - B&B Hotel Bed and
                        Breakfast Accommodation in Street - Firside 2
                        middle brooks Street Somerset Firside, Firside 2 middle brooks, Street, Somerset BA16 0TT   Tel  - 01458-440082
Blue Lias House,built in 1928 by Joseph Seymour who discovered Blue LIas in the area of Street.Our house has charming views over the country side and yet only 5 mins walk to Clarks Village and a 5 mins drive to Glastonbury. The bedrooms all have views and one has a view towards Joseph Seymour unusual house,we provide a selective menu for breakfast and vegetarian/Vegan alternative. Many tourist destination are within a short walk or drive such as Chalice Wells,the Tor in Glastonbury.Also easy reach of Wells Cathederal and many tourist sights such as Stone Henge,Cricket St.thomas and many more.

HILLTOP, 29 Grange Avenue, Street, Somerset BA16 9PE  Tel  - 01458441020
Detached dormer bungalow offering friendly accommodation. Twin bedded room available with shared bathroom. Within walkin distance of Clarks Village and a short drive from Glastonbury and Wells.
Photo of Marshalls Elm Farm Bed &
                        Breakfast - B&B Hotel Bed and Breakfast
                        Accommodation in Street - Marshalls Elm Farm
                        Street Street Somerset Marshalls Elm Farm Bed & Breakfast, Marshalls Elm Farm, Street  Somerset BA16 0TZ  Telephone - 01458 442878
Marshalls Elm Farm a 450 year old farmhouse is situated in the Polden Hills amongst National Trust land ,there are many lovely walks with fine views across the Somerset Levels. Millfield school is ½ mile away, Clarks Shopping Village 1 mile away and Glastonbury about 3 miles away. At Marshalls Elm Farm, Helen, Austin or the boys will offer our guests a warm welcome. Formerly an Inn, Thomas Hardy mentions the Inn in one of his poems, “A Trampwomans Tragedy”.It has been a farmhouse for about 100 years. Our family have occupied it for the last 65 years and Bed & Breakfast has been part of the family business for 40 years.
External Photo of Mullions Mullions Hotel & Restaurant,   51 High Street, Street, Somerset, BA16 0EF    tel     01458 445110

Mullions No.51 is one of Street’s most established accommodation providers, welcoming guests from all over the world for more than 34 years. We are ideally situated for business visitors to Clarks International, parents for Millfield School, & leisure guests looking to experience the delights of Somerset or the West Country’s largest outlet shopping centre which is Clarks Village.     We have 21 en-suite bedrooms from standard singles right up to larger, superior doubles, twins & family rooms, so have accommodation to suit most budgets.    Mullions’ Breakfast Kitchen & Café is open in the mornings for our bed & breakfast guests, & also to the public for coffee, cakes, breakfast & brunch.    We have private & free on-site parking for residents.
http://www.no29.co.uk/images/B&B_Street_Somerset2.jpg No29, 29 Grange Avenue, Street Somerset BA16 9PE  Tel: 01458 441020
Accommodation that offers a friendly welcome and a peaceful and comfortable nights rest. No 29 is situated within walking distance of Street High Street and Clarks Village and is 10 minutes drive from the historic town of Glastonbury.  En suite Bedrooms, Tea and coffee making facilities, hairdryers, wireless internet access and TV/DVD,  Child friendly Free off-road parking available
breakfast outdoors OLD ORCHARD HOUSE, Middle Brooks, STREET Somerset BA16 0TU  Tel  - +44 -(0)1458 442212
Welcome to the Salmon family’s quality Bed and Breakfast accommodation, situated in the village of Street, near Glastonbury, Somerset. Old Orchard House is a modern, comfortable, centrally heated home with a large garden. In summer the rare Large Blue Butterfly can be found on the nearby National Trust land at Collard Hill and the White Admiral at Shapwick Heath. We are open all year round and are within 5 minutes by car from Millfield School, Street High Street, the Strode Theatre and the factory shops in Clarks Village. We are 6 minutes from Glastonbury, 15 minutes from Wells and 40 minutes from Bath. We are completely non-smoking and do not have a television but provide a warm welcome with newspapers, books and magazines to read in front of a log fire in the sitting room on cold days. Maps, brochures and information on places of interest are all provided to help make your stay memorable. We are happy to give advice on the local area and to suggest and sometimes lead walks in the Somerset countryside.
http://www.britainexpress.com/images/accommodation/lr/LR211705.jpg Pike &  Musket, 160 MAIN STREET, STREET Somerset BA16 9QU    Tel: 01458 442988
Small friendly village pub with comfortable rooms. Good food and a variety of drinks on offer. Perfect location by being within walking distance of Clarks Shopping Village and a short drive to Glastonbury, Bath, Wells, Cheddar, Wookey. Great shopping in Clarks, Yeovil, Taunton and Bristol. Just a few miles off the M5.
Two Brewers The Two Brewers, 38 Leigh Road, Street, Somerset BA16 0HB   01458 442421
Welcome to the Two Brewers, a traditional family-orientated pub situated at the heart of the Somerset village of Street with a friendly and inviting atmosphere, free of music and electronic games machines. We have three comfortable letting rooms, each with it’s own en-suite, dedicated parking and free wifi. Created from the former Four Star AA rated and FREE Wifi
stable block, all bedrooms have a view of the
pub garden.
Wessex Hotel Wessex Hotel, High Street, Street, Somerset BA16 0EF  Tel: 01458 443383
The Wessex Hotel in Somerset has a range of accommodation to suit all needs. Whether you are a weary business traveller stopping for one night only or staying over the weekend or longer with time on your hands to explore the many attractions of this area. All rooms are en-suite with brand new bathrooms and brand new furniture and soft furnishings in complimentary, natural tones. Our rooms are all large and square, no broom cupboards available, giving ample space to relax and unwind. Drift off to sleep in comfort on an orthopaedic sprung mattress or get set for the day sitting in an easy chair by the window with your morning newspaper delivered to your door.Looking for a touch of luxury or a romantic break in Somerset, then choose one of our larger four-poster rooms, complete with white fluffy towels and bathrobes, luxurious toiletries and a selection of chocolates, flowers, champagne and fresh fruit to order to surprise a loved one. These items can be pre-ordered and available in your room upon arrival or can be ordered directly from your room by contacting our friendly and helpful reception staff.
Photo of West Barton House - B&B Hotel
                        Bed and Breakfast Accommodation in Street - 52
                        Manor Road Catcott Street Somerset West Barton House, 52 Manor Road, Catcott, Street, Somerset  TA7 9HD  Telephone - 01278 723533
West Barton House offers Bed and Breakfast in a quiet village above the Somerset Levels and Moors, just 5 miles from the M5 (junction 23). We are conveniently close to Clark's Shopping Outlet Village at Street, and also Glastonbury and Wells. We have two guest bedrooms - a double and a small single - which are in a self-contained annexe attached to the house.  There is a separate entrance to the annexe, and guests are free to come and go as they please.  We serve delicious breakfasts each morning using local and organic produce.
Ancient Gate House Hotel, Sadler Street, Wells, Somerset, BA5 2SE 01749 672029
14th-Century hotel with rooms overlooking Wells Cathedral, with 4-poster beds and a restaurant specialising in Italian cuisine. Open all year. Special offers available. Complimentary WiFi access. Rooms: 1 single, 1 twin, 4 doubles, 3 four-posters, all en-suite.
Picture of Beaconsfield
                        Farm, Wells at LateRooms  
Beaconsfield Farm, Easton , Wells, BA5 1DU tel: 44(0)1749 870308
Award winning 5 star period character country farmhouse in a peaceful rural setting surrounded by 4 acres in an area of outstanding natural beauty with views of Mendip Hills and Somerset Levels. Close to Wells, Glastonbury, Cheddar, Wookey Hole, Bath, and Weston-Super-Mare. All high quality invidually styled rooms. Breakfast 8.30 to 9.30am or early breakfast at 8am. Regrettably I am unable to accept cards for payment - PLEASE PAY BY CHEQUE OR CASH WHEN CHECKING OUT. Normal check in time is between 4 & 7pm unless otherwise requested. No dogs, except guide dogs. Internet access and wi-fi available in the guest lounge.
Picture of Glencot House,
                        Wells at LateRooms Millers at Glencot House, Glencot Lane, Wookey Hole, Nr Wells, BA5 1BH  01749 677160
Nestling at the foot of the Mendip Hills, just where the River Axe emerges from the fathomless darkness of Wookey Hole, Glencot House creeps from the shadows to capture the hearts of all those who cross her threshold.. The Victorian mansion, built in grand Jacobean style, boasts the most elegantly theatrical interior of any country house hotel. Filled with exotic antiques and ancient curiosities it successfully combines vintage luxury with relaxed intimacy. Brides Magazine by Conde Nast has voted Miller\'s at Glencot House the 45th best wedding reception venue from around the world. Rooms: 3 Double Rooms, 1 Twin Room, 2 Four Poster Beds
Picture of Ston Easton
                        Park – Part of von Essen hotels, Bath at
                        LateRooms Ston Easton Park, Ston Easton , Bath, BA3 4DF Tel: 01761 241 631

Step into this luxurious hotel, with its crackling log fire, antique furnishings, country charm and warm welcome, and you’ll know you’ve arrived somewhere special.Take a stroll outside into the 36 acres of glorious parklands – complete with the quietly cascading River Norr running through the grounds – and you’ll see that the opulence inside is matched by the beauty outside.Because Ston Easton Park – a superb Palladian mansion nestled in a romantic West Country estate – blends rich heritage with the exacting standards of a four-star hotel.Not only does the hotel boast an idyllic Mendip Hills setting, but it also features an authentic Victorian garden that provides much of the produce used in our award-winning restaurant.Remarkable rooms like The Library and the magnificent State Rooms add further to the classy air that pervades Ston Easton.

These beautiful features – always greatly appreciated by guests – include one of England’s earliest surviving Print Rooms, Edwardian Kitchen, and the superb Saloon which was once described as one of the finest rooms in the county.

Swan Hotel , 11 Sadler Street, Wells, Somerset, BA5 2RX  01749 836300
Stunningly located in the shadow of Wells Cathedral, the hotel is steeped in over 500 years of history. The Swan Hotel has a unique charm, offering guests modern amenities in a beautiful and relaxed setting. Recently it has been sympathetically restored and extended, to ensure every comfort within its 49 bedrooms, luxurious suite and self contaioned apartments. Award winning food and attentive staff ensure the perfect venue for any special occasion. Close by are The Bishops Palace, Glastonbury Abbey, Wookey Hole Caves, Clarks Shopping Village, Cheddar Gorge, Stourhead and many more historic sites.
The Crown at Wells , Market Place, Wells, Somerset, BA5 2RP  01749 673457
Superbly located 15th-Century inn. Affordable and comfortable en-suite accommodation. Food served all day, every day in Anton's restaurant and bar. Friendly service, relaxed atmosphere. Open all year.
The White Hart , Sadler Street, Wells, Somerset, BA5 2RR 01749 672056
A classic example of a 15th-Century coaching inn, with cheerful log fires, excellent service and menus to suit all tastes. Situated opposite Wells Cathedral, the hotel is ideally placed for visiting Glastonbury, Street, Wookey Hole, Cheddar, Bath & Bristol. Brufanis Steak & Gourmet Burger Restaurant open 12 - 2pm, and 5.30 - 9.30pm. Parking Available
Wookey Hole Hotel, Wookey Hole, Wells, Somerset, BA5 1BA 01749 672243
New for 2011, 58 bedroom hotel, 2 miles from the City of Wells, set in the pretty village of Wookey Hole. Enjoy access to the rest of Wookey Hole\'s caves and attractions. Elegant bar and restaurant, free DVD library and free parking.Free Wi Fi. 24hr reception. Lift and ground floor rooms available. Rooms: 13 Twin Rooms, 3 Double Rooms, 42 Family Rooms, all rooms ensuite
Cadgwith House , Hawkers Lane, Wells, Somerset, BA5 3JH 01749 677799
Cadgwith House is a modern exceptionally spacious house in a quiet location backing on to a field, a 10 minute walk from the centre of Wells, with parking. We have 3 large en-suite bedrooms offering double, twin or family accommodation. Choice of excellent breakfasts with home made bread and preserves. Complementary WiFi, Dogs by arrangement, Excellent pub nearby. Open all year except Christmas. No Smoking. Rooms: 2 doubles, 1 family (all en-suite).
Islington Farm , Silver Street, Wells, Somerset, BA5 1US  01749 673445
Uniquely situated next to Bishops Palace, on the edge of the city of Wells. Islington farm is a 300 year old farmhouse of character, with beamed ceilings throughout, offering 4 Star Bed & Breakfast accommodation. Private off road parking. In tranquil setting surrounded by fields and parkland. St Andrew's stream runs alongside the house, where kingfishers are seen daily. Just 3 minutes walk away, passing the moated Bishops palace is the ancient Market Place leading to the High Street where there is a varied selection of shops, restaurants and eating places. Numerous golf courses, walking, riding, cycling and fishing are available nearby. Closed Christmas and New Year. Rooms: 1 Twin, 1 Double both ensuite.

Picture of Beryl, Wells at
                LateRooms Beryl, Hawkers Lane, Wells, BA5 3JP   Tel :01749 678738 
Holly Nowell welcomes you to her beautiful home and boutique hotel in the heart of the Somerset countryside.
Built in 1838 this 19th Century Gothic Mansion is a real treasure, set in 13 acres of parkland and gardens, which have been skillfully restored. Beryl is tastefully furnished with antiques and offers you hospitality of the highest order. This boutique Hotel has many interesting architectural features of the period in contrast with some of the latest communication and wireless (Wi-Fi) technology throughout, essential to today's traveller.

Burcott Mill , Wookey, Wells, Somerset, BA5 1NJ 01749 673118
Burcott Mill is an authentically restored Victorian watermill in an 18th Century setting on a 10th Century site, still milling flour daily. You may tour the mill during your stay. Families are especially welcome: we have a playground, small animals, and we offer a complimentary baby-listening service. There is a tearoom on site at weekends from Easter to October. There are two pub/restaurants, farm shop and post office within easy walking distance. Our location is ideal for visiting Cheddar, Wells and Glastonbury. All our rooms have TV, DVD, Freeview, complimentary tea/coffee, a clock radio, individually controlled heating and hairdryer. We have a large car park. For the comfort and safety of all our guests we do not permit smoking indoors. Pets are allowed in some rooms. We have a self-catering apartment for short breaks and longer holidays. Open all year. You won’t be disappointed.

Picture of Coxley Vineyard Hotel,
                Wells at LateRooms Coxley Vineyard Hotel, Coxley , Wells, BA5 1RQ  Tel - 44(0)1749 670285
Set in tranquil countryside, this small, charming hotel has a Mediterranean ambiance and boasts spectacular open views across to the Mendip Hills and the famous Glastonbury Tor. Built around a suntrap courtyard, this family-run hotel is situated in the village of Coxley, just 1.5 miles from the historic city of Wells, in the South Western part of England, great for exploring the many local tourist attractions and countryside. It features a fully-heated outdoor pool (open from late spring through to the end of summer) and a cosy lounge bar for you to relax in after a long day.  Located on the A39, just outside of Wells, Somerset, Coxley Vineyard Hotel provides a relaxed environment complimented by a central location for both business and leisure travellers, easily accessible and with ample on site parking. Most of the rooms are on the ground floor of the hotel and all of them are comfortable, spacious and well appointed and all have ensuite bathrooms, with tea/coffee making facilities, hairdryer, complimentary wi-fi access, and a laundry service is also available.All of our rooms are also available for single occupancy and 4 of the rooms can also be changed to accommodate twin or triple occupancy (with one double bed and one standard single bed). Please check availability with the hotel for twin/triple occupancy, prior to making your reservation. Please note that triple occupancy incurs a supplemental fee of £15.The hotel’s spacious restaurant is open 7 days a week, serving superbly prepared table d'hote menus for both lunch and dinner. The best local produce is used, and this is complimented by an extensive wine list. Or, in summer, you may choose to dine in the open air in our attractive courtyards. The restaurant is open daily for the use of both residents and non-residents. If you wish to dine in the restaurant during your stay, then please contact the hotel in advance to enquire about availability

Dusthole, The Kings Arms Inn, Leg Square, Garston Street, Shepton Mallet BA4 5LN 01749 343781
The Kings Arms, a 15th century coaching inn, a perfect place to stay on your journey from Stonehenge to Glastonbury. A crossing point between Avebury Stone Circles and Wells Cathederal. Known as "The Dusthole" by locals it is set in an idyllic corner of Somerset on the outskirts of Shepton Mallet, a small market town 15 miles from Bath and Bristol. Unchanged but modernised, we are just off the ancient Fosse Way. During the winter you can enjoy fine food and drink in front of a roaring log fire, whereas on balmy sunny summer days you might decide to go al fresco under a thatched umbrella on our patio or in the tranquility of our picturesque suntrapped gardens! Ten en suite rooms, individually decorated.

Picture of Stoberry House, WELLS
                at LateRooms Stoberry House, STOBERRY PARK , WELLS, BA5 3LD  Telephone: +44 (0) 1749 672 906
Stoberry House nestles within 26 acres of parkland and its beautiful 6 acre gardens with breathtaking views over the City of Wells, its cathedral and the Vale of Avalon, is within easy walking distance of Wells. The ancient City with its Cathedral has many interesting historical sights, and Bath and Bristol, Longleat, Stourhead, Wookey Hole and Cheddar Gorge are easily accessible by car, and there are many varied sights and activities in the area. Stoberry was originally the coach house attached to one of the largest early Georgian houses in Wells. This Georgian period coach house has been transformed into a gracious family home. Comfortably furnished reception rooms lead to individually and tastefully furnished bedrooms, all en suite, and with beautiful views of the gardens and surrounding countryside. Guests have the use of the drawing room, TV room, and their own sitting room. We also have a reading room and sitting room to relax in. The garden has seats strategically placed to take advantage of our outstanding views and as darkness falls we light the one and a half acre walled garden so our guests can enjoy the visual difference and

Freedom Cottage, Diane Frost, Pilton  Tel: 01749 890188
‘Far from the madding crowd’ This unique sanctuary from life’s pressures offers luxurious home comforts, scrumptious breakfasts and romantically themed rooms Take a trip round our landscaped garden, seek the Kingfisher and enjoy uninterrupted majestic views of the 12th century village church 6 miles from Glastonbury and Wells, 3 miles from the Bath & West Showground

In-B-Tween Cottage, No 4, Lorne Place, Wells (old town centre)  01749 672857
A charming and unique little Mews place in central Wells. Very quite and beautifully appointed and fully equipped. One double, en-suite bedroom. Fully equipped kitchen and dining area. With far reaching views to the Tor in Glastonbury and the Cathedral in the fore ground. Ground floor sitting area with convertible settee as second bed. Shower room, also on ground level. It is three minutes walk to the nearest restaurant and the town centre. The cottage has its own parking place for one car. It has a small patio and chairs for two in the back.

Wrinkle Mead, Silver Street, Wells, Somerset, BA5 1US  01749 673445
Uniquely situatated on the edge of the City of Wells (England's smallest City) Wrinkle Mead is a riverside stable conversion of the highest standard completed in June 2004. It is adjacent to the magnificent Cathedral and The Bishop's Palace and Gardens. The cottage has a lovely rural outlook over fields and parkland and is part of Islington Farm the owner's property, a small holding of two and a half acres. Just a few minutes walk away passing the moated Bishop's Palace is the ancient Market Place which leads to the High Street where there is a varied selection of shops, restaurants, inns and eating places. Markets are still held every Wednesday (Farmer's Market) and Saturday throughout the year. There is a park, bowling green and children's playground just across the road. We also offer Tea and Coffee making facilities in all the rooms. The cottage is available all year round, including the Christmas and New Year period. Bookings are from Friday to Friday. A deposit of 25% is payable on reciept of your booking and the remaining amount to be paid in full 6 weeks before the date of your holiday. Prices are available on request. Short breaks are available either from Monday to Friday or Friday to Monday. No pets are allowed and the Cottage is non smoking.

http://www.global-blue.com/brands/article37527.ece/ALTERNATES/w277h119/Logo_Clarks_VillageThe image
        “http://www.tauntondeanemorris.co.uk/Images/Clarks.jpg” cannot
        be displayed, because it contains errors.
AdidasTelephone: 01458 441857
Offering a fantastic range of Adidas branded sportswear and equipment at discounted prices.
Telephone: 01458 841831
Classic women's clothing plus Eastex for smaller fittings
Austin Reed
Telephone: 01458 442105
With over 110 years of dressing the nation for success, Austin Reed provides premium tailoring with a modern, classic twist for a look that is sharp and sleek for both men and women. With a comprehensive range of shirts, ties, and accessories there is a style to suit every personality. The same design credentials apply to Austin Reed outerwear and casualwear; find premium knitwear, rugby tops, casual shirts, jeans and jackets for dressing down in style.
Aquascutum is all about understated British elegance. Selling stylish men's and women's wear the brand is renounce for fine craftsmanship, luxurious tailoring and attention to detail, creating a company with a quintessentially British point of view for whom the pursuit of style is a way of life.
The British weather is famed for its inclemency and unpredictability. Aquascutum invented the first waterproof cloth in 1853 and created the raincoat to protect English gentlemen and ladies from the brandInfos and preserve their stylish appearance. This understated approach to solving a perennial fashion problem (how to look elegant in the hustle and bustle of city life) has continued for over 155 years.
Telephone: 01458 445980
Specialising in tailoring and career wear in both contemporary and classical styles.
Ayerst & Graces
Telephone: 01458 898242
Ayerst & Graces – where jewellery meets design
Featuring British led award winning jewellery, with an onsite workshop for repairs and bespoke designs. High quality, innovative designs including brand names such as Sarah Jordan, Latham & Neve, Reckless Necklace, Michael Peckitt and Prism Design. Promoting and supporting products made from sustainable, ethical and recycled resources.
Barbour @ Orvis
Telephone: 01458 443805
Men's and women's country apparel and fine fly-fishing gear at discounted prices from America's oldest mail order company.
Telephone: 01458 840039
Established in 1951, Bedeck design & source a wide range of Bed & Bath, both under its own Bedeck brand and also Sanderson and Designers Guild, which are produced by the company under licence.
Readymade curtain and living accessories are also available in-store.
Telephone: 01458 442585
Bright Italian casual wear for men & women.
Telephone: 01458 447000
Citing real people and real clothes as the inspiration for the wearable, timeless pieces, Bench have become renowned as the brand that offers multifunctional, urban street wear with its own unique stamp.
Telephone: 01458 446724
Quality branded surf and leisurewear.
Body Shop Depot
Telephone: 01458 441952
Famous for toiletries, cosmetics and bathroom products.
Burger King
Telephone: 01458 447056
Flame grilled burgers, fries and soft drinks for all the family.
Telephone: 01458 840457
A wide range of Cadbury's famous name brands.
Cafe Mattia
Telephone: 01458 840666
Continental style Coffee, Baguettes and Ice Cream Bar.
Calvin Klein
Telephone: 01458 840557
A definitive statement of the complete range of Calvin Klein Underwear, Loungewear and Sleepwear for Men and Women.
Chapelle Jewellery
Telephone: 01458 841159
Chapelle Jewellery has a spectacular selection of diamond and gem set gold, silver and platinum jewellery at fantastic prices. With famous watch brands including D&G, Hot Diamonds, Citizen and Casio all with up to 50% off R.R.P. you're sure to be spoilt for choice.

Telephone: 01458 841404
Brand leader in towels, manufacturing 95% of all towels made in the UK
Claire's Outlet
Telephone: 01458 447274
Fashionable jewellery, gifts and accessories.
Clarks Factory Shop
Telephone: 01458 843156 / 843157
Clarks Factory Shopping sells discounted lines, excess factory stock and slight seconds at up to 70% off the RRP.
They offer a wide choice of men's, women's and kids' footwear with fit, quality, comfort and durability assured by Clarks' excellent reputation.
Also on offer is a range of handbags, jewellery, luggage and travel accessories plus outdoor and ski clothing from top brands including Regatta, Craghopper and Dare2Be.
Clarks Full Price
Telephone: 01458 843150
Current ranges of adult's and kids shoes and bags.
Telephone: 01458 446346
Ladies occasional wear, good quality clothing at very reasonable prices.
Cotton Traders
Telephone: 01458 441380
Discover what Cotton Traders has in store for you...
Browse our latest collections, feel the fabrics, check out the newest colours and try on all the best styles for the season ahead.

Quality leisurewear and casual clothes for both men and women, plus footwear, accessories and more – all created to the same high quality and unbeatable value.
Crabtree and Evelyn
Telephone: 01458 841440
Crabtree & Evelyn captures the essence of English style with simple luxuries for the bathroom, bedroom, kitchen and garden.
Crew Clothing
Telephone: 01458 441184
Quality casualwear for all the family.
Dartington Crystal
Telephone: 01458 841618
Renowned English glassware and a range of Port Meirion Pottery.
Denby Pottery
Telephone: 0845 313 7503
Famous Contemporary stoneware plus a range of kitchenware and electrical items.
Telephone: 01458 442010
Dickies are the number one manufacturer of work apparel worldwide, from classic staple workpants and shirts to more casual denim jeans and coats. For the more fashion conscious, Dickies has introduced the ‘Dickies 22' collection which combines style and comfort with Dickies all-important trademark durability and practicality.
Telephone: 01458 441860
Quality bags and luggage.
Double Two
Telephone: 01458 441326
Men's & Ladies casualwear, formalwear & eveningwear, petite & larger sizes available.
Telephone: 01458 440818
It has never been our goal to be the BIGGEST shoe producer, only the BEST! Our mission is simple - to deliver the customer to the most comfortable place on earth, this takes five unique steps:
Edinburgh Woollen Mill
Telephone: 01458 440603
Offering a wide range of ladies and men's clothing, accessories and gift lines.
Event Jewellery
Telephone: 01458 840503
A stunning range of jewellery to suit all occasions and budgets. Watches from Seiko, Pulsar, Rotary and many more. Christening and Anniversary gifts including frames, clocks and cufflinks.
Fat Face
Telephone: 01458 840820
Quality clothing for people who go out and ‘do' the outdoor life!
Telephone: 01458 446016
Innovative, stylish and sophisticated bags.
Food Factory
Telephone: 01458 840647
Hot & Cold Meals to suit all tastes.
Telephone: 01458 840647
Fresh sandwiches, baguettes, patisserie and coffee.
Fusion Recruitment
Telephone: 01458 440950
The recruitment specialists.
GAP Outlet
Telephone: 01458 446962
Shop men's women's kids and baby. Gap Outlet offers a selection of clothing and accessories with the perfect combination of re-worked classics and timeless fashion at a 30% savings for all the family. Gap style. Exceptional value.
Telephone: 01458 441537
The world's largest greeting card producer selling contemporary and classic cards, gifts, novelties, wrappings, trimmings and toys for every occasion.
Telephone: 01458 445286
Quality outdoor clothing footwear and Equipment. Up to 75% off RRP!
Henri Lloyd
Telephone: 01458 445720
Makes of foul weather clothing for yachting and men's and women's clothing at discounted prices.
Home Curtains and Bedding
Telephone: 01458 445194
Quality soft furnishing, lighting & bedding.
Telephone: 01458 447215
Stylish business and occasion wear, for men and women.
Jane Shilton
Telephone: 01458 440162
Fashion handbags, accessories and shoes.
Jeff Banks
Telephone: 01458 446671
Offering an exciting range of mix and match suits with upto 60% off high street prices.
Telephone: 01458 446132
Joules perfectly encapsulates traditional rural living with fun, comfortable styles for living the good life!
Julian Graves
Telephone: 01458 440215
The UK's largest independent, specialist snacks and ingredients retailer.
La Senza
Telephone: 01458 441789
Selling a wide selection of lingerie and nightwear including babydolls, sultry silk nightdresses or cosy cotton pyjamas to suit every mood.
Lakeland Leather
Telephone: 01458 448344
Offering a full range of exclusive yet affordable leather, suede and sheepskin products for both men and women.
Le Creuset
Telephone: 01458 440123
Cooking boils down to ingredients – the better the ingredients you choose the better the results.
We are no different, like you, we don't compromise when it comes to cooking, only our ingredients happen to be iron, steel, clay and silicone.
Le Creuset offers cookware in a wide range of colours, from the most classical to the most contemporary, enabling you to match your cookware to your home décor and tableware.
Le Creuset also offers a wedding list service. The Bride and Groom are invited to come into store to discuss the cookware range they would like to have.
Marks and Spencer Outlet
Telephone: 01458 447893
Selling a wide choice of Womenswear, Menswear, Footwear and Lingerie, as well as Beauty and Home products.
Michael Coopers Studio
Telephone: 01458 445742
The artist's unique collection of originals, prints and cards.
Telephone: 01458 440519
Menkind specialise in boy's toys, digital cameras, football gifts, gadgets, gift experiences, jukeboxes, novelty items, remote control cars, and remote control helicopters. Menkind also sell a range of men's accessories such as, wallets, cufflinks and men's watches from brands such as Ben Sherman, Bench, Diesel, Dolce and Gabanna, Fossil, Ltd, Police, Storm, Superdry, Ted Baker and Timberland.
Telephone: 01458 442641
For more than 26 years, Merrell has been providing outdoor enthusiasts with quality performance footwear.
As the needs of the outdoor enthusiasts have changed, so too has Merrell's approach to addressing those needs. Over time, the concept of "outdoor" has broadened to include all types of activities and environments - both natural and urban.
Telephone: 01458 840890
Quality women's fashions and accessories.
Moss Hire
Men's formal hire.
Mountain Warehouse
Telephone: 01458 448433
Outdoor specialist in clothing, footwear and equipment.
Next Clearance
Telephone: 01458 844070
High street leaders in men's, women's and kid's fashions.
Nike Factory Store
Telephone: 01458 448188
The world's best for sports apparel, footwear, accessories and equipment.
Telephone: 01458 440871
Silverware & Gifts from the world's largest manufacturer of cutlery.
Telephone: 01458 441938
The luxury leather goods store is best known for its vintage-inspired leather bags and accessories, and has a worldwide reputation for high class English luxury leather with a twist
Past Times
Telephone: 01458 840441
Gift and homewares inspired by the past.
Pasty Presto
Telephone: 01458 442129
Freshly made products including pastries, patisserie, sandwiches, soups, salads, gourmet coffee and soft drinks.
Telephone: 01458 446703
Ceramics, glassware, textiles, placemats, trays and candles in best and seconds quality ware across all patterns.
Prices Candlemakers
Telephone: 01458 440006
Traditional and contemporary candles and accessories.
Telephone: 01458 840893
CQuality kitchenware and top brands. Everything you need to update your kitchen.
Telephone: 01458 841849
Established way back in 1975, Rohan are specialists in travel and outdoor clothing. As long as you know where in the world you're going and what you're planning to do when you get there, they can supply you with everything you need to keep you dry, warm, comfortable or cool. And because you're to be living out of your travel bag, everything they sell is engineered to be as lightweight, packable and easy to care for as possible.
Roman Originals
Telephone: 01458 441675
Women's clothing covering a wide age and size range.
Telephone: 01458 448767
A fine range of Saltrock surf clothing, surf fashion, beachwear and accessories for men, women and children at factory outlet prices.
Sonex presents Sony
Telephone: 01458 841555
Stocking the latest in home cinema, digital imaging, integrated technology & portable audio at discount prices.
Sports Direct
Telephone: 0870 333 9579
Sports Direct is devoted to offering the biggest brands of sportswear, footwear and sports equipment at guaranteed low prices, stocking top brand names such as Nike, Adidas, Puma, Reebok, Umbro and Lonsdale.
Sports Direct caters for all the family with a range of clothing and footwear for Men and Ladies, as well as dedicated areas for Kids, alongside specialist areas catering for Football, rugby, Running, Racket-Sports and Golf enthusiasts.
Starbucks Coffee
Telephone: 01458 441416
Leading retailer, roaster and brand of speciality coffee in the world.
Telephone: 01458 441228 / 442345
Exclusive jewellery, creatively designed for major department stores.
Sunglass Time
Telephone: 01458 443007
Designer Sunglasses at great prices.
The National Trust Giftshop
Telephone: 01458 440578
The best of British gifts.
The Perfume Shop
Telephone: 01458 443575
Perfume, Eau de toilette and Aftershave from all the major perfume houses of the world, all at affordable prices.
The Works
Telephone: 01458 441640
A comprehensive range of best sellers books plus an excellent range of back catalogue titles covering most categories all at excellent value for money.
Telephone: 01458 841553
Chocolates for the connoisseur.
Telephone: 01458 446014
A comprehensive range of footwear for men, women and children plus a fantastic selection of clothing for men and women.
Tog 24
Telephone: 0845 389 1864
Established in 1958, TOG 24 has a vast experience of the great outdoors. With a wide selection of performance outdoor clothing, accessories, footwear and ski wear, all TOG 24 gear offers a great combination of quality and superb value for money. Whether you are going walking, hiking or skiing TOG 24 has the product you need- and our knowledgeable staff will be on hand to help you select the right product for your activity. From GORE-TEX jackets to Polartec fleece, TOG 24 is the place to visit for all your outdoor needs- whatever the weather.
Tor Stone
Telephone: 01458 440500
For all your balustrade, birdbaths, sundials, urns, pots and troughs. Water features and decorative garden ornaments from the normal to the weird and wonderful.
Telephone: 01458 443052
Outdoor technical clothing.
Telephone: 01458 840700
Lingerie, men's underwear, swimwear and nightwear.
Tula Bags
Telephone: 01458 447515
Tula, the leading brand in leather handbags in the UK. A classic approach to styling fused with the best of contemporary fashion trends.
Villeroy & Boch
Telephone: 01458 448983
The German based company produces sleek, contemporary, ceramic tableware, cutlery, crystal and bathroom furniture.
Telephone: 07717 274757
Offering a wide range of mobile phones and phone accessories at greatly reduced prices. Up to 30% off all 'pay as you talk' phones and accessories, plus all pay monthly phones are free of charge!
Waterford Wedgwood
Telephone: 01458 840450
China and Crystal from this globally recognised brand.
Weird Fish
Men's, ladies and children's clothing, accessories and footwear in Weird Fish style
Telephone: 01458 448533
Womenswear with design at heart offering a grown-up style with a sophisticated fashion edge.
White Stuff
Telephone: 01458 448789
Lovely clothes for lovely people - relaxed styling, lovely detailing and discreet branding for men and women.
Whittard of Chelsea
Telephone: 01458 446568
Specialists of the finest teas, coffees and gifts.
Telephone: 01458 443296

Yumi draws inspiration from London street style, combined with emerging trends and vintage chic. Yumi offers a liberated collection that appeals to the style conscious consumer with an eye for intricacy, creativity and quality. The brand as a reputation for its vibrant colours, and is recognised for its eye-catching womenswear, childrenswear and accessories, they provide the most up-to-date styles, colours, and fabrics.

The image
                cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. https://cardmgt.bpscards.com/clarks/images/_views/home/side.jpg

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday: 9am - 6pm
Thursday: 9am - 8pm - LATE NIGHT SHOPPING
Saturday: 9am - 6pm
Sunday: 10am - 5pm*

*Please note due to Sunday Trading Laws stores over 3000 square feet will open at 10.30am on Sundays for browsing only and will resume full trade from 11.00am.

Bank Holidays

Opening Hours - 9am - 6pm


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                  image “http://www.tigerdoomgolf.co.uk/postergirl.jpg”
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Fosseway CC,
Charlton Lane, Midsomer Norton, Radstock, BA3 4BD

Frome ,
Critchill Manor, Frome,
BA11 4LJ

Isle of Wedmore,
Lineage, Lascots Hill, Wedmore, BS28 4QT

(sec) Mead Run, Compton Street, Compton Dundon, Somerton

Long Sutton,
Long Load, Langport, TA10 9JU

Mendip Spring,
Honeyhall Lane, Congresbury, BS49 5JT

Frome, BA11 2PH

East Horrington Road, Wells, BA5 3DS

Wheathill, Somerton,
TA11 7HG

Cupid Centre Wessex Horseriding
Tel: (01749) 673145
Wedmore Rd,
Tel: (01934) 743746
Wookey Hole,
Nr Wells
Tel: (01749) 672550
Lyncombe Lodge,
Tel: (01934) 852335
Tel: (01458) 442291

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